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Everything posted by Venice

  1. What a fucking day... Apparently very soon, congress will continue certifying the electoral college vote, so I can only imagine the night is still very young, and not in a good way. Stay safe, everyone.
  2. If anyone's interested, tonight is the Georgia runoffs election This is the only state where the senate vote on election day was too close basically, so they're doing it all over again one final time and counting these results. This'll determine which party will get senate control. So far, the Democrats have a lead (live results here) and the predictions are leaning that way as well (live "famous" needle here). Without a senate majority, the ruling party can't really pass any laws or really get anything done. So this is super exciting and promising! Also! Happy New Year to you all, after all these wild years ?? Things are already gonna be pretty different soon! Especially with Little Miss
  3. THEY SAY HINDSIGHT IS 2020 Now that this wretched year is coming to an end, I'm actually really glad this new era will kick off with the new year!
  4. Just stunning! And I loved her tiny smile at 1:37 ? so many sweet little moments.
  5. Biden formally clinches Electoral College victory with California’s 55 votes. GG.
  6. So exciting to see this all come to fruition If anyone wants to watch the electors vote live! A lot more states will officially cast their electoral votes at 3 p.m. ET. I wouldn't be surprised, I mean people are required to present their official ID for verification there, like a driver's license. People are so naive, lol...
  7. PA has officially certified the 2020 results for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and it's basically a wrap. Even though Trump maintains confidence in his lawsuits and hasn't conceded, he has officially endorsed the decision of the GSA to transition to a Biden presidency.
  8. Oh. My. God. As someone who's never loved the blonde on her, I've been blessed and have changed my mind She looks amaaaazing. How does she look more and more beautiful over time, seriously? Just stunning. And that first "summertime" note slayed right away.
  9. I was a smol child back when Bush won, and am not well-versed in American politics from back then (I'm Canadian)! That being said, despite the current tension, I really do have high hopes for the future with this presidency. That doesn't mean I don't have concerns either, but I do have faith in the good in people. As in, I think most do have good intentions and I guess we'll have to see how things play out over the years. Here's hoping for humanity
  10. I agree with you. I think all parties generally want the same things in terms of those large-scale goals, and I truly hope for more accessibility and affordability in education. I love the way you think. I get you - may everything go over smoothly by that date! PA certifies in a few days which is one of the last and biggest controversial state rn, and while I'm sure there will be no shortage of people who disagree with the results, hopefully there will at least be peace.
  11. This is how millions people felt like back in 2016. Generally speaking, I’m feeling much better about the US this time around. I think we’re on the right track with a leader who is very interested in unity. Of course, these are heavily polarizing times, but what made everything 100x worse is all about to officially get kicked the fck out
  12. It'll be so wonderful to hear her cover some classics I'm unfamiliar with songs from way back in the day so these will all definitely be new to me! She already has such magic in her voice that shoots me backwards in time with even her modern music, so I can just imagine. Love it! I also wonder, many years from now, what our generation's classics will be lol, Gucci Gang?
  13. We love to see it! Imagine peering out of your white house, only to see thousands of people partying, cheering for your end ?
  14. So while the whole world is cheering for Trump's bitter end and his power is steadily bleeding away and his fans are no doubt crying, he's silently golfing ? No statement, just silence, roamin around in a golf cart ? Oh the dissociation.
  15. Biden broke so many records, and is breaking Reddit now too! We love to see it! Check out the amount of awards in the general r/politics thread! This is all almost too much happiness for my lil body and heart to take in Congrats again. An amazing victory.
  16. Mega celebratory livestream of just a shiiiiiit ton of people cheering for victory IT'S FINALLY OVA' FOR HA'
  17. ♡♡ Congratulations, everyone!!!!! ♡♡ The culture is lit
  18. Venice

    Dua Lipa

    In love with Fever And since I speak French, it's just extra special/strange to hear those lyrics!
  19. Whatever those peeps wanna argue about now, it's too late to stop the wave. Out of the black and into the blue
  20. From one Maddie to another, we’re gonna be just fine ? Trump broke the record for being the oldest president to run and it’s unrealistic for him to top that again. Being an unhealthy man who had COVID and just spent the past four years doing the most stressful job on the planet - add four years to that. A better chance he’ll be in prison/financial ruin/Russia/a home/dead by then, honestly. Further, if he can’t win at the height of his popularity and political power, it’s going to be a non-issue 2024. And he won’t have the incumbency advantage anymore. Moreover, we beat the MF once, we can beat him again
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