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Everything posted by Venice

  1. Never thought I’d spend so much time thinking about Nevada
  2. Multiple places have called it by now based on current votes and projections, but AZ is about to officially release their numbers soon with a final ballot drop. EDIT: Here's a Reddit thread that's extremely quick and responsive to any questions and updates
  3. LOL, it is. I was in Vegas a couple years ago and only from the plane did I realize seriously just how much most of it is desert. Regardless, people are saying Nevada will probably take until tomorrow to finalize and that there's a better chance of PA being called tonight. In other news, there's only a 0.8% difference in Georgia now! Everything is looking good but it's all for sure a slow, slow fizzle.
  4. The Trump campaign is now trying to sue in Georgia to stop ballots. Clearly, they're nervous about GA - Biden is now only 45k behind.
  5. What on god's green, flat earth is goin on what a time to be alive.
  6. Nevada might be done counting tonight but though that's uncertain, there's a good chance it'll be able to be called soon. Wishing all the best for my blue bitchez. Got this. If we have AZ, we don't need PA. Of course, it would be great though! Maybe even GA. Cherry pie.
  7. Damn, MI and AZ are called for Biden. Just Nevada left and then it's a Biden win. PA can be the cherry on top if it wants to
  8. I've changed my mind and I'm now confident in a Biden win. For Trump to win now, he has to get GA, NC, PA, and hope that NV/AZ flips, lol...
  9. MF Florida having me on the edge of my seaaatttt.
  10. Lans saying blue 10001010 times. Manifesting this.
  11. Probably means nothing but I had a vivid dream (and I rarely dream lately) last night that Biden won. I was looking at the resulting map behind the news speaker, trying hard to quickly figure out which states he had won, but then I woke up I'm really not sure if dreams ever mean anything, so I'll leave this here as my own experiment lmaoo.
  12. Was stuck in a depressive state all day and what finally broke it was Playing with Fire by Blackpink I'm basically high off endorphins and adrenaline rn but, damn, god blessss these lil angels for existing. They actually cheered me up at the end of a very blue day ♡
  13. Venice

    Song vs. Song

    I'll fix dis The Blackest Day (Demo) vs. Fine China
  14. Venice

    Ariana Grande

    I like Safety Net and Motive. Overall, I'm pretty underwhelmed by the album. She's one of my fave artists for sure though and I hope the album does well anyway. I wonder if I feel this way about this one bc I thought her last couple albums were some of the best I've ever heard and so in my mind it's maybe too hard to beat or match with? Probably
  15. Venice

    Ariana Grande

    Halfway through it and I'm bored, and I'm actually shocked I feel this way bc her music usually lights me up
  16. Venice

    Ariana Grande

    Just started listening to the leak, but these comments don't sound promising :'( Damn it, Ari was supposed to fill the empty void Lana has blessed me with until further notice
  17. Yeah! I guess it really all depends on which point everyone is at in their lives. I thought I truly understood deep love and pain when her old music was out, but nope, I was too naive. It wasn't until the NFR era that I had my heart and soul absolutely shattered and then her music hit so differently... I'm still not fine but I'm looking forward to COCC and will try my hardest to associate it with good things, or at least memories that aren't so saddening!
  18. Absolutely!! Some songs are golden on that album but they really upset me skjfkshdf. I'll try to not let the past ruin my future happiness too <33
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