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Everything posted by Peachycream

  1. https://m.csindy.com/coloradosprings/ron-pope-reflects-on-his-experiences-with-lana-del-rey-sam-moore-and-a-drop-in-the-ocean/Content?oid=12502683 Soon, you'll be like Lana Del Rey; half an octave will be enough. - Yeah, you know, that's all you really need. Of course, as soon as I said that, it occurred to me that you might be best friends with her. -Actually, I knew her in New York many, many years ago, when she was still going by her real name, Lizzy Grant. And I thought that she was endlessly fascinating, because she was always kind of expressing herself by being a character. She would tell you a story and you're like, "I don't think that's true, but I don't care." What was the best story she ever told you? -Well, after we were introduced, she told me that she grew up in Arkansas in a trailer park, and was raised by her grandmother. But I'd already known that she was from a family of means in New York. So I was just like, "Huh, you don't say, Arkansas, trailer park." But it was like being around a performance artist. It's not like they're a pathological liar or something, they're just a person creating a character. Back then, she was a freshman in college, and we were going to play a show together, so she came to my apartment to work on a number to sing together. I was living with a bunch of musicians, and by the time she finished playing her first song, my roommates were seated around her on the floor, just like little kids when their preschool teacher is singing to them. She's an incredibly unique artist and I think she's wonderful. And yeah, as a vocalist, it's not like she or I — or Bruce Springsteen, for that matter — could go on The Voice and sing all the runs and do all the tricks. But we can get across a song in a way that it feels like it means something. We knew Lana made/makes a lot of things up but never knew to what extent...until now.
  2. https://m.csindy.com/coloradosprings/ron-pope-reflects-on-his-experiences-with-lana-del-rey-sam-moore-and-a-drop-in-the-ocean/Content?oid=12502683 Does this deserve a thread? (If someone wants to make one go for it. I just didn’t want to get yelled at) She really must’ve hated her upbringing
  3. ^exactly! Must be some kind of fetish for him and he wants it so badly to be true
  4. Yes I’m bumping this. The title, the expose, and i still truly hear nothing. But lol? https://youtu.be/cUUPAj650rk
  5. Umm in my feelings is iconic She says cum.
  6. Wait... where??? Edit: never mind. Lmao those pics had comments about her being a bitch for the last week. She is triggered and rightfully so
  7. New hair New shirt New jeans New car She’s getting ready to post another volcano picture.
  8. Omg i miss her. She spoiled us while she was on tour and now she’s just leaving us on read.
  9. You let me in, don't eat me out, or leave me dry
  10. It was not that bad. People were just being dramatic because they weren’t used to her style of singing and twirling
  11. http://www.wfla.com/news/hillsborough-county/paperwork-accused-lana-del-rey-stalker-asked-about-babies-at-local-hospital-days-before-incident/1180439582 They better keep his ass locked away
  12. Hehe...she’s giving the gays what they don’t want
  13. Lana is tired of the gays and their angles
  14. http://m.tmz.com/#!article/2018/05/10/lana-del-rey-turns-down-photo-fan-mid-selfie-met-gala/ Poor guy. He looked hurt lol. I’d probably want to die if she did that to me.
  15. Peachycream


    She’s coming
  16. That’s what we get when we judge without a clear picture. Our catholic princess looks good in the high def pics :’)
  17. The devil wanted her to lose and i can’t say he lost
  18. Ben put her black shirt and jeans in the dry cleaners
  19. https://twitter.com/speriod/status/992971529280307200?s=20
  20. Lana should do that thing she always does
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