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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. He's still no Werner Herzog. That guy got shot while giving an interview and still continued it, remarking "It is not a significant bullet." Oh, and a few days earlier he rescued Joaquin Phoenix from his overturned car.
  2. Well, she does keep changing it all the time.
  3. Not sure I buy this. I don't see "meth" in there anywhere.
  4. He performed both of those songs when he was on SNL last weekend. You should check it out.
  5. Yeah, I mean, if she starts looking too old, she could always consider plastic surgery or collagen injections.
  6. If you like it then you better put a lock on it. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...
  7. evilentity


    I'm more into cellophane myself.
  8. My Formal Application: Name: evilentity Desired Host Name: evilentity Days you would be available to host: Saturdays, some Sundays Age: Under 40 and I have a job Gender: XYZ Voice: Castrato... wait, that's not what you were asking? Awkward! Here's my demo (waiting for Monicker to say I'm using "demo" incorrectly): http://vocaroo.com/i/s0oMyKIUejBH Country: A-M-E-R-I-C-A. Part of Oceania. We've always been at war with Eastasia. Timezone: Eastern Spoken Language: Nadsat. You grahzny bratchnys can kiss my yarbles. Bog grant me a devotchka with real horrorshow groodies to give a bit of the old in-out-in-out. On a side note... Monicker, are you into visionary art or just fantasy art? I really like Alex Grey and Brigid Marlin has some great stuff too.
  9. I couldn't agree with this more. I've found it odd that some of the most vocal opponents of song leaks are the quickest to post personal information and pictures. They've got it exactly backwards.
  10. evilentity


    I'm pretty sure she says "got a jumper" again (or maybe "got a jump on") instead of "got a junk on" and it's "My man's crazy and his mind isn't right".
  11. A few technical points before I address your larger point: First of all, it hasn't taken months of research to ascertain. A number of us have known this for awhile, but didn't feel it was appropriate to link to a personal account. I only posted it now because the copyright filings also indicate this. Secondly, if you read this Complex magazine interview, and read between the lines of questioning a little, it appears the interviewer was on to her and probably hadn't been given the same date of birth from every source. To your main point, I'm more bothered by Lana continuing to lie about it than journalists mindlessly repeating it. It just furthers the narrative that she's manufactured, has erased/rewritten her past, etc. That being said, while I don't necessarily expect music journalists to meticulously fact check every birth date, I do see this as symptomatic of an overall lack of credible reporting in the music press in general, and regarding Lana Del Rey in particular. They seem to do less fact-checking for an article than I do for a forum post (which admittedly probably says as much about me as it does about them). But if I were a music journalist interviewing or reporting on an artist, the first thing I would do is seek out a fan from the fanbase who is knowledgeable, but not blindly supportive-- someone like me or a lot of others here-- and find out what questions I should be asking.
  12. While I'd love to see a video for "She's Not Me", and think it would be a great choice for a single, wouldn't a video shot near Vegas involving motorcycles be more appropriate for "Yayo"?
  13. Shorter Monicker: Leaks do not necessarily equal reduced sales. I've also shared some of my thoughts on leaks in this post in another thread.
  14. For some reason, I have a hard time imagining a Monicker album with only acoustic elements. Out of all the instruments used on each track, there would have to be at least one that would cause Monicker to protest that it could not technically be considered acoustic. (And you better make damn sure you don't call it a demo, or even worse, an acoustic demo with watermarks.) P.S. Does anyone know Monicker's full name so I can track down his earlier albums at the US Copyright Office?
  15. Wow. Monicker just expressed my own reaction to some of the responses this information has received when posted here and elsewhere. And he expressed it even better than I probably could have: Exactly. The idea being discussed in this thread wouldn't even cause material to leak. But on the subject of leaks... I've always detected a fair amount of disingenuousness in the anti-leak dogmatism adopted lately by much of the fanbase. And I think recent events have demonstrated that. Frankly, I'm tired of hearing people spout as fact what Lana supposedly thinks or feels, especially when it comes second or third hand from sources that are questionable to begin with. As far as I know, Lana hasn't said anything on the record regarding leaks except to say that AKA is widely available online and that she is proud of it. Absent a public statement from Lana regarding leaks, I'm not going to feel bad or conflicted about listening to leaks or wanting things to leak. I'm not sure I would even with a statement. Personally, I don't feel that being a fan ever obligates one to not want to hear new music. (Posting a leak is a separate issue, however, ethically and legally.) As I've said before on another forum, the interests or artists, record companies, and fans are not the same and are often in tension and at cross-purposes with each other, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Yes, this is why I said it was "pretty expensive" and that "I don't think Kickstarter is viable for this" and threw out the still somewhat fantastical idea that maybe a music publication would find it a worthwhile expense for an article because it was the only idea I could think of with even a modicum of practicality. At any rate, I was just surprised to find that listening to the recordings via the Copyright Office is even possible. I plead the fifth.
