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Everything posted by Venice

  1. Omg I didn't know what it was, but it felt super short even though it was an average length song. Makes sense
  2. Lmfao ever since Pence said systemic racism is bs and to say otherwise is an insult, a big ass fly visited him and has been sitting in his hair. Suits the scumbag well - looking forward to the memes~
  3. Omg about 30 mins before the storm There are countless streams but here's one of them if anyone wants to join in a bit!
  4. So great. I love how the others absolutely went off with essays about people in their lives etc., and then there's Lana's vague lil haiku-sized quote ? Gotta love her.
  5. Sometimes I really wonder if Lana’s naive enough to where she genuinely isn’t aware how certain things come across to others (like wearing that mesh mask while hosting a busy book signing event or the heated question for the culture rant). Or... if she just goes for publicity? I.e. both of these events included promo for her work. I’ve always loved her deeply since the start really, but I’ve never seen her get like this, or however you wanna put it. Regardless, I just hope these types of situations with her from this year more or less fade away
  6. Yes, if something happens to Trump (including becoming too sick), Pence will replace him. And if something happens to Pence, then Speaker Nancy Pelosi will take over. Not sure about if the election would be postponed or not though, as nothing like this has happened mid-election before and there aren’t clear laws about it ? Plus, a ton of people have already voted early, a mess for sure. Kind of crazy how much things can change depending on Trump’s recovery (if he truly even has the virus that is - you never know these daysss).
  7. My order arrived at the store early! Took me forever to find parking. Then I had to casually risk my life prancing across the chaotic parking lot. This bish always has me suffering Overall, I'm happy with it! The "back cover author photograph by Lana Del Rey" (aka her selfie, lol...) will probably always be a lil off to me (who does that?!? Lana ofc) but otherwise, a solid book! I also love how she dedicated this to anyone who happens to come across it. my heart
  8. Venice


    Lovesick Girls - what depressing and often relatable lyrics Such a beautiful song and MV. They all look stunning. Ahhhh the rest are such gangsta songs. This album is such a mood. A serve.
  9. I'm so annoyed that despite pre-ordering, I have to wait about a week for either pick up or delivery Really looking forward to seeing some interesting lines/photos etc!!
  10. Venice

    Lil Peep

    HELLBOY Stories (i.e. the making of the album) is out now ♥♥ Along with the album and all!
  11. Venice

    Melanie Martinez

    I thought her dancing was incredible, especially in those heels. Couldn't take my eyes off her! Of the songs, Numbers is my fave.
  12. Yessss. Hearing her fresh high register voice after so long reminds me of how much I really missed it.
  13. Venice


    Crackheadedness is definitely a big part of what I find cute, so ? But yeah, well said!
  14. Venice


    I think so! Which I think is a good thing? Because it means so many are so cute
  15. I finally dreamt of her!! Apparently Lana was walking up and down some highway while on the phone and people were discussing it here. I looked out my bedroom window, and there she was, walking the highway! I felt so overwhelmed and had to find a reasonable excuse to run into her without coming off as a psycho fan. So I told my friend to make pasta with me so we could casually walk by Lana, and hope that she'd see us as normal people just eating from our pasta bowls, on a highway... Lmao. We quickly changed into clothes similar to hers, to "blend in" lol and then in a hurried panic, we kept screwing up the recipe. I remember looking at Lana through the kitchen window and mixing the pasta sauce in a craze. So much anxiety. Then I woke up. My mind
  16. Because she only mentioned that the Violet book is coming out this month, I feel like she won't be releasing the album on Sept. 5th. I hope she really does surprise us though! "See ya in 2030! Jk. 2029!" ... play me like a toy
  17. Venice


    Aww, I love BP!!! I'm not a fan of Ice Cream, but all their other songs are 100. My bias is Lalisa ♡
  18. THIS BETTA NOT HAVE BEEN DIRECTED AT ME OR ELSE I will quietly die on the inside thank u.
  19. I don't really love the followers option either (I prefer/miss the friends!) but otherwise it looks like at least the issue with the about me video insert has been figured out, at least I can see it working just fine on your profile
  20. Venice

    Melanie Martinez

    For me I can't decide between Training Wheels, Tag You're It and Carousel! The whole album was great and I was super obsessed
  21. I'm so confident she's saying "trade this money for that can of gin" but that doesn't make sense to say after "we should go back to our kids" which is what I also hear. This is too much for my mind
  22. LDRBlue.mp3 An up to date compilation Blue is my favourite too but then this makes me reflect on lyfe
  23. Damn, and I'm out here regularly having distasteful dreams of random hoes from the past Hopefully the universe will spiritually bless me too soon
  24. I wish she had picked this photo for NFR. She just exudes confidence and serenity here, while glowing in that classic glamorous Lana beauty. It's one of my most favourite shots of her. fghsdhfg
  25. Venice

    Instagram Updates

    Ruining a mood? What's up with you... Distracted driving via a cellphone like that is both illegal and terrible, and when someone does it and people bring up how it's killed their loved ones, it's apparently ruining the mood? I love Lana, she's gorgeous and talented and my absolute favourite, but there is always room for discussion because she's only human too.
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