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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. It was all around a good performance, but kinda just that: good. It was at times a bit underwhelming. I find that very few performers these days are really, and unanimously found to be, entertaining all on their own. He would've definitely benefitted from having two or three collabs in there. 'Blinding Lights' was kind of the highlight for me. Also, 'The Hills' is always a moment.
  2. yup, but we barely use it, only made fries with that thing. do you own a record player?
  3. I don't think any or her albums have aged that badly tbh, if anything the so called cringe lyrics on BTD make me cringe less than some corny lyrics on her most recent work. To each their own. I'm also not big with passing judgement with a modern/contemporate perspective to judge someone's past artistic work, but I think that's a debate for another day. Like that's such an easy target to chose, how about judging something more contemporate?
  4. Or the fact the it's actually the best song off L*st for Life perhaps?
  5. 'Get Free' is hands down her best album closer.
  6. West Coast

    Marilyn Manson

    I don't really know how to properly embed instagram post on here. But here's a screencap: @/anniejanasbrams on Instagram claims to have a convo with Marilyn Manson in which he fatshames Lana and says a bunch of other shit about her.
  7. West Coast

    Marilyn Manson

    Wtf https://www.instagram.com/p/CK5zM3FhGD9/?igshid=4wgedyy88bm
  8. That's actually really cute
  9. I bought three pints of Haagen-Dazs ice cream because they were on sale.
  10. Saw this on twitter: Artists can't tour and it shows.
  11. I KNOW. Her Canadian store never has any of that exclusive shit. A hate crime if there ever was one.
  12. I'm so sorry. I am hopeful too. But I just don't picture this lazy bitch sitting down for a whole ass afternoon signing thousands of little cards. Last time she did we ended up with that mess and it took months for her store to start to ship.
  13. Unlikely methinks. I have ordered from her French store in the past and the order wasn't cancel (I'm in Canada though). But who knows, I feel like they won't be able to honour all the orders containing the little signed card.
  14. This might as well be the era where I spent the most money even before hearing the album.
  15. Can't wait until the French store cancels my order, or it takes Lana a full ass year to sign all these little cards and we end up with the mess that were the LFL signedscribbled items.
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