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Everything posted by Venice

  1. You know those tons of songs you really love, that you just can't listen to anymore after a long period of time because you just grew out of it? Summertime Sadness is not one of those for me! Even after all these years with changing preferences, SS is still something that my mind doesn't get sick of. It's one of her staples for sure.
  2. Venice

    Lil Peep

    Oh my godddd YESSSS. I've heard these songs before (ripped them from somewhere long ago idek) but this is just something else in high quality. My heart is melting.
  3. Omg I would DIE. That specifically would trigger me
  4. Love it - this is what we need more of on this board. Free speech but also acceptance of difference in perspectives.
  5. I just listened to it and it really put me in a special mood too. I haven't felt this way about a song in a long time. It's just so stunning and soothing.
  6. Oh my god are you me Saaaame. That song was the highlight of my summer that year tbh. Especially those lines. Such a gangsta queen, sigh.
  7. I wish Lana would release some jewelry in her line. I'd love to see necklaces, rings, earrings, wrist bling whatever. I'd love to wear that sorta merch.
  8. NFR isn't my #1 though I do love it - but yes, I also think BTD and UV are the most cohesive.
  9. Sadly, I associated all her new music with a volatile relationship at that time and so it just takes me back to memories I could really do without right now. Some day in the late future, I'll listen to it again when I'm better. As for her older songs, they usually bring me such joy and almost like some sort of relief, even if they're depressive or dark (because I feel understood). Her crazy songs, her happy songs and so on - all of her moods all relatable. Her very first bigger songs (from BTD) take me back to when I was especially young and naive. I dunno, I'll always have a place for her ♡♡
  10. Super interesting topic. I live in a city with pretty much extreme racism towards the Indigenous. They're a very integral part of the population where I live and yet there is next to nothing in regards to Indigenous student representation in our university/education system overall, etc.On the flip side, there's a massive Indigenous over-representation in the justice system (with tons of mistreatment from our own officers though thankfully some of these cases are being cracked down on now). You'll basically never see a homeless person out here who isn't Indigenous, and it's a pretty decent city. Just seems like no one cares. I could go on and on. It's amazing how many people are still delusional over Columbus and everything related. I'm glad for threads like these and how things do tend to change with more attention to them
  11. Venice

    Melanie Martinez

    Yep! It's like 99% of k-pop stars/groups. It's hard to dance as hard as they do and sing well at the same time. I dunno, I prefer live but I get it sometimes. I'd go see a favourite regardless
  12. Venice

    The "Do You?" Game

    Yes - mainly coding and scenery art Do you have another favourite artist that you listen to as much as Lana?
  13. Norman Fucking Rockwell Mariners Apartment Complex - 18 (-) Venice Bitch - 18 (+) California - 15 Bartender - 79
  14. Tbh thank u for taking the time out to post this kinda stuff. I recently started vaping like crazy and wasn't aware it was this intense. Ty to everyone for posts like theeeese. I don't think she actually really aged either, I think it's just her makeup style which really changed a lot and gives a mature look. Especially since she rarely does her eyes up and often goes with a heavy overdrawn dark lip.
  15. Venice

    Melanie Martinez

    Interesting opinions - I loved CB and thought each song was pretty unique/remarkable even though they were all under one cohesive theme. For K-12, though I adore its visual art concept and film, the track list sounds too similar to me, as in they're not easily distinguishable and come off as one long song instead. So then it seems like an outtake from CB would have still fit the theme but with a differing sound. Otherwise, this album sounds like more of a lackluster CB, if that makes sense. It's fine though, the art is stunning and hopefully next time the tracks will be more varied. I know she's making another film for the next album, so I'm looking forward to how that'll play out
  16. normal fucking crackhead LOL I'm done
  17. I get what you're saying - who knows what it'll end up sounding like, maybe it'll be a pretty happy album
  18. Lana and him really are a good mix In other news, idk how I feel about White Hot Forever as an album name lol. Doesn't really sound 2 deep ya know. But anyway, hopefully it'll be great.
  19. NFR. I prefer the production a lot more, as well as the difference in sound. I love pretty much all her work in one way or another but yeah As far as which is more introspective, I'd again choose NFR as she seems much more comfortable with herself and comes off as pretty authentic imo, whereas in the early years of her career it felt more like personas she adopted, so I can't say much on self-analysis there lol.
  20. Venice

    Lana Del Rey Quizzes

    I took that and got Lana too, but I'm really surprised because the questions were pretty random lol. Didn't know she likes some of those same things!
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