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  1. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by FormerLanaFan in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    Well I know little about Barry but this guy made his biggest mistake by getting together with Lana and especially moving with her in LA. He left his band and career behind for becoming practically Lana's wife? I don't think that he has an income, I don't know what is he doing with his music. From little that I heard from him he is quite talented. He needs to forget Lana quickly and get on his feet because that TMZ video wasn't a pretty sight. Go back Barry to Glasgow, let her fuck around with any cute boy that she meets and forget her messy ass.
  2. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Greenwich in Florida Kilos   
    When I first saw the tracklist i immediately knew this would be my favorite. And well with the snippet... it 100% is... Amazing Lizzy vibes
    i almost cried when i heard it lmao
    Florida Yayo / Cocaine / Kilos
  3. timinmass101 liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in LDR: "I always want to experiment" (Interview with dpa)   
    I think Lana is spiritually sensitive. She is probably a medium. I am an universalist spiritist and sorta get some pretty highly spiritual vibes from her like she is constantly channeling stuff.
  4. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by electriclavender in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    I thought so. 
    Seems like there is definitely some sort of miscommunication between them and we are all aware of Lana's habit of ~exaggerating the the truth... 
    Oh well, I wish them both the best whatever the situation is with them. 
  5. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Nightmare Boy Online in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    Barrie went to Glasgow in the end of April so basically the several months are 1,5 - 2 months maximum
  6. strange weather liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    You can't leave YOUR GIRL alone for months on end and expect it to be a-ok... some guys are fucking clueless!
    Wake up Barrie!

  7. Nightmare Boy Online liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    Or which of us she'd put on her black list.
  8. IamWhatYouDesire liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    You can't leave YOUR GIRL alone for months on end and expect it to be a-ok... some guys are fucking clueless!
    Wake up Barrie!

  9. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by FormerLanaFan in Lana discusses the Guardian controversy, Frances Bean, & Barrie in Aftonbladet interview   
    She puts her cigarette out, just little bit too hard.
    – Yes, sometimes I fucking wish I was dead, but I don't glamorize death or people killing themselves.
            Markus Larsson and Lana Del Rey. Lana Del Ray excuses herself, gets up and starts fiddling with the espresso machine in her hotel suite.
    – Sorry, I can't do interviews without my coffee. Keep talking. I'm listening.
    I've always wondered, why did you create the persona Lana Del Ray?
    – Well, it's not a persona. It's a different name. I've always thought that the way you're kind of born into a name, a geographic location, a family makes it hard to choose for yourself who you want to be. By having a different name I felt more free to be exactly who I am. People seem to think sometimes that I am somebody on stage and then you get off and you're another person, but I have a more alternative way of thinking.
    I thought it was some kind of art project, like a Ziggy Stardust character?
    – Yeah, people think that but actually for me it was just a different name. It has made it easier for me to express a very clear aesthetic that I love.
    So what was the inspiration for your aesthetic?
    – All things dark and beautiful. Everything I love, everything I've been through, everything I've wanted to do. My history and my songs.
    You seem rather interested in the beauty of darkness and despair.
    – I've had despair and grief in my life. In the past four years journalists have always asked me about death, icons and my persona. My own depressions and experiences has gotten miscommunicated as this need to be dark. Actually it's not my preferred way of being. I love when things go really well. Anyone who knows me knows this.
    But what about the interview in The Guardian…
    – I'm not fucking happy about the interview, to start with.
    Well, I know that, and you've made that clear on Twitter. But what did you mean when you said ”I wish I was dead already”?
    – Well, first of all… the questions… Sometimes I do feel like I wish I was dead. I've been through a lot. And yes, sometimes I feel like I fucking wish I was dead. But The Guardian made it sound like I was obsessed with dying because it's glamourous. Me being depressed sometimes has nothing to do with other people wanting to kill themselves.
    It must have been surreal when the daughter of your idol Kurt Cobain, Frances Bean Cobain, critcised you on Twitter?
    – She was saying to me ”don't glamorize death” and I wrote back, and I never write to anyone, but I wrote back and said I didn't glamorize death. I don't even sing about death, except on the title track on ”Born to die”. I sing about relationships. The fact that the headline in The Guardian affected people that way feels unfair. That's the problem with the article.
    You're computer got hacked a couple of years ago and 211 songs got stolen among other things.
    – Yeah, someone remotely accessed my hard drive when I was staying in a hotel. The songs are one of a thousand things that was stolen.
    I would have been devastated.
    – Yeah, the fact that someone is watching you. Knowing that you never gonna have the luxury of discretion. These type of crimes won't ever stop.
    Isn't there some legal action you can take, sue someone?
    – Even if he people that started it got caught, they gave it to 40 other people, so the information is still out there.
    Your life is always turned into headlines Like the recent rumours about your recent relationship. It was said you had broken up, but now I heard that your boyfriend Barrien-James O'Neill told TMZ that it's complete bullshit.
    – I mean… I… I didn't use to talk publicly about my relationships. Because things change all the time. But after not seeing him for several months and people still asking me about him I just said no we're not together right now. And when he got to Los Angeles today and he ran into TMZ I don't think he knew what to say. Sometimes it's not real until you're faced with a camera and somebody asking you.
    Ok, it all seems a bit confused. Well, about the music…
    – It's ok. I get it.
    Back to the music. So… are you together?
    – Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. (Lana basically rolls over laughing out loud)
    – Oh my god, that's so funny.
    I'm sorry, I'm just joking. Why do you mention The Crystal's controversial song ”He hit me (and it felt like a kiss)” in the title track on your new album?
    – I know that people have different opinions about that song. And they're entitled to. I always use autobiographical elements. Mixed with anything I can use as an innuendo instead of saying something super directly. For me the writing comes first. I never felt the need to edit myself.
    Hmm. What are you actually saying? That you have been in abusive relationships?
    – It's a good question. I have trouble talking about that song, I didn't think I would. I don't know what to say.
    Why did you choose to cover ”The other woman”?
    – Firstly it's a jazz song, covered by Nina Simone, she's my favourite. I feel like ”Ultraviolence” has a jazzy feel to it, shades of blue, shades of cool. I'm a huge jazz fan. Billie Holiday, Nina Simone, the singers, you know.
    What have you stolen from them, as a song writer?
    To start with I was just a fan. But I realized early on that I had an inclination to sing songs in a minor key with a touch of a blue note. They are my influences. Alongside The Eagles and The Beach Boys.
    Beautiful music with a dark heart.
    Yeah, ”Dark heart”. That's the follow up album. (Laughs).
  10. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by drugmoney in Lana discusses the Guardian controversy, Frances Bean, & Barrie in Aftonbladet interview   
    Barrie is so embarrassing.  U need to

