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  1. redrose liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Lana Del Rey at the Weinstein Company´s pre oscar party (1.3.)   
    The bottom line is this- we can talk about her looks if we want. There's no need to argue over it. Don't like criticizing? Don't participate. It makes no difference whether she's a model and/or a musician, she's in the public eye therefore her image is going to get talked about. Get over it!
  2. redrose liked a post in a topic by Trinity in Lana Del Rey at the Weinstein Company´s pre oscar party (1.3.)   
    I'm sorry, but isn't this a discussion forum? Where we discuss things about Lana, including how she looks? Part of being in the public eye is maintaining an image, so while Lana has the right to wear whatever she wants, do her makeup however she pleases, and keep her body in shape or not, people are going to be looking at her appearance and forming opinions. While I do think some people push it a little far, we're all allowed to have an opinion about Lana that does not involve her being a "perfect flawless angel queen". I think it's wrong for you to say that simply stating that Lana looks a little older is "shit" just because it's not praising her. Fun fact: humans' appearances change as they get older. Lana's human. She qualifies. Being a fan does not mean that every single thing that you say about Lana has to be positive.
  3. redrose liked a post in a topic by lanasgirl in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    I just looked at the Complex Magazine photoshoot with Lana (I think it's from 2012) and one of the pictures was so great, I just had the Ultraviolence cover right in my head. 

    (Quick edit with Paint lol)
    A great pose, not so different from BTD or the Paradise Edition, but still. I guess she'd wear something darker though! I'd love an album cover like this.
  4. redrose liked a post in a topic by chicanes in Lana Del Rey at the Weinstein Company´s pre oscar party (1.3.)   
    Lana's a popstar. She should know that image is extremely important. She needs a stylist.
  5. redrose liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    I really didn't like her dark hair but after I got used to it, it was okay.
    Still, Auburn slays
  6. redrose liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    I can't help but think that Lana's music would be better if she didn't sing with her lower register so much...
  7. redrose liked a post in a topic by lflflflflflflflflflf in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Oh no! We have another asshat member who thinks they know better than the thousand of us already here! I have a name for this phenomena. It's called the 'Basic Bitch' syndrome:

    Your condescending, egotistical tone is not appreciated on this forum. It makes you look like an ill mannered, un-educated idiot. Did somebody shit in your chest cavity today? Were you recently part of a human centipede or do you actually talk shit all the time? Do you talk this way to your friends (but of course, I doubt you have any by the way you present yourself).
    You can act as high and mighty all you want but it's not gonna make the people around you love you any more than they already hate you (including everybody on this forum). I have some news to break to you buddy, you are not smart and you are most certainly not polite. You think you're the shit but in reality, you are not. You are a rude pretentious asshole arguing on a forum. I'm comfortable telling you this, not only because I started this topic 3 months and 73 pages ago, but because statistically I am better than you and I am putting you in your place. Here's some visual proof.


