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Everything posted by Venice

  1. Unquestionably one of the best (on par w SportCruiser imo or just is). I'm impressed with how she personified a city and compared her life, wants and needs to those of LA. All kinds of lines stand out. Sometimes I'll play it just to have it in the background, or if I see it floating around in a playlist and am reminded of how beautiful it is - I think it's because it's spoken word that I don't exactly have to be in a certain mood to listen like I do with a song.
  2. I agree, it's a weird paradox. There are as many wealthy, loaded people in their supercars as there are those who are struggling to reach their dreams. Musicians by the ocean, rap groups break dancing in the streets. The greedy and the givers. The city is a wildcard. I've never seen a place quite like it before.
  3. I visited there 3 summers in a row (except this one ofc, covid) - it's just so... different? That's the best way I can describe it anyway. Everyone and everything is just openly different and weird and nobody cares, in a really good and refreshing way. I feel so alive when I'm there. Then again, where I live in comparison, is dead.
  4. The Doin' Time music vid is now nominated for the VMAs 2020 under "Best Alternative" and up for votes @ http://mtv.com/vma/vote/ !!
  5. Yesss. Also, the title gives me BTD vibes I love that despite these wild times with heated opinions and flak, that she's just doing her own thing and quietly working on her art. Can't wait!
  6. I'm sure it'll be a lovely little time! I do this quite often myself, except it's summertime here and well each season has its own beauty. I guess it made me feel happy to be reminded that I'm not the only one who does just this Nothing like a scenic time with scenic soundtracks.
  7. She posted what like 10 stories on Insta just going off about Lana's appearance (weight) with insult after insult. Agreed! It drives me crazy how people use mental health as a shield for being a terrible person.
  8. Venice

    Azealia Banks

    She's well known as a nut job by now. I can't ever take her seriously lmao, and neither does the industry anymore. She's talented as a singer/rapper but after her countless controversies and erratic behaviour for years, her reputation precedes her now.
  9. My favourite poem (along with LAWAITLY) - so inspiring and nothing short of absolutely beautiful. I love how she mentioned her age too (I remember a paparazzi guy teasingly asking her once what it's like to be 30 now and she seemed distressed and then cursed him) and explained her journey in learning to trust herself and accept that she's her own person, no copy. Some things take a very long time to fully figure out and I appreciate that she normalized a lot of these stressful concepts in her poetry. A glimpse into her mind, 10/10
  10. I go on trips with my friends to the beach who don’t know that I’m crazy I can do that I can do anything My favourite part of probably the entire project. When you're just different from most and you know it, but it's not so simple so you carry on with life like everything is fine and nobody would know any better. A work of art
  11. I love this poem so much. I've struggled with religion a lot in my life as it came between my relationship with my mom after her marriage to a religious (at the time) man, and our stances and outlooks on life couldn't compromise. It's still an uncomfortable topic for me and so being able to listen to a poem like this where I interpreted it in the way that I did and still feel so serene... it just read to me so beautifully. Particularly, the lines: May I never go where angels fear to tread So as to have to ask for answers in the sky But at least I won't have spent my life waiting Looking for God in the clouds of the dawn As an agnostic person... jfgnjdkgjdkng I just feel understood, I don't know. And I absolutely loved the confidence with which she said: because I believe in the goodness in me Because I do too. Sighhh. I just lovvvve. I'm fascinated with the way that she thinks. I hope when I'm older too that I come to terms with a lot of these things. I'm so happy she did this. All of these poems offer something special, a little haven.
  12. I was trying to decide my favourite and it kept changing until I got to a top 6 lmao. I love her poetry and voice sm I believe one is an audiobook and the other is an e-book, but I can't remember which is which though someone discussed it on one of these threads not too long ago How awesome!! I was on a long drive tonight and got stuck in traffic and long lines at the drive thru on the way, which I appreciated, as it was a very magical time listening to each track.
  13. Ahh gotcha. I haven't used iTunes in forever, but if you really can't find a solution, an annoying but simple method could be to audio record your screen and then break that. Then when you have time later, you can crack the DRM. That's all I can think of right now anyway. I do have the file myself though as one giant mp3 which could be broken down though my own laptop is being a crackhead, in its last days...
  14. And can be officially downloaded for free! I already think that's so great as is. Anyone can enjoy it even if they can't afford this at the moment.
  15. Is it one giant mp3 so far? You can always use iMovie to split tracks and rename It's very easy on there!
  16. is my review - knocked me off my feeeet it's so good. My favourite work from Lana.
  17. You said all the right words, I couldn't agree more. It really is tragically authentic. And on top of the way her writing has magic to it, these pieces are far longer and much more extensive than any lyrics of hers have been, so it really does offer a much more transparent and vulnerable understanding of the person she is. This really spoke so much to me. I also felt understood, I'm sure so many have while listening. I'm so glad she went ahead with this medium. And thank you again for originally helping to piece these lyrics together! I know many of us didn't really sleep lol, but now we can die sleep peacefully to this
  18. @@takeitdoen you were so right about your thoughts on this. And I think you said something about how this is your favourite work from Lana ever? It's mine too now It's not only meaningful, each line is elevated by the tone in which she reads it. For example, right when she says "get out of my blood, salamander" my heart died I don't even know which is my favourite out of them all, but this'll keep me listening for a very long time you don't wanna be forgotten, you just wanna disappear So relatable, all of this, idek how to sum it up. I believe I am still lowkey freaking out jsjgnsjgn
  19. Okay thank goodness (even though I didn't do anything here lol good to know, I felt sooooo much anxiety). Thank you for taking the time out to write me this! I appreciate it so much!
  20. Hey guys I've gotten a lot of DMs here asking for the link and I know it's not allowed so I definitely haven't sent a single link or anything like that in any DM message. I don't want anyone in trouble so please don't continue to message! Instead I am wondering if members here are allowed to contact each other via their linked socials to begin with or no? Like in my mind it can probably be allowed since we can link it, right? Or do I have this wrong? Someone let me know, as I wasn't an active member here before this era and dooon't wanna get in trouble either, thanks!
  21. i'm in love. this is not ok this is too beautiful. i feel like i'm high while listening to it but really it's just surreal. every piece has a totally different vibe imo. i can'tttt.
  22. OMG I FOUND IT ALL IKSGKSJRGNSJGSG tbh I can’t handle the amount of poetic perfection that I’m about to snort in rn
  23. Do you mean this? It's only available for a few countries rn, or you can change your VPN to like Australia to see it sooner
  24. On the bright side, considering how all her work always gets massively leaked everywhere, they did a pretty good job here lol
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