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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. it's what *they* deserve teas.
  2. from what we know they are of age, so old enough to know better.
  3. Legit last time I called one of them out on here they threatened to throw hands at me... I was just like "I can't help if if your whole shtick sucks".
  4. It never once crossed my mind that Lana would actually be friends with people that leak her shit.
  5. I honestly didn't think we would one day have a conversation about how much these cocky/clout-y stan/leaker's accounts just suck.
  6. Not for nothing, I've always held to the belief that one of these days Lana will just go into hiding and become super reclusive and never to be seen or heard of again, no official announcement, nothing. She's always given me that vibe.
  7. I mean they already do all they can do for clout to begin with. That doesn't seem far fetched.
  8. I'm just glad Lana didn't develop Stockholm syndrome while being held captive in Win's basement. Poor Win, probably burning all his signed memorabilia one by one some place as we speak...
  9. I too wish for the second coming of 'Honeymoon', sis. I wish... Welcome back from your long winter's nap!
  10. Are you kidding? This is the kind of chaotic energy that allows me to keep going during these dark trying times. Granted, I wish she'd actually devote all that negative energy into her art so her new album won't be as beige, as well, N***** ******* *******l!. But I take what I can get.
  11. Giving a whole new meaning to "No holds barred I've been sent to destroy".
  12. I can't believe this whole conversation shifted from "yo Lana's text has racist undertones" to "yo Lana unfollowed some clout-y fan accounts" in the span of 24 hours, this fucking pandemic I swear
  13. what makes you think she has not already?
  14. Funny how they only show us certain parts of that DM. Like don't they know not to rock the boat with someone clearly mentally unstable/fragile? Her reaction to this ENTIRE situation, while self-destructive, is totally normal/valid given the circumstances.
  15. This I actually can get behind and boldly and fully support. Fuck these clout chasers.
  16. Whatever she says she's never going to win anyway, it'd be best to just log off for a while now I think. This is probably going to turn out ugly, but I just feel like homegirl needs a hug (and a PR person). xx
  17. FWIW Twigs didn't even follow Lana to begin with.
  18. I agree. I feel like maybe if the roll out of the album had been more concise and planned out, maybe the snippets and teasing wouldn't have been so bad. Alas, she teased the album for over a year. By the time the album came out, I had already lost much interest in it.
  19. she subtweeted her own mom on Mother's Day last week
  20. Having the opportunity to have a sleepless night and really re-think about the whole situation and everything that unfolded yesterday was not the best experience. Nevertheless, I think it was somewhat eye-opening. I still feel as though that the wording was very, veeery, poor and there was absolutely no need for Lana to namedrop any of these successful female artists to make a point, as it actually made it look like she was victimizing herself and that was frankly insensitive to the hardships any and all of the women she mentioned actually went and are still going through. It made her come across as selfish, insensitive and to a certain extent quite ignorant on other important issues. But, getting passed the first paragraph, I feel like the rest of her letter is actually spot on. She specifically called out female indie writers in her post for the way they treated her and are still treating her today, in regards to the her lyricism and her so called "submissive" image/persona. I don't know if many of you guys have been around since 2011-12, but what she said hit close to the bone to me. Back in those days, these same indie writers they legit made a sport out of hating Lana and making up stories about her to further their narrative that she was this dumb, self-destructive, inauthentic industry plant. Which I think Lana still hasn't let go, regardless of the recent critical acclaim she has received over 'NFR!'. She clearly has harnessed strong resentment towards this specific group of people. It all definitely came out wrong, but I feel like it comes from a place of personal frustration of being apart of the industry, as it's the first time she actually directly alluded to the whole thing. Still, I wish Lana had a PR person, this is way too messy even by her so called standards. And that was my last post on the topic, I've already lost/pissed off enough LanaBoards acquaintances as is. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
  21. I hate her snippet game, it's silly. In hindsight we legit had heard like 3/4 of the album before it even came out (we almost had heard HIAB in its entirety). Nah, she needs to release just one cute little album trailer with short snippets to like three song and that's it.
  22. This is the kind of wishful thinking that will actually keep me going.
  23. She needs to convey all that negative energy and put it into her work. also Dan Auerbach needs to make a glorious comeback here. Just saying.
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