    Everybody fucking knows that Lana did not record an album in one day. She started working way before Tropico was announced. That's why we know about Trans Am.   Black Beauty is from early 2013 so she has obviously been working on Ultraviolence for over a year and we all fucking know it. We don't need your simple minded ass telling us shit we already know!
    "And you think an artist as big as Lana is going to make an entire album of her and ONE producer." Of course not, you fucking dimwitted shit brained idiot! We already know the confirmed producers. I've listed them in the OP. I've even talked to Dan Heath myself. You're not dropping any groundbreaking news here bud.   All artists work differently. Lana worked solely with David Kahne for AKA and she can do it again if she damn well chooses, but we know that's not the case.
    "When I say record, I don't mean just RECORD vocals." Well surprisingly, you will discover that the world does not revolve around you and that the word 'record' has many several meanings. Many people can interpret this as many different things. "I mean the songwriting, production, etc." Oh, so then you didn't mean 'recording' then? Make up your mind   . There are many stages to creating an album and to call it all 'recording' would be misuse of that verb wouldn't it?   When someone is 'recording' an album, they are most likely talking about vocals, my friend.
    "Record in a day. Record what? fart sounds?" I don't think you understand the concept of time. Let's use mathematics! An album is 45 minutes long and there are 24 hours in a day. How many times does 0.75 divide into 24? Of course you don't know because you were obviously educated in a barn, as I am guessing by your lack of manners. An artist, realistically can record an album in one day if they wanted to. We are not saying that Lana did, we are just talking about the concept of 'recording an album in a day' in general. When I told you that Paradise was recorded in one take, you replied: 'I can't even comprehend your post!" Well that's not surprising, but I will extend my knowledge to the mentally deficient.
    Time-wise, Lana's vocals theoretically could have all been recorded on the same day (wow, that's crazy!) She entered the studio, sang all of her songs over some demo instrumentals and left the building! This theoretically could have happened! "Are you implying when Lana "Record" an album she simply goes in the studio and sing/record vocals and that's it." Well sir, if you managed to read my comment, I said: "if the producers made the instrumentals beforehand, an album can easily be made in a couple of days." Here, I was talking about an album in general and not Paradise.
    Lana does not need to stand behind Dan Heath with a whip shouting at him while he produces the strings to Bel Air now does she? She can easily drop in and out of recording sessions. She recorded Young & Beautiful when Baz Luhrmann was in a different country to her! Wow, technology! Paradise is pretty short. Even if each song took a whole day, it still could (hint: could) have been completed in one and a half weeks! (Crazy! I know you don't understand the concept of time so I will stop talking about this in fear of overloading your brain.)
    "I know that Paradise vocals were recorded in one take because you can hear the differences in verse 1 and verse 2." I would rather pour gasoline all over myself and jump through a flaming hoop than read one of your sloppy replies.   Of course there are differences in verse 1 and verse 2. That's because they are verses. Verses in songs are usually the same melodically but with different lyrics! If you listen closely, you might be able to hear that they are different! Otherwise, in the case that you meant 'chorus', I have to let you know that recording a chorus twice will only literally extend recording time by 30 seconds every time it's sang. 30 seconds does not make much of a difference on the overall recording time.
    "I mean i'm not an artist." I am glad that you are self aware.   Children are not usually aware of their own bodies until around 9 months. I'm happy that you have grown to understand what you are and what you are not. Here's something else in which you are not: an expert. Nobody is of course insinuating she scrapped everything and started work with Dan Auerbach in the past few days. Nobody is that fucking crazy to believe that (though, you are pretty fucking crazy for believing that we believe it.) Like I said before, we know long she worked on it. Over a year. Why would she announce the album in December at the Tropico premiere if she started working on it in mid-February with Dan Auerbach? Take a chill pill and don't taking everything so literally. Auerbach most likely placed the finishing touches on each song of the album (which is why she's comfortable presenting it as his as well as hers, since he probably tinkered with the songs last.) This was just a way to announce that a new producer was being introduced to Lana's fold.
    "I need a break and stop coming here for a while again because I can't take it." I think you do too! Maybe one of our admins can help you take an extra extra long break! Why not go for a permanent break under the banhammer?   I'm sure one of our admins will kindly offer it to you. "Look at me I'm recording my voice using my iPhone. I just made my very own album." Are you insinuating that Sirens is a bad album? This is exactly what Lana did in her early career (well maybe not an iPhone). Studio quality isn't everything. I wouldn't care if Lana recorded Ultraviolence using her asshole, it'll still be a work of art and your condescending high-tech talk is killing my brain cells. What's wrong with using an iPhone? If Lana didn't have her iPhone we wouldn't have that beautiful video for Summer Wine you ungrateful piece of filth.   
    Lola: "Why are you getting so riled up, Ultra-Violence? You have no idea how Lana has worked on past albums or on this one so calm down and stop acting like you know everything." Lola knows all. You should listen to Lola. Statistically she is also better than you in every single possible way so don't you even dare sass her or else I'm sure she will have no hesitation in smacking you up.   You need to listen to her. Take some Ambien and calm the fuck down.
    Have you released an album on a major record label? No. I'm not Lola and I definitely have no hesitation in telling you to shut the fuck up. You know the same amount as anybody on the internet. I.E you are not a special snowflake in any way so quit acting like one. You talk more shit than an Azealia Banks in one of her rap songs and you're just generally just exhausting to listen to. We're exhausted feeling sorry for you so you can do yourself a favour and stop talking before I ram you off your high horse into a pile of shit that you spilled from your own mouth. The prestigious ChairCola award for most time-wasting and tiring posts goes to you my friend. Goodbye.


