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Deadly Nightshade

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  1. Deadly Nightshade liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    where do u find the time to be the #1 lana sleuth in all the lands
  2. Kommander liked a post in a topic by Deadly Nightshade in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Are you secretely the tumblr guy 
  3. Deadly Nightshade liked a post in a topic by KillKillQueen in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Honestly this fanbase can be so embarrassing. I know we take pride in Lana sorta science (except more like science fiction) background, but this assumption that she's simply "too deep and complicated for every journalist she's ever encountered so how could they possibly get her" is just silly. She's not a hardline feminist, cool. You do you, and frankly I'm not going to stop listening to her for it, despite feeling very passionately about it myself.
    She did this headline to herself. There was a more evenhanded way to approach it and she knows it. She was trying to sound tragic and inward, and I guess she did, but she also sounded super ignorant too. Of course you, as a rich white popstar in 2014, are unmoved by feminism. But something tells me if she actually had to live Marilyn's life, she'd want some more of it. All it says to me is that she's looking at it from an extremely selfish point of view. "I don't feel like I need feminsm because I feel free" is all good and well when you are apart of one of the most free demographics in the world. She says "let's talk about science" but how many girls (especially non-white and non-western girls) are shut out and pushed away from being interested in science? There are lots of feminists talking about that. That's intersectionality, Lizzy.
    And attempting to drag people for thinking she sounds dumb juts makes you sound x2 worse tbh. "I bet you didn't know about feminism before tumblr" isn't even a fucking insult. I've personally been a feminist for a long time, but god forbid people actually learn about something useful on the fucking internet.
  4. Deadly Nightshade liked a post in a topic by lanasgirl in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    What also bothered me about her definition of a "true feminist" is that not only women are feminists, Lana, men can agree with equality too.
  5. Deadly Nightshade liked a post in a topic by rubytuesday in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    my two cents
    What i find strangest about her apparent complete ignorance of what feminism actually is - or what it does for her and millions of other women - is that her early BTD era career was so effected by what could be explained by sexism. I don't see men being questioned for their legitimacy nearly as much as women. Much of it was about her appearance at first, too.  It's also a really selfish approach to say "I don't need feminism, I'm free enough, it's boring" because great! She's rich and middle class and feels that way, fine. But for millions upon millions of other women, that's not the case. It's like not backing something just because it doesn't benefit you, even though it benefits billions of other people (and has and does benefit her...).
    Having said that, I understand why she is disillusioned with feminism because she had some harsh, harsh criticisms from particularly feminist reviewers. Some of which, I also thought were unnecessarily harsh on her. Men get to write about these dark, inner thoughts and be called artistic, she does the same and gets huge backlash (because of the responsibility that gets placed on women in any kind of power). I understand it, but I also understand why she would take that to heart so personally and become jaded with the concept.
    Ultimately, I wish she didn't have such an insular, "me me me" view on it... or at least be smarter in how it effects other people reading it. She could have easily just not answered that question, or found a filler question to use, rather than so carelessly disregard something with a pseudo-intelligent "lol stars and big galaxies what about me". I do feel like there's something up with her at the moment though and hope she's doing okay. All her answers are so very calculatedly Cobain or Morrison.
  6. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Deadly Nightshade in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    This is one of the misconceptions of feminism... IT IS NOT ABOUT FUCKING EMPOWERED WOMAN WHO DON'T NEED MEN. IT IS ABOUT WOMEN MAKING CHOICES FOR THEMSELVES AND HAVING THE POSSIBILITY TO DO SO. In this matter it is as okay for lana to depend on men (as long as it's her will) as it is on any other woman to decide to be independent or I mean you get the point. It's not wrong to dress up for a man as long as its your choice. I'ts not wrong to never dress up or put on make up.(not mentioning how feminism affects men here cause that's not what we're talkting about)  it's not that fucking hard, google is your friend, essays are cool and slam poetry can be ur friend. 
  7. Deadly Nightshade liked a post in a topic by merman in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Lana manages to describe exactly what feminism is and say she has no interest in it, yeah that’s real intellectual Lana
    “My idea of a true feminist  is a woman who feels free enough to do whatever she wants.”    
