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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. It wouldn't surprise me. That plot sounds up her alley and she once posted on Facebook about another Brooke Shields film, The Blue Lagoon: Note her use of the phrase "golden gods" which she uses in "West Coast". Also, this is the poster/DVD cover artwork for The Blue Lagoon: Tropico much?
  2. evilentity


    Total ripoff of the Google Translate "Robot Lana" voice from my podcast.
  3. There's actually an entire interview section being worked on by one of the mods with the help of other members.
  4. Why? I feel sorry for her having to grow up in that fucked up family. Any bets on how many months this Kim marriage will last? She should get Lorde to play her next one.
  5. FIFY New Solange conspiracy theory: She's a Lana stan lashing out at the plagiarism.
  6. I'm amused by the fact that aside from anyone on here with rich parents (RIP @@SugarVenom) or inherited wealth (hey @@phahad), I probably have the most disposable cash to drop on something like this and yet I seem to be one of the few finding this box set completely overpriced. That said I think Lana is savvy to sell this as such an inflated price. Only diehards will buy it anyway and most of you seem willing to pay through the nose for it. #GetItGirl
  7. Nothin' more gorgeous over-priced than a $100 bill box set.
  8. $100? That's double what I paid for the PE box set and there's less music and no videos.
  9. A lot of stuff she's mentioned before, but a few really pleasant surprises here: As someone who always rolled their eyes at Lana's superficial fondness for Kurt Cobain (and found Nirvana overrated compared to the other major grunge bands anyway), it's nice to see Pearl Jam and Mark Lanegan on this list. I'm also surprised to see a Doors track that's not completely cliché.
  10. evilentity


    Solange's greatest hits?
  11. I thought Rob's favorite drink was Redbull. Hmm, guess I should wait to shave it off until after her Detroit show. (P.S. @@SitarHero we need a beard-stroking emoticon. I always look at that Assad emote and think, "Gee, Bashar looks so thoughtful", but then I'm like, "Wait, no! It's fucking Assad!" Screenshot here. Link to blog post here (scroll all the way to the bottom).
  12. Speaking of pent-up demand, I'm glad to see you posting here again.
  13. This pent-up demand supports the point I've been making about how disproportionately underserved her North American market has been.
  14. She didn't do press for two and a half years, she says, exhausted by what she saw as persistent misrepresentations of herself and her story. "Read everything and assume the opposite, then you'll really know who I am." She gives a thin smile. "It really doesn't matter what I say." Sigh. This is getting really old in interview after interview. Stop blaming everyone else and start taking some responsibility for your and your team's own misrepresentations and missteps that fueled the criticism. the 27-year-old singer Del Rey was born in New York in 1986 Case in point. she recorded an album with producer David Kahne (Paul McCartney, the Strokes, New Order), released in 2009, which didn't sell. Titled Lana Del Ray aka Lizzy Grant Um, actually the title was just Lana Del Ray and it wasn't released until 2010, but again, great fact-checking. "I'm not a provocateur." Titles song "Fucked My Way Up to the Top". She went through a painful period of writer's block while touring after the release of Born to Die, "trying to write things that I thought would be more accessible," Why, Lana, why? Del Rey... grew up in Lake Placid, a small town on the northern edge of upstate New York. "It's the coldest spot in the nation," she says. Conflict with teachers at school, where her mother also taught, led to her parents sending her to Kent, a private boarding school in Connecticut; her uncle had recently taken up a position there as admissions officer, and he helped to arrange financial aid. inb4 "Conflict with teachers at school" = "let's make love with our teachers". Hmm, sheds new light on "My Momma" & "Boarding School". Also, I wonder if this is the uncle that taught her to play guitar. "I was lonely," she says, but "I had this teacher who was my only friend in school. His name was Gene. He read us Leaves of Grass and we read Lolita in class, and it changed my world, which was a really solitary world. I didn't have a connection to anyone in class and when I found these writers, I knew they were my people." Gene was just a few years older than her, fresh from Georgetown University. "He would sign me out and we would listen to Tupac and stuff in his car," she remembers, "and he would teach me about old movies like Citizen Kane. He taught me everything." Jesus fucking Christ Lana. Now you've mentioned him by his first name? Sorry, Mr. Campbell, there's nothing I can do anymore. God help you now. For the sake of your career, it's probably a good thing you're teaching at an all boys school now. "Nina" and "Billie" are on her left upper chest, for Billie Holiday and Nina Simone, her favourite singers. Um, wasn't there an interview where she said she wasn't inspired by any female artists? After high school, Del Rey attended Fordham, a university in the Bronx where she finished a BA with a major in philosophy, but felt out of sync with campus life. I still have some skepticism about whether she actually graduated, but at least she's correctly saying it was a "big degree in philosophy" rather than metaphysics. She thinks for a moment and says, "I did lose my car, my family's car. That was not a good thing. I guess that was a catalyst." I wonder if this is a euphemism for crashing it, but it's more prosaic. "I forgot where I put it." She sighs and smiles ruefully. I just riiiiide. And forget where I parked because I was too drunk to remember. Um, guys, it's an Australian newspaper. There are these things called time zones...
  15. I don't necessarily disagree, but I just wanted to note the irony of calling a song in which she describes the specific taste of her vagina "the least personal song she's written".
  16. You can't just tease us like that! Be forever awesome. Post it.
  17. I'm not saying y'all are wrong about "Florida Kilos" being a "Kill Kill" remake (we'll see), but the evidence seems really thin to me. There are no direct references to Florida or drugs in the lyrics if any at all. And if she were going to remake it and give it a different title, it seems more likely to me that she'd call it "The Ocean" as originally intended.
  18. The Huffington Post, January 20, 2009 (Probably the inspiration for HI&R, maybe even "Is It Wrong?") Pitchfork, August 30, 2011 The Quietus, October 4, 2011 Not exactly an admission, but not a denial either. Taken together with her some of her lyrics about desiring fame, sex of a transactional nature, her history of seeing guys in the music industry and taking selfies on their laps, and... well... (hat tip to @ for the handy "Interviews" section in progress)
  19. Probably a thank you for being in her Tropico video.
  20. at people so certain of their skepticism of a tracklisting that was on fucking Amazon. I mean, unless there's a history here I don't know about I would expect they would only put up official information. at people bothered by the title "Fucked My Way Up to the Top". First of all, don't judge it until you hear it. Second, she's made comments in interviews several times before (and in some other song lyrics) hinting she may have tried that approach (with disappointing results), so I'm surprised anyone's surprised by that title. Hmm, I better start preparing a podcast segment for "The Other Woman" in case it's a Nina Simone cover. Also, at my prescience.
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