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Everything posted by takeitdoen

  1. Those tweets On another note, guys you need to chill on the 'Ben doesn't care' crusade. Did Ben ignore you, or does he just not check his Message Requests and comments from hundreds of random people? I sure don't bother with message requests so I would assume he just didn't check them (therefore, didn't know it was happening). If you got a "Message seen" I'll EAT MY WORDS and never question you again I promise.
  2. Seeing as she had just had photos released of them, I think she is just talking about her luck changing in getting a guy.
  3. I would rectify it by not continuously posting clips of songs at seemingly random intervals, with no context, all for an album that has been announced but with no release date. It would be so fine - and I'm sure everyone here would agree - if Lana had a total social media cleanse and took as much time as she needed to reposition her life. What's not cool is announcing an album, telling your fan base that it's finished, then not being transparent to communicate when it all be out, why it might be delayed or updating them on any aspect of it. Lana doesn't owe is anything and can do what she wants but why does she keep teasing us with clips of songs
  4. Hello everyone, this might be a really obvious answer but can anyone direct me to the video of this alternative Lust for Life video clip? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8teEYXT9D2g I can't see it on Lana's channel on YouTube and it's not showing up in searches . . ? There's no mention of it on the trusty Lana wiki page either.
  5. I hope the next time she does tour with NFL it will be a lighter set with a string quartet and piano again! Her performance at Apple plus the instrumentation of MAC and Hope lends itself to being intimate and gorgeous.
  6. This is just a thought - I wonder if Lana is planning on leaving her label? Back when 'record deals' were the goal, lots of artists have five record agreements. This has obviously changed in the modern streaming era but since NFR is her fifth release on Interscope they may be attempting to delay the release so they can negotiate the terms of trying to keep her. Once it launches she may be contractually able to leave so they are slowing the release to ensure they are able to find mutually agreeable terms, and since Lana is very much "I do what I want" it's both risky keeping her on with her own conditions and also equally annoying for the label losing a great artist. They can release the album once she decides - and as we see, in this scenario Lana literally is the one that is keeping the album from coming out since she cbf working with the negotiating. Also why Interscope is trying to push her more with Doin' Time and trying to show they can give her exposure which might explain this batshit weird (amazing) release . . . TIN FOIL HAT CONSPIRACY.
  7. So weird that that clip of her singing along is more entertaining than the video for MAC?
  8. This is really a great, GREAT cover. She sounds great, and the production of the song is awesome. It reminds me of Paradise and Serial Killer with the synths and the bop. Hooray! I hope NFR follows shortly with similar energy although we know it won't . . .
  9. oh my goddddd IT'S SUCH A BOP. So happy to have this.
  10. I've edited my post like three times already UGH she is such an ENIGMA.
  11. Oh my GOD! Vanity Fair just cancelled on Lana del Rey and she turns to you and randomly says "are you a reporter? I wish I was dead already". As she lights a cigarette, you squint and say ". . . sure" so Lana invites you to chat over a matcha latte, noting she has about 15 minutes spare. After the pleasantries of 'hello' 'how are you' etc, you can ask Lana FOUR questions/open subjects that cover any facet of her career, including music videos, unreleased songs, relationships etc. (for context, after the fourth question she notes she has to go and finish binding her 2000th poetry book in order to move on and release NFR so you just tell her to run run as fast as she can so no chance for any follow ups). What would you ask? edit: I'd probly ask... Why isn't it called "Pretty When I Cry"??? Why did you scrap the original footage for Ultraviolence and Next Best American Record - only to use them for different songs? (and as an extension, don't you think it's disingenuous to your messaging in the song + clip?) What did Ultraviolence sound like before you collaborated with Dan - what was the track list, which songs didn't make the cut, why did you decide to bin it? Tell me everything about Life is Beautiful - is there a full length? Does Lionsgate own it, is that why it's not released?
  12. Whoooo boy, what a blast to the past! I think it must have been Queen of Disaster which popped up on an auto-play. I couldn't believe it was LDR since it was so boppy. Little did I know . . .
  13. takeitdoen

    Song vs. Song

    Dynamite vs. Driving in Cars with Boys
  14. Video Games > Movies > Music Source: https://www.kfvs12.com/story/31140647/who-rules-the-entertainment-industry/
  15. I wouldn't look too into this comment. Besides the Google Translate just sounding like a very lyrical translation, she said in another interview that there are many lines in Hope that are in-jokes between her and her friends/family, so the semiotics in her lyrics are ones that we'll never really be able to understand.
  16. Thank you for this cover. Now it truly is a summer bop.
  17. Wow it is FRESH. Quite the bop. As I've said, it didn't seem too be quite in the same sonic universe but maybe it'll be a bonus on NFR? It sounds very well produced though and definitely serving up those pre BTD vibes.
  18. Compared to her other songs from this era, this is baffling. Sounds boppy and fun. I'm just not sure sonically where it fits or what this album is supposed to sound like, since we definitely didn't get the rock inspired guitars with Hope, and this cover doesn't have the piano of HTD or Happiness. Obviously the album is going to be more varied than that but this is upbeat and bright, not the 'sad girl shit' she described and she also promised no bops. . .
  19. I have a question about the 'You must . . .' lyric. Like, even in the context of Evita. The first time I heard it, I thought it was a command/pleading line - you must love me. You must complete the form correctly. You must not walk behind the yellow line etc etc. Then I thought it was more likely along the lines of - you must love me after all. It sort of gives two different interpretations to the song. The second seems more likely, but the reason why I consider the first one to be valid is because she is constantly questioning the validity of love and in the context of Evita she is literally about to D I E so if it's a request??
  20. None of them. For one of them to be White Mustang, they need to be recorded in like half an hour, and replace an amazing song that would have been much better on the album.
  21. I'm in too deeeeeep. Since I've actively been so excited and hyped for this album, I've spent so much time waiting for the album to come out by checking LB, Reddit and Facebook everyday for news. I'm both at the point where I really want to hear it (and support an artist I love by shovelling out my non-existant dollars) but I also just want to forget about it. It's like a break-up where I want to move on with my life, but I keep checking in to make sure everything is okay and I can't help myself. I can't wait for this album to be released - then I can just go on with my life and not ever have to subject myself to waiting to hear from LDR again. I've already unfollowed her on all channels since the content she posts has zero interest to me outside her music and I'm never going to waste energy getting disappointed by a lack of communication again. Sorry for sounding like an absolute little bitch, I wanna get off but I keep riding the ride. D:
  22. This thread has 1,000,000+ views and the fact that Lana has probs not even seen it once. . .
  23. I used to think Florida Kilos was stupid, but then I took a road trip to the beach with someone I was in love with. Now I associate it with a perfect day in the happiest time of my life, so it makes me smile and I love it. Hated it before that though LOOOOOOL I can't get stand Tomorrow Never Came because of Sean's droopy voice.
  24. I also appreciated that she asked, even though she posted that Instagram video specifically discussing which songs she is going to sing
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