    Lana that is feminism, it's about being equal and free to do what you want as a female but you find it an uninteresting concept, oh okay don’t worry about the centuries of women that did have enough interest in the concept of equality and freedom for you to be where you are today to say and do the idiotic things you do           
    Oh the shame of the contradiction, oh the irony how embarrassing. It’s so bad it’s worse than Alanis Morissette’s ‘Ironic’              
    Now I’ll say something that makes me sound intelligent
    “I’m more interested in, you know, SpaceX and Tesla, what’s going to happen with our intergalactic possibilities.”         
    But you already FAILED an intelligence question, this just makes you sound like an idiot
    “I’d been sick on tour for about two years with this medical anomaly that doctors couldn’t figure out,” she says, to my surprise. “That’s a big part of my life; I just feel really sick a lot of the time and can’t figure out why. It’s just heavy performing for people who really care about you, and you don’t really care that much about yourself sometimes. I thought it was sad. I thought my position was sad. I thought it was sad to be in Ireland singing for people who really cared when I wasn’t sure if I did.”
    Okay just drop the Kurt Cobain mimicking. This is a carbon copy of Kurt’s description of his unexplained illness
    "Choose your idol wisely; read books do what they did"
    FFS that doesn’t mean you literally have to mimic everything out of Heavier than Heaven, it's too much. This is just too embarrassing     
    Lizzy you have to get over your envy of Kurt Cobain, he was who he was but.... who are you 
  8. Deadly Nightshade liked a post in a topic by RiverPhoenix in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Feminists don't want to dictate the decisions of other women--they want all women to be able to make their own decisions. And I really emphasize all women because most people who are quick to cast off feminism as a silly, in-your-face fad are those who are satisfied with their rights and seem to forget the millions of women who don't live in America or Europe and don't have these rights, and whose very lives are often threatened by misogyny. These women are one of the main reasons why we need feminism, because nothing else is helping them. Feminism's goal is to ensure that every woman is able to live her life the way she wants it and make her own choices without any fear of misogynistic backlash. So feminism would applaud Lana's individuality and independence as a female and an artist, not condemn it. 
    (Btw I don't think you'd be very happy if we let everyone do what they want like you suggest   )
  9. Deadly Nightshade liked a post in a topic by mermaid motel in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    All of these responses just prove why feminism is important 
  10. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Deadly Nightshade in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    This is one of the misconceptions of feminism... IT IS NOT ABOUT FUCKING EMPOWERED WOMAN WHO DON'T NEED MEN. IT IS ABOUT WOMEN MAKING CHOICES FOR THEMSELVES AND HAVING THE POSSIBILITY TO DO SO. In this matter it is as okay for lana to depend on men (as long as it's her will) as it is on any other woman to decide to be independent or I mean you get the point. It's not wrong to dress up for a man as long as its your choice. I'ts not wrong to never dress up or put on make up.(not mentioning how feminism affects men here cause that's not what we're talkting about)  it's not that fucking hard, google is your friend, essays are cool and slam poetry can be ur friend. 
  11. Lirazel liked a post in a topic by Deadly Nightshade in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    This is one of the misconceptions of feminism... IT IS NOT ABOUT FUCKING EMPOWERED WOMAN WHO DON'T NEED MEN. IT IS ABOUT WOMEN MAKING CHOICES FOR THEMSELVES AND HAVING THE POSSIBILITY TO DO SO. In this matter it is as okay for lana to depend on men (as long as it's her will) as it is on any other woman to decide to be independent or I mean you get the point. It's not wrong to dress up for a man as long as its your choice. I'ts not wrong to never dress up or put on make up.(not mentioning how feminism affects men here cause that's not what we're talkting about)  it's not that fucking hard, google is your friend, essays are cool and slam poetry can be ur friend. 
  12. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Deadly Nightshade in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Either she didn't handle it well at all (probably bc she's just cornered to give an answer to a "complex" topic) Now I do not think it is complex at all but ignorance makes it out to be.  Or  her words were cut out of place and put there to seem controversial as IMO they did with talking about UV 
    We, diehard fans, know that she doesn't say ohhhh you hit me and I can't leave you ohhhh yeahhh hit me yeahhhh you are my leader guide me with your fist  In fact for me UV shows the struggle of loving him SO much BUT not going back because he is abusive. But how did the interviewer make it out to be? Like she's just helpless and is romanticizing abusive relationships

  13. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by Deadly Nightshade in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    This is one of the misconceptions of feminism... IT IS NOT ABOUT FUCKING EMPOWERED WOMAN WHO DON'T NEED MEN. IT IS ABOUT WOMEN MAKING CHOICES FOR THEMSELVES AND HAVING THE POSSIBILITY TO DO SO. In this matter it is as okay for lana to depend on men (as long as it's her will) as it is on any other woman to decide to be independent or I mean you get the point. It's not wrong to dress up for a man as long as its your choice. I'ts not wrong to never dress up or put on make up.(not mentioning how feminism affects men here cause that's not what we're talkting about)  it's not that fucking hard, google is your friend, essays are cool and slam poetry can be ur friend. 
