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Everything posted by Venice

  1. Very soon, no more of this orange nutcase ever again. Good riddance.
  2. Basically, yes! They just have to finish up the remaining votes, though PA has been called for Biden and that alone is more than enough certainty
  3. PA FLIPPED BLUE!!!!!! (and is now called for Biden) Only hours after GA flipped blue. Haven't slept a wink, y'all hoes better be happy af when you wake up ??
  4. You better hold to your promise babe because GEORGIA IS NOW BLUE ♡
  5. It truly is. My body is ready to die but my mind is ready to party ?
  6. Aww, love you ? Have fun!! The updates have been amazing so far. Update: PA @ 18k now omg. So close!
  7. Honestly, I have 495893485 open at like all times LOL, refreshing like a psycho. But here is an excellent one: https://alex.github.io/nyt-2020-election-scraper/battleground-state-changes.html Just look at the first ones for each state, says how many votes remaining etc. in real time For Georgia specifically, which everyone is on edge about rn, this guy is super quick: https://twitter.com/BrendanKeefe For PA or any major real time updates, this thread is def the first to freak out lol
  8. Right when you posted, Georgia's Trump lead went down to 1,479 (:
  9. I just don’t understand why Trump supports are so mad about Biden taking over. I thought Blue Lives Matter?
  10. Over an hour later, now a 26k difference in PA Projected to be a blue state by early tomorrow morning.
  11. 20 mins later, it's now a 1.9k difference! Crazy!
  12. Less than 50k difference in PA now, with still well over 300,000 mostly blue mail-ins to count.
  13. Uh oh, big court win for Trump in PA. Trump's election observers are now allowed to stand 6 ft away from the vote counters compared to the previous 10ft away... Lmao this is so extra, he's really grasping at straws ?
  14. In basically a little over an hour, Biden has netted over 20k more votes in PA. 78k difference now, compared to a 700k difference from last night!
  15. 0.2% behind in Georgia now! Only a 9,500 vote margin difference!
  16. Yesss, it's why I'm so hyped! I can't see it not going blue. Especially as I really, really don't want North America in general to go backwards
  17. PA update: less than a 100k margin difference now, with well over 3x that amount yet to be counted!
  18. ily lmao In other news, since I didn't comment on it yet, I'm soooo glad Lana shared that album info at Denny's! It sounded like she was devastated to hear about the 17 week production delay which threw everything off and so now that that's all come to light, I have more faith in future dates she'll share bc I'm sure she doesn't want a 2.0 of this mess again anytime soon!
  19. Yeah, next update is tomorrow! Ahh I'm so excited. There's a real good shot here!
  20. It's everywhere! You can check this Reddit thread for way more info ♡♡♡
  21. New results from a 90k ballot drop in Georgia - Biden won 22k out of 27k, with now only a 16k difference left! 60k GA votes yet to be counted.
  22. Seeing the amount of Trump tweets getting flagged is fucking hilarious. Dude is having a melt down.
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