  16. Also, Sid Vicious died of an overdose, not in a fire, so I'm assuming "Vicious in flames" is referring to the fact that he was cremated.
  17. It's "I'm in love lying in the sand". And it's Ray, not Brian.
  18. Thanks for both these corrections! But I have to say you guys are way off on some of the other lyrics: She's name-checking a bunch of musicians that died early: Elvis, Sid Vicious, Marilyn Monroe, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, Kurt Cobain, and... somebody else: Perhaps it's (Tommy) Bolin or (Marc) Bolan? Both of those guys were musicians who died early, but neither was as famous as the other people she lists, nor their deaths as fetishized.
  19. I had a little trouble with some of the lyrics. Lyrics I'm unsure about are in red: Our kind of love It was once in a lifetime It couldn't last It was doomed from the first time And you were 50s cool In blue suede shoes But it was a cover for all of the trouble You got into I always fall for the wrong guy Things that are bad always taste nice That's what girls like me do Lose you Don't tell me it's over Don't tell me it's over Hollywood's dead Elvis is crying Vicious in flames [bolin/Bolan?] is dying And in the light you're sickeningly beautiful Say goodbye, you're sickeningly beautiful This kind of life Wasn't meant for the good girl Try as I might In the end, it's a cruel world And you are living proof Sinatra aloof That you were an actor who only went after The ones who swooned I always fall for the same type Gangsters in Vegas on game night That's what girls like me like The limelight Don't tell me it's over Don't tell me it's over Hollywood's dead Elvis is crying Marilyn's sad Hendrix is lying there In the light you're sickeningly beautiful Say goodbye, you're sickeningly beautiful If you should go before me then know That I always loved you There's no one above you, baby Don't tell me it's over Don't tell me it's over Hollywood's dead Elvis is crying Lennon, wake up Cobain, stop lying there In the light you're sickeningly beautiful Say goodbye, you're sickeningly beautiful Say goodnight, you're so beautiful Hollywood's dead Hollywood's dead Hollywood's dead Yeah Hollywood's dead Hollywood's dead Hollywood's dead Yeah (Cut!)
  20. I won't cry myself to sleep like a sucker I won't cry myself to sleep If I do I'll die Now you fall asleep with another Damn you Remember how we used to escape for the summer Fireworks and sparklers would light up the black skies We'd hold on tight for our lives to each other Hello, hello, where did you go? We were two kids living life on the run Like the american dream Baby, nothing to lose And we get messed up for fun We went too fast, too young But I won't cry myself to sleep like a sucker I won't cry myself to sleep If I do I'll die Now you fall asleep with another Damn you Damn you Flowers in my hair and your breath smelled like whiskey Promised anywhere that I go, take you with me Dancing on your feet like a child to the radio Hello, hello, where did you go? We were two kids living life on the run Of the american dream Baby, nothing to lose And we get messed up for fun We went too fast, too young But I won't cry myself to sleep like a sucker I won't cry myself to sleep If I do I'll die Now you fall asleep with another Damn you Damn you Damn you Damn you Every once in a lifetime Dreams can come true Now and then when the stars shine You meet somebody like you And I won't cry myself to sleep like a sucker I won't cry myself to sleep If I do I'll die I pray your life is sweet, you fucker Damn you Oh, oh Damn you Damn you
  21. I second these motions. Perhaps the auto-welcome-thread could be replaced by an auto-welcome-PM?
  22. These two BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge covers remain my favorites:
  23. Don't misunderstand. If we raise the money, someone would be able to go and listen to the recordings at the US Copyright Office. I highly doubt that person would be able to make a copy. The whole purpose of the office is to protect copyrighted material. But hopefully whoever we send would be allowed to take copious notes. The most we could hope for is for someone to report back with a track listing, full transcriptions of the lyrics, descriptions of the songs, and perhaps some photos. And one lucky person will have been able to hear it.
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