  8. redrose liked a post in a topic by BlueJeans in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    I hope she doesn't go into the "Noir" direction ... THAT is unlistenable (no offense to anyone who likes the song, but after multiple spins I still can't like it)
    "Cola" shocking is fiiiiiine by me ! 
    Although I do miss the sweet red/brown Lana singing about love .. 
  9. redrose liked a post in a topic by MotelHoney in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    I'm hoping for more sexy songs like Trash or Put me in a movie. Please please please. The way she sings those songs.... uhn she needs more.
  10. redrose liked a post in a topic by Rebel in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    She's going to sing about really dark topics, I'm pretty sure. Lots of controversy. Look at the title. Ultraviolence. Domestic abuse. Violence. Death. Suicide. Sex. Lolita shit. 
    Can't wait for feminist social justice bloggers & maybe Lorde to be super offended.
  11. redrose liked a post in a topic by keanefar in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Can someone ask her something important already like when she thinks the release date is or lead single stuff
  12. redrose liked a post in a topic by Trinity in Black Beauty   
    I’ve just listened to this song for the first time in a while since it leaked and I’ve finally formed together my complete theory of its meaning. I believe this song is very influenced by Barrie, more specifically, his battle with depression. From Barrie’s lyrics, tweets, and dark influences I think it’s obvious that he is struggling, or at least has at some point in his life, struggled with depression.  Here’s my interpretation:
  13. redrose liked a post in a topic by V3N1C3B1TCH in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    ^People need to stop bringing that up.
    It's old and fake. So old that it goes back like 10 pages of this thread.
  14. redrose liked a post in a topic by YUNGKALIMXEL in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I don't like Lana's hair in Ride.....
  15. redrose liked a post in a topic by FIREANDWATER in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    The ultraviolence theme can easily be assumed to be associated with a clockwork orange. A clockwork orange is in my top 3 favorite movies of all time (along with American beauty and 2001 a space odyssey; these were my favorites before I had heard of Lana so it's a little coincidental but whatever). The concepts in a clockwork orange revolve around social conditioning and philosophical/sociological morality. Ultraviolence in the book/movie is the idea of every human action being beautiful because humans are beautiful- even the most evil murders and rapes are beautiful because they display the potential of human beings. So when morality comes in, it is a basic question of whether forcing someone to act "morally" is a moral thing to do; for instance, in a clockwork orange, doctors condition the main character Alex to feel physically sick when he feels the desire to rape or murder, so he's not going to do it, which is good. But the priest says that since he doesn't have a choice, he is nothing more than a machine, and destroying his ability to kill and destroy has tainted his ability to consciously create good choices as well. Ultraviolence is when he raped and killed people and Beethoven is playing because it's so beautiful that he is destroying. Destruction and creation are the same ting, especially when understood from Lana del Rey's postmodern pop singer persona. Her deconstruction is beautiful but people may not like it because it minimizes the artistry of her role models. Also, everyone should understand why it's called a clockwork orange: to socially condition someone to the point of them papering to be a beautiful person when in reality they are just a puppet machine underneath is similar to viewing a beautiful orange and cutting it open only to find literal gears and cogs inside working like clockwork.
    This is so Lana! Any time she uses the word orange, it is a reference to her understanding of creation (both art and Adam+eve shit). Example: in the orange light, the fog is rising
    The word violet or ultraviolent in her lyrics obviously refers to destruction.
    And black beauty (I think the song is definitely about meth addiction recovery, and it is extremely similar to the song methamphetamines), hundred dollar bill, and Hawaiian tropic (you can't come back from being that bad just to sit at home. Pledge allegiance to the flag) would fit perfectly into these themes of overcoming drug addiction in order to live happily. Her struggle is trying to find a way to be sober, meaning free of all drugs, and surviving only off of love. She is beautiful.
  16. redrose liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Oscar Saboteur Targets Lana Del Rey Song "Young and Beautiful"   
    Someone sees the light
    Come on everybody Young and Beautiful is an amazing song how can you not see it
  17. redrose liked a post in a topic by lola in LANA SLEUTHING   
    "I also believe the reason she went away to school was for music" - the lie her parents told everyone or maybe she really didn't start drinking at 14?
  18. redrose liked a post in a topic by LastWordsNTime in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    In Young And Beautiful

    'He's my son' 

    I thought 'son' as in  

    Really idiotic of me, with the 'HE MAKES ME SHINE' that follows it 
  19. redrose liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana Del Rey Covers Nylon Magazine's November Issue   
    "What's astonishing is that she's sort of a Jim Morrison." -- LMAO okay Jaime, okay.
    She looks great on the cover, I'm digging the whole 90s inspired look. I really, really want her to ditch those extensions asap though.
  20. redrose liked a post in a topic by Beemo in Lift Your Eyes [Closed]   
    It's not really a graphic, but I drew it, I guess I can post it in here

  21. redrose liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Overrated Lana Songs?   
    Bel Air
    I find it overproduced and a bit boring. It's probably my least favourite Lana song, I simply don't get why people love it so much.
  22. redrose liked a post in a topic by keanefar in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    Don't feel bad, I thought it was tripping in his basement (as in drugs)... Up until now
  23. redrose liked a post in a topic by Trinity in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    In National Anthem she says, "Keep me safe in his bell tower hotel"
    And I always thought she said "Keep me safe in his will, time will hold tell" 
  24. redrose liked a post in a topic by Beemo in Beemo's Covers | Update: Mixtape   
    2 New Covers for an Instrumental Compilation
    -:Garden of Eden:- Instrumentals Cover Version 1.0

    -:Birds of Paradise:- Instrumentals Cover Version 2.0

  25. redrose liked a post in a topic by Beemo in Beemo's Covers | Update: Mixtape   
    Decided to give it another try. How's this?

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