    the fact that he even said "We're not done" as if it was an atual fact is so creepy and beyond delusional. Get a grip dude. Anyway this interview is probably my fave from 2014 so far, the journalist did his homework the questions are really good and relevant/new.
    Hmm. What are you actually saying? That you have been in abusive relationships?
    – It's a good question. I have trouble talking about that song, I didn't think I would. I don't know what to say.
    also yess to the leak related questions lmao I don't think anyone has ever asked her how people got ahold of it before so I'm glad to see she seems to know what the fuck is up with that and the whole circulating leaks bizness
  11. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by lanasgirl in Lana discusses the Guardian controversy, Frances Bean, & Barrie in Aftonbladet interview   
    "You don't wanna break me down
    You don't wanna say goodbye and
    You don't wanna turn around
    You don't wanna make me cry but
    You caught me once
    ​Maybe on the flipside I could catch you again
    You caught me once
    ​Maybe on the flipside you could catch me again"
    Yeah Barrie
  12. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana discusses the Guardian controversy, Frances Bean, & Barrie in Aftonbladet interview   
    Reminds me of her past comments that she just wants things to be easy and people to like her and be nice to her, she doesn't care why. 

    No, Lana, your own words and images-- your lyrics, videos, photoshoots, past interviews, and the answers you gave The Guardian-- give this impression, intentionally or not. 

    Have you listened to any of your music? Lana Del Rey, casual Lana fan. 

  13. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    You can't leave YOUR GIRL alone for months on end and expect it to be a-ok... some guys are fucking clueless!
    Wake up Barrie!

  14. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Mister Hepburn in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    I don't think they "let" her turn to drugs, perhaps introduced her to but all the same... She made those decisions.
  15. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by vmbb in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    Well, like 1 month ago Lana said that she would be ready to have kids but Barrie's younger than her and now she says they didn't meet for several months..
  16. Intriguing Penguin liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    You can't leave YOUR GIRL alone for months on end and expect it to be a-ok... some guys are fucking clueless!
    Wake up Barrie!

  17. kitschqueen liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    Or which of us she'd put on her black list.
  18. kitschqueen liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    Lana going all "Well XXO but I told you so"...
  19. ednafrau liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    You can't leave YOUR GIRL alone for months on end and expect it to be a-ok... some guys are fucking clueless!
    Wake up Barrie!

  20. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Questions for Lana - what would you ask?   
    1. What ventures did you have into modelling?
    2. How many incarnations were there of Born To Die; did Video Games change the plans for your first major release?
    3. What are your memories of your earliest recordings?
  21. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    I'm just disappointed that they didn't last long enough to fulfill Barrie's manager's prediction that she would be his "future ex-wife".
  22. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by FormerLanaFan in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    Lana in a recent interview http://www.aftonbladet.se/nojesbladet/musik/rockbjornen/article19123254.ab
    "Your life is always turned into headlines Like the recent rumours about your recent relationship. It was said you had broken up, but now I heard that your boyfriend Barrien-James O'Neill told TMZ that it's complete bullshit.
    – I mean… I… I didn't use to talk publicly about my relationships. Because things change all the time. But after not seeing him for several months and people still asking me about him I just said no we're not together right now. And when he got to Los Angeles today and he ran into TMZ I don't think he knew what to say. Sometimes it's not real until you're faced with a camera and somebody asking you." (Ouch)
  23. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Rayse in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    Barrie is in ~ultradenial~
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