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Poor Stacy

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Everything posted by Poor Stacy

  1. omg. this is hitting... I never connected this before. I just turned 30, so I feel this to my core... "Summer... summer's almost gone..."
  2. lol, this album is definitely going to be another Honeymoon on streaming. especially with it being her least radio-friendly album (along w/ Honeymoon) and her releasing a follow-up so quickly. we should just be happy it's been well-received both critically and commercially so far, and not expect another 1B streams. just being realistic.
  3. I love Chemtrails. That said, there's no way she can go any softer or minimalistic than she does on that album. It's very soft, gentle, wispy. For Rock Candy Sweet, I want her to try some faster songs, with a rock/electric guitar-heavy approach. I just feel like she still has a harder-edged, alternative rock album in her that's waiting to be unleashed. Idk. But I'm pretty much down for anything - as long as it isn't a pop album or a piano ballad album.
  4. Don't even worry about it. AV Club and Sputnik were always going to give her a bad review. AV Club spent their entire review talking about how Chemtrails pales in comparison to NFR, but they only gave NFR a "B" rating. The reviewer from Sputnik has always been a Lana hater and planned on giving her album a bad score in advance. These are the types of reviews I've been expecting - they're immature and unprofessional, but that's why not many people take journalism seriously these days. I'm just thankful (and pleasantly surprised) we're still in the 80s on Metacritic.
  5. You guys... Not All Who Wander Are Lost... This song is so special. It's been hitting the heartstrings today.
  6. My head is still spinning from this announcement. I keep thinking about how collectively freaked out we were in the past couple of months about her possibly taking a hiatus or "not feeling inspired" etc, and like clockwork, a day after Chemtrails' release, the next one is announced, even sooner than Chemtrails was. I'm still enjoying fully immersing myself into Chemtrails, so it's a lot to look forward to, but in a "We're so lucky!" way. I love how our fave is so prolific.
  7. ew, i didn't know anyone actually watched that guy/takes him seriously everything about him makes me feel nauseous... highkey ...
  8. Cherry Blossom isn't one of my faves but whatevs.
  9. Same!!!! That damn song is doing cartwheels in my head today. All day.
  10. One of my best friends just told me they don't like White Dress, and while I get it, I'm also lowkey trying not to be annoyed about it.
  11. Yeah, out of the remaining publications I only really see MusicOMH, NOW, maybe No Ripcord or AV Club. Uncut (print only) may show up later. I think it'll stay above 81 but probably not go up to 85 again. Still only 4 points off from NFR!, which is amazing considering the year she's had. It really sucks that a review as targeted, personal, and unprofessional as Sputnik's is eligible to be counted, but it says a lot about Sputnik in general, and the type of guys who write reviews there. Imagine feeling that threatened by Lana. And even with their shitty review, she's still well above 'Universally Acclaimed' , which only points to their transparency and bias. She really won, but either way, it's funny how she doesn't even give a fuck: Looking forward to their '0' when Lana rips their asses a new one with RCS.
  12. The Rolling Stone review is the best one I've read for this album, just FYI.
  13. Metacritic added the 30 from Sputnik. Only lost a point, though, down to 83. So much for 'cRitiCaL iNtEgRIty' lol.
  14. First single 'Question for the Culture, Fuck You to the World' out next Friday.
  15. This is so beautiful - thanks for sharing! You should post this in the Chemtrails post-release thread!
  16. OK, I feel comfortable taking a stab at my track rankings now: 01 - White Dress 02 - Dance Till We Die 03 - Tulsa Jesus Freak 04 - Not All Who Wander Are Lost 05 - Chemtrails 06 - Wild At Heart 07 - Dark But Just a Game 08 - Yosemite 09 - Breaking Up Slowly 10 - Let Me Love You Like a Woman 11 - For Free That was really hard. And it still feels premature since certain songs are still sinking in with repeated listens. I don't feel there are any fillers on the album, or any tracks I'd remove. Lana's covers typically always come last for me, though. It's not even intentional, it's just how it always is for some reason! My top 4 is pretty solidified, 5-9 are subject to change.
  17. Me sinking into the beauty that is NAWWAL whilst thinking about my shambolic love life... The thing about f*gs like you, is you've got a lot to say But will we have a second date?
  18. I'm dead serious when I say I think she could see some success with Wild At Heart or Breaking Up Slowly as singles. But I know she won't since she's moving on to Rock Candy Sweet already (I woke up this morning like "Was that all a dream?")
  19. I don't think the album's really missing anything, but whoever said they could see Yes To Heaven as Track 8 between NAWWAL and Yosemite has me swooning now. That would have been so dreamy, lol.
  20. It just has to be. I love the logo she has for it, too.
  21. Wild At Heart hit me fully today, too. It's such an angelic, sugary sweet song for her, and her vocals are absolutely heavenly on it.
  22. Chemtrails is totally Honeymoon 2.0 with the fans. They'll pay it dust while it's the current album and say it's boring etc, then it'll become a discography highlight in a few years and have a little cult following. Watch and see. This album is a gem.
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