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Trash Magic

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Everything posted by Trash Magic

  1. I really don't like her delivery on the chorus apart from the "i'm lonely" part. It makes me feel uneasy lol I think the production is very jarring with this vocal style, it works well with live instrumentation like on Ultraviolence, but not with this glossy style from Born To Die. The vocals should have have been re recorded
  2. this is what I heard but I don't think it's right
  3. I like the lyrics Best part was the bridge vocally. Not sure I loved the song straight away
  4. Trash Magic


    I've never listened to warrior before, just heard a few songs on youtube. Literal trash, I couldn't even sit through the full 3 mins. The harmonies were so forced and the lyrics so basic
  5. Trash Magic


    I agree but coming from a PC music stan...
  6. Trash Magic


    I downloaded all the songs as they leaked and had a few before they did so I think mine are all the highest quality, I just don't have every song because I deleted the bad ones
  7. Mitch would not be happy about Lana covering an amy song lmao I remember when Beyoncé and André 3000's cover of Back To Black premiered for the great gatsby. He was searching the term in twitter and tweeting everybody that they were deaf if they thought it was better than the original
  8. Wake Up Alone is my favourite Amy song and one of my favourite songs ever, I feel lyrically it really matches the stuff on Sirens it could be a Lana song
  9. Trash Magic


    this is what I have disc 1 - bangers etc disc 2 - kind of quirky disc 3 - country acoustic stuff (the first 3 tracks should be in disc 2 really)
  10. Trash Magic


    I used to do that with ke$ha but as I grew up I realised most of the songs were trash and just merged them into 1 album
  11. another video! http://lanamusic.tumblr.com/post/107855393307/lana-del-rey-being-interviewed-by-e-tv-at-72nd
  12. Trash Magic

    Azealia Banks

    I actually bet azalea did a background check and made sure not to give the 10k to a white person lmao
  13. I love this song. I cannot help but imagine Lizzy Grant performing this at Arlene's Grocery in that same manner she did Mermaid Motel, smiling and laughing
  14. Trash Magic

    Azealia Banks

    The winning remix sucks but I'm happy for his cause he's only 17 and a fan imagine
  15. Trash Magic

    Jackson Novem

    how many songs written for it
  16. Trash Magic

    Jackson Novem

    give us some hints writing themes etc
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