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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. Sad Girl is that girl, and that bridge still sends me. I'm on fire, baby.
  2. I've legit been saying since this morning and I was somehow panned as lowkey racist and ignorant, even by people I consider to be friends on here. It was indeed pointless, and dare I say, stupid of her to even mention anyone in her message. But somehow people interpreted that as Lana disregarding/invalidating the struggles and hardships of the women she mentioned and in a broader spectrum WOC in the music industry as a whole or making it sound easy for them. But I repeat, as much as her message was tone deaf, I don't feel like that was her intention at all. Her message definitely needed better wording or should've just been relegated to the garbage bin. But I still very much agreed with the part about her feeling like despite a lot of people in the industry claiming every women have their place, she still doesn't feel like she has hers and the personal frustration that comes along. That is personally what I got from her message (not the comments that came afterwards though). I feel like Lana should stick to express her innermost feelings in her music and leave it to interpretation, just like she did in 'Brooklyn Baby'. It would've been a much better look for her.
  3. Agree, agree, agree. She really was less than smart here, she should've just fine tuned her message and definitely leave anyone's name out of it. The whole post was kinda self-destructive in the first place tbh. Like she had to know her sentiment would be overshadowed by her mentioning those other successful female artists. It was really dumb. But then again, this probably why I don't like her poetry all too much, it needs fine tuning, she's too whatever with writing down her thoughts.
  4. Rorman, Queen of the desert teas.
  5. if someone knows about bullshit and women being mistreated in the music industry that's our old pal Madge
  6. dw we'll find something, if Lana doesn't say anything, someone will. I'm putting money on Azealia to call Lanz a fake witch and give us a written rant on 109290348 different Instagram stories.
  7. I'm honestly hoping for a 'Brooklyn Baby part. deux the remix'. Come through Lanz.
  8. Highkey same, I legit woke up to this mess, but I still manage to get involve into it and even lose LB friends over this. It's fucking exhausting and I'm honestly drained and strangely emotional over this whole situation.
  9. As a cancer I can confirm the latter. Somehow, despite what Lana says, she gives me strong Gemini energy.
  10. Stan Twitter is notoriously dense, one sided and people live for the drama, they don't want to understand stuff from another POV, other than their messy one. Nota place for constructive discussion, it's all about the drama. Call out/cancel culture in its original form.
  11. It would legit be the best time to actually releasing "Queen of Disaster" as a single.
  12. It was obviously poorly worded and handled, there are things to criticize about the message at hand, but I think her being angry and lashing out is valid. She's fucking had it. I honestly wonder how many mere LB users would've cracked under the pressure she felt early on in career, back when indie music critics and Tumblr/Twitter stans, made a sport out of hating the good sis. They were legit trying to drill her a new asshole and were always on her back on a daily basis. Judging by what happened today, apparently she's still feeling this way today. It's so easy to judge people behind your keyboard and hide under a pseudonym/username and try to act hollier than thou, but truth is most of y'all would need psychiatric help had you been through what she has been through. I do sincerely wish she had shut up and didn't comment all those cringy comments, but she's had it with the haters and I'm living for her LIVING her Brooklyn Baby fantasy!
  13. THIS. She has legit been holding this for close to nine years. I wonder how many whiny LB user would've cracked under the pressure if they had been in the same position as she has. Her comments were even more tone deaf than the post itself and I wish she didn't say anything more, but she's hurt and her pain is valid as fuck.
  14. It's in times like these I wish Lana had a PR person. I get what she's trying to say after she's been dodging people left and right today, but it's worded oh so poorly omg...
  15. Fair enough. Have a good one, Pins. x
  16. That's fair. But my whole point is, some of y'all act like what Lana wrote was "These women get a free pass just because they are POC" (Ariana not included, obviously) thereby disregarding, invalidating and overlooking their personal hardships, but also the hardships they experience as minorities, and that's specifically what Lana did not write.
  17. This discussion explores areas that Lana didn't cover, and I'm sure didn't even think about covering, in her original post. She's literally just expressing frustrations from a personal perspective; seeing other women being celebrated (for the most part, there will always be haters) for being their exuberant, bold, fearless, magnificent self and expressing their womanhood however the fuck they want, but when she did that not so long ago she was dragged through the pits and that's all there is to say. Funny how a week ago y'all were all for Lana expressing pain over Mother's Day and that was somewhat acceptable for a modern woman to say "you know what, Mother's Day is kinda bullshit", but for her to put some perspective and trying to understand why she was hated this damn much the first couple years after she popped on the scene, that's a no no, because she happened to have mentioned other very successful female artists and put some perspective to what she was trying to point out. This board is, and will forever be, a joke.
  18. Yup, and somehow some of than non-sensical, no nuance, exaggerated, taken out of context and blown out of proportions type of discourse made its way on here.
  19. She literally was being criticized for that, that's the whole point. We all know damn well that Lana has an entire catalog full of songs that explore these so called controversial topics, that's not the point. The point is some artists in the music industry express certain ideas in their music and it's like "YASSSS" and others do just that and it's like "yikes".
  20. Lana's whole point was that some people get a free pass, or do not receive the same criticism for expressing themselves (in that case expressing their views on feminism and womanhood), while she was just being her "Lana Del Rey, mysterious and glamorous woman, harkening you back to an era gone by and she sings her songs from a so called unconventional POV" self. Somehow at the time that was deemed as problematic, but now she sees these successful female artists being bold about their femininity and, for the most part, getting praised for it. I'm sure she lives for every single one of them, but it probably also doesn't sit well with her, because not so long ago she was being critiqued for doing very that.
  21. Eh, agree to disagree. I listen to a lot of neo-psychedelic artists and VB is not all that. It's very progressive.
  22. Lana always responds.
  23. Uh, I don't think she just suddenly got flashbacks from all the unnecessary bullshit she received in 2012. I feel like Lana is very cautious of what she says or does, because she's constantly being reminded by hollier than thou Twitter bitches that she's "problematic". Also, her receiving acclaim over NFR, which is her most beige and lyrically tamed/least controversial album thus far, also probably felt like bullshit after all these years of being treated like the laughing stock of the indie scene.
  24. Thank you for your valuable input and upon your personal request I shall disconnect from LanaBoreds.
  25. Doja comes across as a little unhinged to me, so I don't know whether she was fucking around in her own weird Doja way or if she wants to throw hands with Lanz
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