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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. The last 8 minutes of this episode looked incredible. I love how the show will sometimes slip into long montages of music and visuals to convey what is happening.
  2. They just live in normal suburban houses….
  3. She really went all out with this album. Shame i don’t love it that much.
  4. I’d happily attend 45 parties with hip hop and rnb tbh Episodes 4 ending with Cal’s revelation to his family, wow, he did that. I hope he bumps into his high school friend this season, only so i can witness some serious zaddy sex Cassie is an absolute trainwreck.
  5. I’m so glad i’m not famous, like I’m not ugly but fuck i can take a bad photo so many times lol
  6. Coney Island King


    Yes. Halifax and Geidi sound like her just playing around, which is fine, but Visions really sounds like a proper body of work.
  7. Coney Island King


    Halafax is just the warm up to Visions. That means Halafax is lesser. Sorry.
  8. Coney Island King


    I assume that’s the case.
  9. Remember hearing Video Games for the first time? Remember realising you were a peasant for your whole life before you heard it? Remember hearing her perform BTD for the first time live and thinking it was so good, but then hearing the studio version she uploaded to YouTube many weeks later and having your complete eardrum explode in ecstasy by the unexpected production? Remember how successful the album was, how it was literally changing pop culture for a whole year and remember how much music journalists fucking haaated her? Remember how she was going to stop making albums after BTD? Remember SNL lol? Remember how her red carpet appearances and photoshoots were so incredible and still have yet to be topped by her to this day? Remember how she would tell trolls to fuck themselves on Twitter? Remember how critics all doubted her, and it’s now been over 10 years and they all kiss her feet? Remember? Remember how people thought she was inauthentic and she now has become one of the most influential alt pop female performers of the last decade that gets mentioned by some of the biggest acts in the world and winning awards for her music and song writing? Remember seeing the National Anthem video for the first time? Remember the actual serve of life she gave us? What an era ugh.
  10. This album literally changed my entire music world.
  11. Coney Island King


    It literally makes no sense. I cannot comprehend it. It is incomprehensible.
  12. Coney Island King


    Cool. Will it be listenable though? Or will it be more nature sounds while she wears vaginas on her face…
  13. Coney Island King


    So now there’s an EP, then book 1, then book 2?…. then the nightcore album? She really has no idea wtf she is doing. Anyway, Shini is good, so is the video, but after all this time it’s a 2:30 min song with a missing intro. Ok gurl.
  14. Missing Summer is disgusting.
  15. Coney Island King


  16. Coney Island King


    It’s just boring at this point. Gurl move the fuck along.
  17. Coney Island King


    I’m glad we are getting Shini and i’m sure i’ll love it, but the hype for it passed long ago tbh. When is the album out? She’s dragging this out…
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