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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. Watch her post a third time
  2. Given that you're always teasing, taunting and bragging—and judging me for eating cabbage, you don't seem to have one of your own.
  3. God I wish Lana would think the same and made the song a standalone single and never put it on COCC
  4. Excuse me but cabbages are rich in vitamin A and C and are basically like empty calories. So yeah I'm def eating that up.
  5. Anyway. The stuffed cabbage I have been cooking all day while not paying attention to my Zoom meeting are delicious. :chefskiss:
  6. I don't think anyone on here will be like "omg Eclipse's little acronym game was so fun on LB" when they are going to hear 'White Dress' for the first time.
  7. I'm in the weird state where the prospect of new music still excites me, while I have literally no expectations for the upcoming album. Buuut I want 'White Dress' on Friday and that's final.
  8. This is relatable af. Wanting to hear new music, while simultaneously not giving a single fuck and not being excited in any way whatsoever.
  9. Ngl I wish the title track had had a rockier, more bombastic vibe, because the melody is actually really good on 'COCC'. I like that cover a lot.
  10. The way I joined LB in February 2019 and have never actually slandered LFL all that much... must've confused me with someone else, sis. ?
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