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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. No. I assume they're all just sitting in Lanas bedroom collecting dust with her tour dates.
  2. Exactly, she has a damn manager team for a reason, why is she getting up at 4pm and rolling over to Facebook while eating toast and uploading dates?
  3. You just know her flop ass meant Monday U.S time which means Tuesday lol
  4. No one cares about her metaphysical thoughts, music or nothing please.
  5. Coney Island King


    I agree most of her videos are boring but i think it mostly comes down to budget, i doubt she has much to work with. The Gemini Feed video really looked cheap as fuck.
  6. Tabulleh Loves You. High By Beirut. Million Dollar Mohammad. Yallah For Life ft. Wassim. Alah Deco. Blue Jihad. Sahara Sadness. Burka Velvet. Is This Hijab.
  7. Like lets be real, aint nobody gonna see that movie.
  8. ^ well that's one person x
  9. Me waiting for Australian dates Im guessing "this week" will end up being 3 weeks basedon how Lana Banana works.
  10. Omg make sure when the babies head appears to expose itself outside the vaginal cavity you request the gym play Get Free x
  11. That is very good, didn't Honeymoon finish at 500k in sales by the end? if so LFL has sold more! or am I wrong......
  12. Only 9 weeks? feels like its been out 6 months.
  13. She also used footage from BAr because you just know her ramblings about a possible release of BAR and Yosemite on some 25 track release will NEVER fucking happen. fml
  14. Like obviously the codes are personalized otherwise why even both using different codes? one person can get a code and then 60000 people would use it, defeats the purpose.
  15. Omg "and what about all these children and all their childrens children" always makes me scream, I sing it so obnoxiously.
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