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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. This is relatable af. Wanting to hear new music, while simultaneously not giving a single fuck and not being excited in any way whatsoever.
  2. Ngl I wish the title track had had a rockier, more bombastic vibe, because the melody is actually really good on 'COCC'. I like that cover a lot.
  3. The way I joined LB in February 2019 and have never actually slandered LFL all that much... must've confused me with someone else, sis. ?
  4. I didn't invent that, the dearly departed, and legendary user, @Valerie was spilling during the pre and post release of NFR. She was right all along.
  5. I think people often forget that this is the unpopular opinion thread and not the "I love everything she does, the next album is always going to be her best" thread. There are pre and post release threads for that. It's kind of the thread you come in with the opinion you think you'd otherwise get tomatoes thrown at you for.
  6. Omg 99centlips stop trying to make "witchy" happens, it's not gonna happen. Sorry to say but the trailer was the peak of the era and it got progressively worse from that point on. Can't wait for COCC to actually be fully country
  7. except @99centlips who just happens to have been born without tastebuds and a set of fully functioning ears.
  8. I'm sorry, but how can you say that when we literally only heard two songs off the album. One of which is definitely interesting sonically, but the other feels like something that was meant for the last album??
  9. Sometimes you just gotta appreciate people for being their bold, fearless self.
  10. Lana literally said "NFR is cool what's not to like" or something. Like anyone can draw their own conclusion based off that very short statement. Not discrediting Jack, the guy surely is talented, but music appreciation is subjective, what one likes, someone else might not. Based off the few comments I have read today, pretty much everyone seems to agree that NFR is a great record, perhaps just not the masterpiece some critics (whom hated on Lana ever since she released 'Video Games', but subsequently declared that she was "America's best singer-songwriter overnight)? Or maybe it would be a foregone conclusion to say that some fans and LB users alike might have a different appreciation than you have had, and think some of her earlier records had more depth or seemed more unique or personal than NFR? Just offering a different perspective, because this is after all a discussion board.
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