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Trash Magic

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Everything posted by Trash Magic

  1. I can't stop fantasising about that Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood cover. I might not survive the play through til the end of the album to hear it
  2. Trash Magic

    Jackson Novem

    Slaughterhouse honestly fucks me up, that guitar intro and those melodies, the Noowowowow... before the chorus
  3. Trash Magic

    Kanye West

    idk why I didn't like Paul McCartney before, but that whistle sample is so obscure it's cool. It's from a live clip on a talkshow
  4. Trash Magic

    Kanye West

    thank you, so many fan edits of this song. Finally, so good
  5. Trash Magic

    Kanye West

    All Day http://www.missinfo.tv/index.php/kanye-west-all-day-cdq/?wt=2
  6. Trash Magic


    literally wondering what became of him yesterday, probably wont watch in full
  7. All Day is such a turn up jam, he better finally release the song ASAP
  8. I didn't even laugh I felt really bad for her when that happened
  9. Trash Magic

    Jackson Novem

    @@Jack "just send nudes omg"
  10. good lord theres a video? definitely not watching. I've already seen in vid of a man being burned alive before ;(
  11. Trash Magic

    Jackson Novem

    So problematic... I'm refunding my purchase of Absolute Zero!!
  12. Such a tired conversation. Forcing people to identify as something. Get over yourself faded White trash!
  13. this "world news" section really makes me want to deactivate my account... they are both literally so awful and irrelevant I fucking hate ellie's "voice". Like sherries so hard to sound that way
  14. Favourite songs straight away were The Night Josh Tillman Came To Our Apt., The Ideal Husband, Bored In The USA and Holy S**t. Imma need to explore the J Tillman stuff too I'm in love
  15. I found the album surprisingly accessible i thought id have to force myself to like it
  16. Trash Magic

    Jackson Novem

    I heard an exclusive live rendition of the haunting "Slaughterhouse" a few weeks ago. Really hoping it makes the album
  17. AKA J. Tillman - In lieu of a great knowledge about him i'll let somebody compose a good intro page. Obviously checked him out because of Lana, listening to I Love You, Honeybear right now and instantly grasped. He has such a classic voice, reminds me of John Denver. I could definitely be a fan..
  18. That was really intimate. For some reason I just loved reading that she likes to write when it's hot out. Oh and hit up Princess Superstar for that surrealist ish!
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