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Everything posted by Venice

  1. Manifesting some big and bold Lana sounds/production for RCS ???
  2. Yeah I remember that too!! I definitely also think she'd be releasing music left and right if she wasn't with a label and all their standards and rules
  3. I've never actually seen scat stuff either lmao I'm just.... speechless and really grossed out. Rock Candy YEET my way outta here before I get sick ?
  4. Really? They gross me tf out and disgust/upset me ? I wish hahah Anyway!! Contemplating between which hat to get (red or black) and I've been indecisive for days... Idk if this means I should get both or neither
  5. Venice

    Adore Delano

    Aww, I love Adore!
  6. Yes!!! Or at least a song titled that. It could be that one song we can:
  7. Venice

    Melanie Martinez

    I have to agree. Even my own cultural practises are often misunderstood/misrepresented by the media and masses. Some sacred things are appropriated, while non-important things are misinterpreted as super sacred, etc. As someone obviously from my own culture, I should be listened to, no? If anything, we should hear out people from the culture in question even louder than what we hear on the news or are taught at schools and what not, because they do indeed know better...! They live that reality. Anyway, these are just my two cents
  8. Okay well even if RCS gets SADLY delayed somehow, there is still that second poetry audio/book I'm thirsting for
  9. Oooh I didn't even think of that, that makes so much more sense! Yeah, I see what you mean now. Omg I hope then that it truly is finished and right around the corner
  10. Is it even a thing to release two albums with this little time in between? I can't think of any examples.
  11. Yep exactly! That's what I meant with keeping the password unique for this site Nice, thanks for sharing that! And yeah this definitely was not all accounts bc this didn't happen to my friend on here My email and password for Lanaboards is actually unique to only Lanaboards and nowhere else! Always has been like that, so it can't have been any multiple combination problem Thanks for looking into this and good to know about the encryption! EDIT: And thank you for all your hard work and dedication into this site ?
  12. Yesterday Lanaboards went offline for me for a while, and then I woke up to this notification: I've never had this happen before! Just sharing as a warning to maybe keep your password more unique for here, especially as this site isn't secure/not encrypted (no HTTPS/SSL protocol so far) EDIT/UPDATE: site is encrypted, but still keep your password unique! . Stay safe!
  13. Venice

    Doja Cat

    Laaaate but recently I fell in love with the instrumental of Streets (which I heard first), then eventually the whole song and then the video and now I'm on another planet ?? Love love love.
  14. Venice

    Instagram Updates

    https://www.instagram.com/p/CMn04b-BPy9/ Late, but this made me so happy, especially after all she went through this recent past year Idk why but it reminds me of after you're done crying and feeling like shit, the first smile afterwards or just the first feeling of something really good after a difficult time. And you feel happy to be here Beautiful.
  15. I'm still not fully awake yet so I just realized this album, date and title are actually confirmed so far, oh my hod godogd YESSSSSSSSSS. MORE SINGLS. MORE VIDS. MOR
  16. Oh yess. Tbh everything hits me differently while driving, but especially and particularly Lana
  17. Remember how it was said that CoCC didn't come out exactly how Lana was intending (I forget which source said this but I'm sure y'all remember lol it was so recent)? Well, I've been thinking about how she barely did promo for this era (at least imo...) and how pretty much immediately after this release, instead of any post-release promo or talk of anything CoCC-related, she went straight ahead to discussing and promoting the new upcoming album this June. It makes me feel that maybe she isn't truly happy with how this album came out and just wants to move on quickly?? Thoughts?
  18. I was going page by page here quickly trying to figure out where this title idea came from, only to realize there are already 80+ pages. Good job everyone!! ?? I'm sooooo looking forward to a potentially psychedelic rock/rock influenced/alternative rock type of album, anything like that. When it was said she's wanting to release something very different from her usual, my mind just went to straight up country which I'm not into at all, especially with the "spending so much time in a close circle of country music friends" comment ? But I never imagined it could just as much mean something like rock! Maybe like country rock...? Which I can't imagine (something like Carrie Underwood's Before He Cheats is like "country rock" pop to me but I can't at all imagine Lana doing that kind of genre, although again it was said she wants to do something she's never done before so who really knows :-)). But imo Lana's already done a bunch of stripped down music/bunch of piano ballads etc. so if this is really supposed to be a really different direction then I can assume it shouldn't be straight up country which wouldn't be too surprising. So let's see!! Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me LMAO I just really don't like country okay Lana is queen in the experimental world though so I'm excited for this nonetheless.
  19. Times like these I especially wish I had a bestie who was into the same music I am Feels so lonely lmao, like freaking out with someone you love over the same artists/music would just be so magical
  20. Does anyone know if there are any other confirmed music videos/singles coming up??
  21. It's ok! I also personally love heavily produced songs. This album, while objectively well done like NFR, doesn't hit me the way the others did and it's just due to a lack of production compared to the others. I'm definitely 100% in love with White Dress though ? But otherwise, while I'm generally not into piano ballads/acoustic-like/stripped down styles of music, I'm sure her future works will be appealing as she experiments often
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