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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. An Endless Summer tour part deux would be iconic asf
  2. My thing with the conversational/stream or consciousness lyrics is that they're hit or miss. I obviously won't judge something I haven't heard yet, but it's not my favourite type of lyricism.
  3. I don't think any of her albums are a carbon copy of the other, but there are similarities in terms of sound and overall artistic approach between some records. But I'm sure Lana has a very different view of her albums, as a whole, than we do.
  4. It's funny to me because some fans get up in arms when other fans are expressing the wish for Lana to '' go back to her early sound'' or do a spin on the sound of an album with a more modern approach--not for nothing, the last cycle of albums, they explored a similar sound... I don't think it's a stretch for some fans to want Lana to go back to a more bombastic sound and approach. I'll wait to see where the next album fits in all of this, but if Lana can do something similar for three albums in a row, I don't think it's far fetched for people to want her to change her tune a little.
  5. Can these magazines stop with these interviews that cover nothing and/or bland thinkpiece before albums drop. We want fresh brewed tea, not iced tea.
  6. Canada has already caused both Lust for Life and Blue Banisters to leak, jamais deux sans trois.
  7. I'm glad I forgot almost all of the details that were spilled about each individual tracks, other than Lana saying that Kintsugi was very wordy, sorta stream of consciousness in style. Nothing better than having semi-virgin ears listening to fresh tunes.
  8. The way this roll out seems more organized than Ocean Blvd's.
  9. Obligatory "Rob Grant is coming to snatch your faves' wigs with his piano driven masterpiece 💅, yasss, tongue pop, twirl, deathdrop, etc."
  10. The new Flower song by Miley is one of the most boring, most tepid commercial song I have heard in years. The fact that this song is breaking charts and streaming records is insane.
  11. I still find the boxset bundles to be very underwhelming, like you're basically getting a CD and a t-shirt/hoodie in a box--that is it. The days of actual vinyl boxsets are long gone huh.
  12. for me it's more the fact that them embroidered patches are all badly cropped, but you have a very valid point.
  13. I think it's just written in the stars, this album will hit shelves on the 10th some place and chaos will ensue. I'm not a soothsayer, but having two release dates is a recipe for disaster.
  14. Artists website use them shitty dynamic pricing tool nowadays and it honestly ruins the experience.
  15. The way my order confirmation on the Canadian website says that items will be shipped on April 14th--predicting another collective meltdoen when the merch gets delayed.
  16. Most things are still available on her Canadian store (except the ''boxset'').
  17. Well, I'm glad she released the better items before this drop.
  18. What even is that box set.. so a box to put a CD and a hoodie and/or t-shirt in it?
  19. This is too good to be true, but with a cover art like that, it's giving major movie poster vibes—I hope this turns out to be accurate.
  20. I think the production is alright, I like the contrast between the light/airy, yet intricate, instrumentation of the first part, and the heavy beats of the second part. But I do wish that Jack would let go of his generic ass drum kit to create nicer, less tinny, beats.
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