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Everything posted by Venice

  1. OH RIGHT I messed that up rn, but originally I felt surprised with the amount of pages for the amount of poems (30). I still am. It's a lot... I just didn't expect this. It's a much bigger work than I imagined.
  2. Even with the added photography, I was originally surprised at the thickness of the book considering the amount of poetry - 128 pages(!!!) over 30 poems. But after reading LA Who I Am To Love You today, with its incredible length, it all makes sense and I'm even more so impressed and happy with how much work she's put into this project. And judging by the length of the audio and the speed she read it at, it's easier to tell that most of these poems, if not all, have so much to say. I love it. ETA: Page number correction smh
  3. The poems are just so long (in a great way!) it's almost like it's too much content for me to take in at once, so if possible, I'll probably dive into the poems early
  5. I love how she says LA out of breath the third time, the emotion
  6. I thought she'd talk a lot slower. However, since the song lengths are the same, it means the poems are a lot longer than what I thought
  7. Hmm so then the time really was location-based, though I'm wondering why it was on Apple and not all the other platforms like Audible. And then just one "single" on Spotify so far. Not another messy release... WHY
  8. Hmm I don't think it has anything to do with Taylor, I think Lana just naturally enjoys writing and making a lot of music and dropping it whenever/casually, like how she's talked a lot about her desire to do surprise releases. I'm happy she has enough creativity to keep making art, and hope she doesn't slow down
  9. Lmao there has to be songs listed for the next peep! Hit And Run Burning Desire Ultraviolence
  10. Hopefully it does but if not, I'm sure someone could get another and ship you it, I know I'd do it !
  11. Right? Society scrutinizes women for getting older, and then scrutinizes them when they go for fillers etc. to maintain that very youth that everyone's obsessed with. Can never win I hope in the future people overall just let this go so we can all grow in peace.
  12. Everybody's Everything, the documentary
  13. Venice

    Book Thread!

    Many pics are gone because plenty of hosting sites like Photobucket changed their rules (i.e. no more free hosting) or shut down, so sadly a ton of imagery was lost That's so great how you have that many books! I have so many myself, sort of all over the place though
  14. Yeah he started it, but I meant those continuing to spoil things all over YT comments etc.
  15. 5 Centimeters per Second: One More Side (by Makoto Shinkai and Arata Kanoh)
  16. The winner(s) (keeping it a mystery for good measure lol) got leaked a few days ago, with the psycho fans spamming the spoilers everywhere, taking away any last chance of a thrill. ✓
  17. I just hate how this season was completely predictable right from the start. Anywaaay, I wish both Juju and Shea could win this. The double crowning we actually deserved.
  18. Feels like I'm looking at Lana while in heaven - I think you did a great job!
  19. I'm really excited that it's accompanied with music. Like wether it's quiet and serene background music or crashing waves, I can imagine her voice speaking over it and it'd be such a beautiful exp. Also, with her speaking rather than singing the words, I think it'll feel a lot more personal too. I'm also just really glad this project really did come to fruition! Finally, a poetry piece (especially the book!!! can't waaaait) by little Miss Lana.
  20. Venice

    Taylor Swift

    I'd say that's pretty fair to say I love her 1989 album (an all-time fave), and while this new one is beautiful too, I also find that it lacked intensity. Like all in all, a bit too mellow/dull/one-tone sounding for me. I really loved some of the lyrics though, they really stood out to me and spoke to me. I also found it interesting that she took such a different direction this time, and I enjoyed the aesthetics very much too!
  21. Yes, though I don't game anymore: The PS4, PS2, 3DS, DS, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and other vague older ones like the PS Vita and PSP. There are way too many games on the shelf to list, so instead, some of my favourite classics are Yu-Gi-Oh Capsule Monster Coliseum, Banjo-Tooie, BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Twisted Metal 4, Dark Cloud 2, and Zelda (all). Do you own any form of the world map, like a globe or photo?
  22. Pre-ordered the poetry thingsz - my body is ready Now if only this album would hurry up and be announceddddd.
  23. Venice

    Instagram Updates

    I agree. I'm Asian and a big majority of my specific culture isn't made up of sacred, deep things either (like that asian head piece Lana wore on tour, which has no meaning lol, it's just pretty). I understand cultural appropriation (i.e. the sacred Indigenous head piece that is reserved for significant figures in that community so it's disrespectful for random people to parade around in it) but like, this is a damn plaid shirt. I actually think when people start calling out innocent things like this, that they're the ones who are truly causing a divide among society and being problematic.
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