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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. UV came out 5 seconds ago and ya'll are excited for a NEW album? the fuck.
  2. Think of it more as, she's so relevant people cant wait for anything she says/does. The price of a successful career x.
  3. Because now she belongs to us and no one else
  4. Lorde is a cliche angsty know it all teenager, i pay her no mind usually, but she really doesnt need to shoehorn herself into everything.
  5. Once again, nothing turned into something. Francis calmly said something, Lana calmly responded......fans go mental and scream.
  6. None. And is putting Azelia Banks on there trolling? she couldn't get passed 2 years let alone 30 plus.
  7. DWUW video looks a damn embarrassing mess.
  8. Critics dont give a fuck about success. In fact, if anything, it makes them even thirstier to tear them down if they think they don't deserve it.
  9. One of her best videos for sure. The camera work is great, that shot of her swimming past the guy while underwater is beautiful.
  10. I;m glad UV is weeding all the BTD lovers out o the picture. I love BTD, prob still prefer it to UV in a way [we'll see over time though], but UV is an essential artistic and musical transition for her that has revealed the artist she really wants to be. I'm invested in her as an act who can shift and grow, i don;t care to compare or expect BTD ever again to her future work.
  11. I would have told them all to fuck off too. Good for her, if she felt it was worth defending then she should defend it. Although taking it down was stupid. Say it and leave it, now she just looks stupid. But oh well.
  12. I thought the reverse was fairly obvious, her hair moves funny.
  13. 700k views in 24 hours, wow, i think this will surpass WC collective views in a matter of days tbh.
  14. To be fair, the amount BTD sold is rare for a lot of artists today, anyone who can sell 5 mill plus copies has hit the jackpot today, she'll most likely never sell anywhere near that amount ever again. Also, BTD sold a lot over a 2 year period, i'm sure Ultra will be ok over the same time frame.
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