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  1. hollywoodsdead liked a post in a topic by MotelHoney in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I think the lover she's singing about it also the media "I never bought into your bullshit when you would pay tribute to me" would be the media praising her and then shitting on her.
    Or like the "I wish I was dead already" comment she says it was taken out of context and the reporter was praising her and making her believe he was a fan when really he was out to get her
    Oh and also, remember James Franco's interview about lana?
    She has this idea for a film. I want to do it because it’s a little like Sunset Boulevard. A woman is alone in a big house in L.A. She doesn’t want to go out. She starts to go crazy, and becomes paranoid because she feels like people are watching her. Even in her own house. It’s like an awesome B-movie that lives in Lana’s head. It’s about her, and it’s not about her. Just like her music.
  2. MotelHoney liked a post in a topic by boywonder in Boywonder's Lana fan art!   
    Hi there! I'm super new here, and I pretty much only feel like drawing Lana lately, so I figured I'd make this my first Lanaboards post!! 
    I have a lot of plans for future Lana drawings, and I'll definitely post them as they happen!!
    This is the most recent one:
    I brought this one to a concert in May cos I wanted to give it to her, but we didn't get close enough:
    Aaaand a couple random ones. I painted the bottom one on a drawing program on my 3DS. It was kinda fun,
    but mostly frustrating:
    Soooo anyway, yeah!! I hope you guys dig these. Drawing Lana is my fav hobby right now, so I'll definitely be posting many more soon!
  3. MotelHoney liked a post in a topic by boywonder in Boywonder's Lana fan art!   
    Hi babiessss, I'm working on a new one!!! 

    I actually kind of wrecked this already-- I tried to do some watercolor, and it was an actual disaster. 
    Still gonna try to salvage it, tho!! I also wanna finish the inking, cos it's mostly still pencil rn.
  4. MotelHoney liked a post in a topic by delreyfreak in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I agree. I think she personified the media as a lover. Obviously you can't really write a lead single saying "fuck you, articles, reviews, critics, paparrazi, etc. I hate you!" because no one would really relate to it. So she personifies the media as a lover because that way lots of people can relate to the song and it can be lead single material for the GP to hear. She tries to make it sound like the song is about a boy, but really it's about the media, who is her lover in a way, because there are positives about the media, and obviously, without it, she wouldn't be able to be doing what she is doing today, but at the same time, the media is an enemy to her, because of all the negativity/criticism it's brought into her life, plus her invasion of privacy. She kind of has a love-hate relationship with the media, and that's why in the video she's seen approaching the helicopter at the window and posing (because a part of her loves the attention and the fame) but by the end, she's fed up of all the side-effects of being involved in the media (and therefore she shoots the helicopter down).
    Anyway, I think I'm rambling on a bit and my words are a bit jumbled, but hopefully you get the gist of what I'm trying to say.
  5. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by MotelHoney in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I think the lover she's singing about it also the media "I never bought into your bullshit when you would pay tribute to me" would be the media praising her and then shitting on her.
    Or like the "I wish I was dead already" comment she says it was taken out of context and the reporter was praising her and making her believe he was a fan when really he was out to get her
    Oh and also, remember James Franco's interview about lana?
    She has this idea for a film. I want to do it because it’s a little like Sunset Boulevard. A woman is alone in a big house in L.A. She doesn’t want to go out. She starts to go crazy, and becomes paranoid because she feels like people are watching her. Even in her own house. It’s like an awesome B-movie that lives in Lana’s head. It’s about her, and it’s not about her. Just like her music.
  6. Macintosh Manhattan liked a post in a topic by MotelHoney in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I think the lover she's singing about it also the media "I never bought into your bullshit when you would pay tribute to me" would be the media praising her and then shitting on her.
    Or like the "I wish I was dead already" comment she says it was taken out of context and the reporter was praising her and making her believe he was a fan when really he was out to get her
    Oh and also, remember James Franco's interview about lana?
    She has this idea for a film. I want to do it because it’s a little like Sunset Boulevard. A woman is alone in a big house in L.A. She doesn’t want to go out. She starts to go crazy, and becomes paranoid because she feels like people are watching her. Even in her own house. It’s like an awesome B-movie that lives in Lana’s head. It’s about her, and it’s not about her. Just like her music.
  7. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by MotelHoney in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Oh my god, those video snippets of Lana performing SK + YCBTB in Texas...

