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Everything posted by cashcomesquick

  1. Bernie promoted social justice regarding education, health care, etc. Your statement him being an anarchist is pure disinformation. Various countries established systems and structures he had been promoting. Plus, Bernie actively supports the black community. Also, why does Russia have to be involved in everything? I'm not defending him, but he is definitely not worse than any US Pesident. I really feel sorry for you since you openly present your missing knowledge. Don't know what Trump is, but she is "Killary"
  2. Cute how people think Hillary was leftist
  3. Everyone has the right to protest. You can't generalize an entire group based on individual actions. Example: It's a fact that there are racist policemen, but does it lead to the conclusion that policemen are racist?
  4. Bish, you better pardon Snowden and Assange.
  5. Disgusting double standards. No one complains about bombing and invading other countries, but people trying to enter the US has to be stopped immediately. The legal term might be "illegal", but don't forget the foundation of the USA: aggressively stolen land. So, shut the f*ck up with your immigration bullshit! Everyone except native Americans is an immigrant to the US.
  6. "I was so wrong not to tell, Medellín, tangerine dreams" in Salvatore might be a reference to Pablo Escobar and his drug cartel. "Suddenly, I viddied what I had to do, and that was to do myself in; to snuff it, to blast off forever out of this wicked, cruel world. One moment of pain perhaps and, then, sleep forever, and ever and ever." - Burgess, A Clockwork Orange Considering the name of the album is UV, it might be possible that she chose the title "Cruel World" for the opening song since the novel itself deals with a "cruel world".
  7. Wow! It's ignorance or just lack of knowledge. I'm not here to educate you. America has been at war since 1945. Why don't you at least once admit to what I say about her being corrupt? I don't support Trump, but I do know for sure that she's evil
  8. Is this an American thing to become emotional when arguing? Again, I don't have to watch them since I know she's corrupt. As soon as she opens her mouth, you can smell lies.
  9. I can't continue discussing when you're not able to refer to my statements. I don't have to watch them since I know she's corrupt. Don't pretend she would have worked on these issues.
  10. Isn't that already the case? Police shootings, border control, poverty and more. I don't have anything against America since I have friends over there. Again, you didn't read carefully: My statement refers to how USA has been affecting other countries. People are tired of your wars, and destroying millions of lives. Considering these facts, the world is indeed excited to see if he'll stop wars. Apparently your educational system doesn't teach you how to argue stating facts.
  11. It doesn't matter if they wanna be white or whatever. Be careful with your generalisations, and learn reading properly. I'm showing that these numbers are not that small to be ignored.
  12. That's the exact reaction people show when they can't disprove facts Omg, Russia is even manipulating forum boards!!!1!
  13. Frankly, I don't care. The world is excited to see if he stops the US from invading countries. Maybe it's finally time for you guys to focus on your own issues instead of playing the righteousness-delivery country.
  14. That's for sure, but you can't ignore that even minorities voted for him despite being "racist". http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3920042/A-breakdown-Deplorables-33-Latino-men-26-Latino-women-voted-Trump-52-white-women.html?0p19G=c Your investigation arguments prove that you haven't even read what it is actually about.
  15. All this drama is nonsense. The constitution protects minorities from being affected by laws since they have to be approved before entering into force.
  16. Are you aware of the recent leaks that disprove this accusation? Russia has not been involved in the elections. Wikileaks exposed that her campaign started to connect Russia to these leaks.
  17. I respect everyone's political views, but in that case, don't make it about "coz she's a woman". They were under pressure to probe the leaks since people are tired of corruption. Additionally, your media argument is completely wrong. She spent millions in order to be portrayed positively in news etc. She even had celebrity support. Also, Trump was literally destroyed by media. Nevertheless, I couldn't support any of them, but you gotta keep your facts straight.
  18. It's barely useful to argue with certain people since they choose to ignore your arguments. So yeah, it makes sense! Exactly. I mean, she could directly state her opinion, but apparently she prefers to stay rather neutral. Plus, that's what I like about her since she leaves room for people to interpret her stuff in their own way.
  19. First of all, don't be tired of politics, it determines your future. Secondly, she only reminded us to follow the event since she didn't allude to a specific party. Therefore, I liked this move. It was neutral, but important (to hear at least). Even though she doesn't refer explicitly to politics, she subtly insinuates her personal views. An example for this is the poem Howl by Ginsberg which she quotes in Tropico. In my opinion, Tropico can be seen as a kind of criticism.
  20. "I can hear sirens" In that context, "sirens" can be interpreted in two ways: the acoustical instrument and sirens from Greek mythology. The second interpretation is pretty interesting: • definition: one of several sea nymphs, part woman and part bird, who lure mariners to destruction by their seductive singing • based on that definition, Lana uses this imagery to portray the danger, and considering the title itself is called "Ultraviolence" underlines this way of interpretation • additionally, this term was introduced by Burgess (A Clockwork Orange) to display cruel violence that was endured by the characters in the book Ultraviolence offers various ways to interpret the lyrics, therefore this is just my contribution to that line
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