  14. Deadly Nightshade liked a post in a topic by lafleursauvage in WC, SOC, UV, BB - your favorite single? [updated]   
    The experience of waking up at 5:00AM sharp JUST to hear West Coast for the first time was amazing for me. It felt like I was the only one awake at that time. I was alone, the sun wasn't even up yet, the air was so chill and beautiful. It was like being fully awake in a dream. And then I heard West Coast for the first time and tried so hard not to squeal. I fell in LOVE with the guitars and the way the beat accelerates and slows down in all the right moments. It's the experience that matters.
    West Coast > Ultraviolence > Shades of Cool 
  15. Deadly Nightshade liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    For the love of God and for the sake of this forum, Lana needs to stop being asked questions about feminism. 
  16. HEARTCORE liked a post in a topic by Deadly Nightshade in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    This is one of the misconceptions of feminism... IT IS NOT ABOUT FUCKING EMPOWERED WOMAN WHO DON'T NEED MEN. IT IS ABOUT WOMEN MAKING CHOICES FOR THEMSELVES AND HAVING THE POSSIBILITY TO DO SO. In this matter it is as okay for lana to depend on men (as long as it's her will) as it is on any other woman to decide to be independent or I mean you get the point. It's not wrong to dress up for a man as long as its your choice. I'ts not wrong to never dress up or put on make up.(not mentioning how feminism affects men here cause that's not what we're talkting about)  it's not that fucking hard, google is your friend, essays are cool and slam poetry can be ur friend. 
  17. Deadly Nightshade liked a post in a topic by Bekim in Ultraviolence   
    comprende these brite lites

  18. Deadly Nightshade liked a post in a topic by lavender-sunshine in "Ultraviolence" to premier tomorrow on BBC Radio 1 with Zane Lowe!   
    When I heard the live version, I expected it to be the standout song of the album. I was disappointed that the vocals are so airy in the chorus, but it grew on me by the end of one listen. I especially love the bridge ("We could go back to New York..."), the "I can hear sirens" line, and the reverb guitar around the 'sirens' part.
  19. Deadly Nightshade liked a post in a topic by Poison Ivy in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    yea lol why would everyone care about equality, overrated tbh
  20. Deadly Nightshade liked a post in a topic by Swan Song in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Her comment just perpetuates the idea that all feminists are crazy or hate men 
  21. Deadly Nightshade liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Um, it'd be one thing if she said something like, "Feminism or lack thereof does not enter my consciousness when writing songs, nor should it have to. To be frank, I just don't have an interest in feminism. I also don't believe that art should have to adhere to ~socially correct~ conventions nor should it have to be ~progressive~. I write about my fucking personal experiences, and I'm not about to comprise my art to pacify those that don't respect how I chose to live my life with the person I loved during a time I felt happy and fulfilled." 
    But no, she didn't. It's one thing to state a lack of engaged/active interest, it's another to DISMISS a social and political movement that has undoubtedly bettered the lives of countless women around the world, including HER. Christ. Cringing hardcore at the "LOLOL FEMINISM IS SILLY AND TRIVIAL IN COMPARISON TO SPACE AND SCIENCE I AM SMART". It just kills me when Lana does her faux-intellectual schtick (politics, metaphysics, etc), because she always comes out looking like a complete idiot. 
  22. Deadly Nightshade liked a post in a topic by Poison Ivy in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    And I'm like, god Lana, feminism is an 'interesting concept' because women don't feel free enough to do whatever they want in any society. She always sounds so ignorant whenever feminism is brought up, but now even more than usual. 
  23. Trinity liked a post in a topic by Deadly Nightshade in "Ultraviolence" to premier tomorrow on BBC Radio 1 with Zane Lowe!   
    Exactly like the comparison is brilliant and a great opportunity! But I don't think the way to throw it out there is by saying that ur bf calls u taht like, Just no. This are the opportunities I talk about like she could've used this comparison in another way and make it not sound ~ weird ~ For some idk
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