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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. All I can think about when I see this picture is her Met Gala wig
  2. that whole post is giving this:
  3. Jack is obviously involved with the next album, or the next one over, maybe even both—it's on topic. Next.
  4. People come on here everyday to say they don't like Drew Erickson, Emile Haynie, Nikki Lane, that they're tired of Rick Nowels or that they dread the idea of Lana making a "country album", or dislike Chuck's photography, etc. Surely talking about Jack's work with Lana isn't far fetched.
  5. *Lana hangs out with Jack in and out of the studio and posts about it on social media which inevitably starts conversations on LanaBoards & elsewhere, good or bad* LanaBoards users: cAn wE giVe tHis jAcK cOnveRsAtiOn a rEsT????!1!! Okay let's all live in an echo chamber then.
  6. I genuinely believe this is his best work with Lana (maybe his overall best work as a producer). But the rest of his work with Lana, as well as his own solo work, is quite dull honestly, it's hit or miss. I want more from him, his approach is quite underwhelming in certain regards, very understated. Also, I honestly don't get why people are hating on Blue Banisters all of a sudden; an album that has Text Book, Arcadia (even though it's really not a favourite of mine), Black Bathing Suit, If You Lie Down With Me, Dealer & Sweet Carolina cannot be bad I'm sorry.
  7. I think people should stop equating critical acclaim with superior music. Just like they should stop equating awards with talent. NFR is her most accessible work to date, I don't get why some of you guys get up in arms about that. Doesn't mean it's bad or that it sucks, just means that as far as music or lyric style goes it's her most accesible or palatable album thus far, even Chemtrails wasn't as subdued or watered down, much less Blue Banisters. Which partly explains their moderate success. Y'all act as if before Jack came along Lana was nothing, she had no vision, her creative process was subpar or even uninteresting, her albums weren't so good or whatever and I think that's bullshit. Jack didn't make her better, he made her more accesible. Quite frankly tired of people acting like NFR is the gold standard of albums and whatever came prior or will come after (even if produced by Jack) will pale in comparison to cRiTaCalLy aCcLaiMed NFR. Please. Lana was a full fledged artist long before Jack came along and she will long after as well.
  8. I just think it's completely absurd to think that Lana had a fling with Weinstein. I'll stick to the Harry Winston theory because of the line "Harvey's/Ah he's in the sky with diamonds".
  9. That 'Cola' is about Harvey Weinstein
  10. I don't think she should either. Grammys are a scam, award shows, in general, are a scam; they are popularity contest, plain and simple.
  11. We're all annoying and repetitive, we're the ying to our yang.
  12. I didn't take offence, nor did @DCooper's post btw. Just kinda weird sometimes being on a discussion board and seeing people complain about people having annoying/repetitive opinions (which people are entitled to think) when they also have equally annoying/repetitive opinions of their own.
  13. Just cause you're not a fan of someone as a producer, doesn't mean you hate them, or that you're pooping over there entire body of work. I appreciate some songs he did with Lana, I actually really like Chemtrails & Violet. I'm just not a fan of most of the work cause in my opinion it lacks flavour. It's not "immature behaviour" to pinpoint what you don't like about someone's artistic vision, work or whatever. ETA: It's fine for people to say they don't like Rick, Dan Auerbach, Drew Erickson or even Emile Haynie, but somehow not liking Jack's work or joking about it is off limits?
  14. Or maybe some of us have different opinions because music appreciation is very subjective
  15. Wild at Heart is absolutely amazing when you forget that both How to disappear & Stoned at the Nail Salon exist
  16. If this is for the next record, I'll go into it with an open mind, the same way I did with Chemtrails after NFR; it's not all that bad imho. I like a few key tracks like Venice Bitch, The greatest, White Dress, DBJAG, Wild at Heart & NAWWAL, and quite frankly I might be one of the few DTWD fans out there (and Violet had beautiful instrutation overall). But I find Jack's input on Lana's music to be quite dull and uninteresting compared to other producers she's worked with. It just lacks seasoning & intensity. I know that's the sound Lana wants/wanted for her music, well it sucks. I wish she'd work with someone a bit more challenging. Making music isn't always rainbows & unicorns, sometimes great music comes out of tension & heated arguments. Jack doesn't seem to be challenging in any way whatsoever, a yes man if there ever was one.
  17. I wonder what melody he'll re-use this time around, or what shitty piano track we'll get too
  18. She looks absolutely gorgeous... and he's there
  19. I mean it kinda has my creative juices going
  20. A loss for the culture—get away from her, get a job
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