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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. Both. She's talked about both of them and specific songs of each in interviews before.
  2. You know, it might help if you took your mask off:
  3. Admit it, you're Gordo, aren't you.
  4. What are you talking about? KOL and both the album and demo versions of NA are all under 4:00.
  5. I looked into this quite awhile ago and found the same information and dead ends. When that photo was posted on tumblr, it was captioned "A long forgotten rex arrow film starring John and Lana." She doesn't appear in either the YouTube trailers or IMDb credits and Invisible Cities seems like it was probably a major project for Ian Wolfson at the time he made it, so it doesn't seem like he'd refer to it as "long forgotten". I doubt she's in it, but it would be interesting if someone could get their hands on a copy of the film to see. However, I did find some other things on John Rectenwald. A John-Michael Rectenwald posted on her personal Facebook page multiple times (I'm too lazy to post screencaps right now) and he was also a music artist under the alias John Record. A Twitter exchange between @JohnRecord and @MissDaytona can be seen here. John Record has appeared on a few songs with Mac Miller whose videos have often been directed by Ian "Rex Arrow" Wolfson. I've also wondered if Mizrahi was connected somehow in his capacity as a location manager.
  6. Yes, please. I love her voice with subtler arrangements. I've always felt all the Emile Haynie sample bullshit distracted quite a bit from just how lovely her voice is. Yes, Lizzy performed a cover at a Leonard Cohen tribute night at Mr. Dennehy's Underground on November 5, 2008. I contacted the person who organized it and he told me she did a solo cover of "Dance Me to the End of Love": He gave the impression that was the only song she covered, but didn't explicitly say so, so I'll ask. My response
  7. evilentity

    USA Tour?

    ^ This will kind of piss me off in a way if it's true. This is easily close enough for me to go to and I've always wanted a good excuse to go to Lollapalooza, but all the 3-day passes are already sold out before they've even announced the line-up. That's kinda bullshit.
  8. I always interpreted this as meaning K's original maximum sentence was 30 years, not that he had been in prison that long. And for the record, she was about 20 or 21 at the time since Sirens was recorded in 2005 or 2006. What makes you think it would have to be California?
  9. If you're going to cover your body with tats, at least pick good ones.
  10. HDB and Brian Wilson share a birthday with Emile Haynie?
  11. Ha, if that's the case, the marketing completely backfired on me. I'd actually be interested in seeing a slow art house film, but the ads made this film look like complete trash. In fact, the only reason I checked out this thread was the absurdity that you of all people would start a thread about this movie. I really hope this film is just a massive exercise in trolling as you suspect. I find Kaufman-esque audience antagonism hilarious.
  12. Nah, crank that shit. Dude says something else, but I'm not entirely sure what.
  13. Yeah, that's in the original stream. Sounds more like "you're older" to me, but that's probably not right either.
  14. There's a 192kbps DL here. And if you're clever, you can figure out how to DL "Caught Up" here. (Hint: View page source.)
  15. After you make a Fiona-themed board called TheIdlerWheelIsWiserThantheDriveroftheScrewandWhippingCordsWillServeYouMoreThanRopesWillEverDoBoards.com.
  16. A week ago Friday I heard an acoustic set on Michigan Radio (NPR) by a band on the rise from Detroit called Jessica Hernandez & the Deltas. In the past couple years, only three artists' voices have stopped me dead in my tracks at first listen: Lana the first time I heard "Video Games", The Civil Wars when they sang a minute of "Barton Hallow" on the Grammys, and now Jessica Hernandez & the Deltas. I wasted no time and drove to Detroit to see them play to a full medium-sized venue this past Friday night and they were fucking amazing! Here's some live videos from a show they did last year: Here's the acoustic set they did on Michigan Radio: DIY music video for "Young Dumb & Drunk": Music video for "Don't Take My Man to Idaho": Website Facebook MySpace ("Moonstruck" and "No Place Left to Hide" are particularly good)
  17. This guy? It's a shame he never played for the Devils.
  18. I don't get the love for Ben either. I don't care how attractive you think he is, I've seen plenty of evidence he's a dick. And while he's managed Lana on her path to success, I think he's made serious errors.
  19. Well, her very last non-televised show before becoming famous was at this place. Just sayin'. And what's wrong with being evil anyway?
  20. I am awaiting Gordo's return and his annotated graphical representation of his rating.
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