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Everything posted by GangstaBoy

  1. GangstaBoy

    Song vs. Song

    1949 vs. Hollywood's Dead
  2. Well, I wanted the video to be in colour because the photographs looked amazing and I didn't want it to look like the Blue Jeans video (which I believe was shot in B&W to keep the crocodiles more real, as they were made out of rubber or something and colour would've simply ruined the effect). My native language isn't english and I watch subtitled films all the time, just because I hate dubbings and I always like to hear the original audio/language.
  3. OMG The verses from the new version sound exactly as I had imagined them back when she sang them acapella for the first time! On the other hand it sounds pretty much like the demo version of Dark Paradise and I liked the chorus just as it was... Guess you can never please everyone
  4. Let's keep this thread for UV only, otherwise it's a mess
  5. Well, she could release a 12 track album (+ bonus tracks, though I hate that) and an EP next year... that wouldn't be bad
  6. GangstaBoy

    Song vs. Song

    Off To The Races vs. AFFA
  7. GangstaBoy

    Song vs. Song

    West Coast vs. National Anthem
  8. I'm pretty sure Lana herself told whoever runs her yt account to put "soon" in the video description and somewhat made the vevo people to announce it for this week This bitch ain't gonna release it soon
  9. GangstaBoy

    Song vs. Song

    Live or Die vs. Burning Desire
  10. That's such a weird interview... you can tell she was a bit uncomfortable
  11. Yeah, and you should play a game called push and hide, you push push push others on purpose and if they turn you just act as if you hadn't lift a finger I do it all the time at night clubs and it almost makes up for the sweat and the lack of oxygen (Just kidding I used to do it and I almost get punched once) The important thing is to wear comfy clothes and proper shoes, you wanna get home with your whole feet
  12. Cruel World sounds quite promising! I only wish people would shut the fuck up so I could hear it better I mean, she's singing a new song, you can shout and scream while she sings the oldies
  13. Well, I'm not gay and I love her I don't feel the need to relate to her songs, I just like her way of expressing things and the way she sings about such dark topics, for example she manages to tell such tragic stories yet includes lines like 'You fit me better than my favourite sweter' lol I also like what she represents, her image, her beliefs, that by-gone era she seems to habitate even though she didn't even live it... She's hot as hell, not gonna deny it, but as somebody said I see her as an idol rather than an object
  14. My only complaint about the new version is that they tonned down the high pitch sound near the end. The final chorus with that sick noise resumed the whole song to me: romantic but also tragic and dark, and that was what made it stood up... WHY ON EARTH DID THEY DO THAT?
  15. GangstaBoy

    Song vs. Song

    West Coast vs. Million Dollar Man
  16. GangstaBoy

    Lily Allen

    LET THE WAR BEGIN Just kiddin Don't need to get mad lol it's my opinion since I grew listening to Lily and both Alright, Still and It's not me, it's you are very close to me This new album, I just can't feel it...
  17. GangstaBoy

    Lily Allen

    Sheezus is not bad, I kinda like it but it's not better than It's not me, it's you, whoever said that. I love her previous work and this album just falls flat in comparison...
  18. Why was she interviewing Lana by the restrooms? lol Imagine the situation... Lana's due to pee and a wild journalist appears -Hey, can I ask u some dumb questions? -Sure, I was about to pee Awkward situation
  19. Thanks! And it's my pleasure to discuss about her videos with other Lana-lovers, as I find them fascinating, both visually and technically.
  20. That's something that irks me every time I see the video, from what I understood Lana was portraying the moment in which Jackie climbed off the limo to grab a blown away piece of JFK's skull. My guess is that they shot the scene once from afar and, since the shot in the moving car was kinda risky for Lana to do, then shot the close up with the car stopped hoping no one noticed. BUT I DID. lol Or perhaps it's just an outtake and they used it cause they liked her expression, who knows...
  21. GangstaBoy

    Song vs. Song

    Video Games vs. Off To The Races
  22. When after surgery, and under the effects of anesthesia, you start yelling to the nurses that Elvis is your father and Marilyn Monroe is your mother, and then you proceed to sing Body Electric to the hospital staff and patients LOL This actually happened to me a few months ago, I didn't know if I should post it here or in the Real Embarrassment thread
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