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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Joanne was the most pointless album of the last decade and 20 years from now people will look back at the record in her discography and feel fucking nothing.
  2. GOD that hair is perfect. Hated the dead straight hairclips style shes been using.
  3. Dunes is out. I like it but i wish the beat that kicks in at the end came sooner.
  4. Fantasea 2? do people care anymore 3 years later boo?........
  5. Omg please be good, so far its all been great.
  6. IF the album sounds like Mehn on the Moon im gong to pass, awful. Bloodline is cool though.
  7. Oh god the dreaded “Lana is stopping music” mess rumours begin again. We all know they’re BS.
  8. Just wait. You’ll get it, they’re obviously hopeless.
  9. Omg i got an email last night telling me i have a package arriving from Universal Music, had no idea wtf it was. Then i got the box this morning still confused as to what it was, thought maybe it was that dildo i bought but then remembered that was coming Friday tbh, I open it and omg its the urban legend LFL boxset. Its very pretty, but should have come with the love heart vinyl single song imo for that price. I have a missing brick on the side of my house so i’ll prob just slot the boxset in there.
  10. The release will be LFL: Deluxe with Get Free scrapped, Creep, Yosemite, Roses and BAR added x
  11. Guess i better bring a pillow and blanket to that show since i’ll need to sleep during the BOREDS opener.
  12. I’ve never seen OTTR live so im happy to hear it when shes back in Aus.
  13. Your cum stained coffin lowring into the grave, bussies all over the place, your Mom screaming
  14. Seeing her next week!!!!!!
  15. Actually decent. Usually the gays on forums releasing music is a mess, but Ra is good.
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