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About lvrdve

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  1. lvrdve

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I know a lot of people didn’t like Butterfly, but it must have resonated with the general public. With around 7 million streams, it’s her biggest single by first-month streams, surpassing Venus Fly Trap by about 2 million. Curious to see how Cupid's Girl fares.
  2. lvrdve

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I don't really mind the sound effects either (so far) but it does give me war flashbacks to the children cheering stock sound effect in Life in Strange
  3. lvrdve

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Why do the Cupid's Girl lyrics lowkey read like they're about pegging... Unrelated, but I'm excited for the album cover reveal because I'm curious about what the theme or vibe for the visuals will be this era- the single covers have a little simple textured-scrapbooky vibe but her looks/music visuals have been fairly colorful and dramatic.
  4. lvrdve

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Yeah, personally, based on the IG snippet and the lyrical rhyme scheme/themes I think they're the same song. The instrumental tracks shown in the IG clip makes me think the "keep it sweet and sour" is likely the intro to or some kind of break in Princess of Power- The wiki has snippets separated unless lyrics/instrumentals overlap or it's officially confirmed in some way so atp the separate pages don't necessarily confirm that it's a different song. Unless it's another bitch/witch moment like on ADIAML, I also just don't see her reusing such a specific motif and scheme over multiple songs.
  5. More likely that he doubles down and Lana finally releases her cover of Stand By Your Man (but if that's what it takes to have that on streaming...)
  6. lvrdve

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    It's not 100% but based on one of the leaked snippets and her writing/usage of rhyme schemes I'm pretty certain they're the same songs. I could definitely see her dropping it in April and doing some kind of campy song related April flowers promo similar to what she did for Butterfly.
  7. lvrdve

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    That makes sense. It's most likely going to be title track/third single & album announcement together like with ADIAML. I'd personally guess we'll get the announcement and single sometime in April with a late May/early June album release, she loves her late spring/early summer releases and that fits with her drop schedule so far. Especially if the album is titled "Princess of Power" as it's rumored to be bc iirc based on the leaked snippets that's the song with the line about "sweet sour/April showers"
  8. lvrdve

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I believe she said that something was coming during Aquarius season, not the album specifically and I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be Butterfly but it got delayed and released a little later bc of the wildfires in LA - The way that this is lowkey the most positive this thread has been during a single's release in years... Diamonds we're finally on our way out of the trenches...
  9. lvrdve

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I agree, sometimes I think about how there's a couple of songs/lyrics in her earlier discography that if she had released them now she'd get dragged for being cringe and a bad writer. But in all honesty, while I don't think she's the greatest writer, I do think she gets judged on a bit of a curve because people seem to over-nostalgize and romanticize her older work. Like I don't particularly care for L+F but in the grand scheme of pop music they're generally decent and digestible songs, mediocre sure, but not unlistenable trash in the way that a lot of people like to act like they are.
  10. Oops, I didn't mean to imply that something nefarious was happening. I was also thinking along the lines of her shifting focus to her relationships and possibly considering changing how she approaches her career and art. She's always sounded very one-track minded and focused on creating her music even in "off-season" in the past so it would not surprise me if a lot of the lack of activity is either her deciding to reprioritize or even just trying to figure out how to balance her career and marriage
  11. I tend to not believe blind items because the majority of them tend to be false or just speculation passed as truth. However, given how dead this pre-release has been and the lack of activity I do kind of wonder if their relationship is impacting the album/her career in some way.
  12. lvrdve

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    One sneak... IMO True is literally one of the worst songs on the album next to Orange Trees which at least has a cute bridge moment lol.
  13. lvrdve

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    That's true. Since they haven't really said anything I wonder if it's just a visual a la Superstar and the L+F acoustics and the next MV is being saved for the title track. I'm also kinda hoping that she'll do an album trailer for this era, seems like it could work well since she's mentioned the album being more character driven and conceptual.
  14. lvrdve

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Actually unless there is no video and it was just a promo shoot with some clips done for the music streaming platforms?
  15. lvrdve

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Is she going to announce the Cupid's Girl MV? I'm assuming it drops with the single tomorrow around noon like Butterfly did but the only reference to the MV so far seems to be the promo stills and the BTS clip she posted awhile ago.
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