  8. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by MotelHoney in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    The IG profile picture is not an eclipse, it's a crescent moon. It's the first image when you type 'crescent moon blue' into google images lel.
    More useless information:  Pic was made by 'Race Pendelton' and titled 'crescent moon'. First posted by La Casa Del Tarot's website.
  9. MotelHoney liked a post in a topic by Sucker in Halsey   
    Okay, she's really good. I caved in, and now I have the released BADLANDS songs on repeat. It inspired me to make this.

  10. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by MotelHoney in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    Oh, I love this, especially the instrumental which was hard to take in in the snippets. 
    I'm intrigued by the description - muddy trap music   
  11. rivieragirl liked a post in a topic by MotelHoney in Dream Lana Collaboration Thread   
    kanye west
  12. Bootynugget liked a post in a topic by MotelHoney in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    Oh, I love this, especially the instrumental which was hard to take in in the snippets. 
    I'm intrigued by the description - muddy trap music   
  13. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by MotelHoney in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    Oh, I love this, especially the instrumental which was hard to take in in the snippets. 
    I'm intrigued by the description - muddy trap music   
  14. fl0r1dakil0s liked a post in a topic by MotelHoney in Pretty When You Cry   
    You leave last, you're leavin'
  15. brooklynbaby91 liked a post in a topic by MotelHoney in Life Is Beautiful   
    This snippet is much better than the Honeymoon snippet. There I said it. 
  16. Philomene liked a post in a topic by MotelHoney in Life Is Beautiful   
    Of course the lyrics in the trailer are simple. They don't want it to be distracting from the actual footage in the trailer do they? I really liked it, it made me feel in the mood for this kind of movie, so it works. The ending 'so beautiful' sounds like 'and beautiful' in Young & Beautiful. That was probably what they were going for.
  17. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by MotelHoney in Life Is Beautiful   
    This snippet is much better than the Honeymoon snippet. There I said it. 
  18. MinigunsNRoses liked a post in a topic by MotelHoney in Lana's 30th birthday!!!   
    I want that kim kardashian crying picture, but with lana
  19. MotelHoney liked a post in a topic by Lad in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    QUEEN of CONNECTING with fans I do the same I post old selfies when I look ugly just so ppl don't forget my pretty face WHEN WILL YOUR ANTISOCIAL FAVE
  20. MotelHoney liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in BARRIE TWEETS LANA   
    I hope one day y'all have a mature relationship with your exes so that you won't see everything as shade.
  21. MotelHoney liked a post in a topic by rdp in BARRIE TWEETS LANA   
    tfw your girlfriend writes an entire album about how depressed you are then breaks up with you 

  22. gloomyharlow liked a post in a topic by MotelHoney in Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir   
    Haha, so what she said was essentially "she does't even know what feminism is, she can't just do anything she wants as a woman! I will also tell another woman to kill themselves because they are troubled enough to have used/use drugs and have a mental illness (depression)". 
    Edit: Apparently, sleeping with who you want is UNFEMINIST! Kim should stop calling the kettle black.
    Edit: Her twitter is full of this Lana saga, she retweets people saying 'You go girl! I am SO buying this book now!'
    The motives are clear as day.
  23. MotelHoney liked a post in a topic by lmdr in "Norman Fucking Rockwell" LMDR - Cover Arts   



    Thank you @@GangstaBoy for your handwriting - luv u Xx
  24. MotelHoney liked a post in a topic by lmdr in "Norman Fucking Rockwell" LMDR - Cover Arts   


    In  poor Pop Art "effect"


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