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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. I think she'll change her mind about 1718293 times before she even announces the title and the 4 release dates next year.
  2. He is talented, and he might very well be a prolific and popular producer, but I think he's overrated and I'm entitled to dislike/be critical of his work. I personally find his approach to making music with Lana tired, predictable and at times unimpressive and I can say that if I want. It's no different than people hating Dan's production/music, or Emile's, Rick's or Drew's input. However redundant this may appear to some.
  3. This is why I just cannot enjoy songs like The greatest, which isn't bad by any means, but his method of making all the instruments sound so damn inaudible and subdued on the majority of his work with Lana is fucking insufferable. The lack of bass, percussions and the way he just caresses guitar strings, not to mention the way his piano sounds like it was recorded with an actual tin can. Funny to me how people make fun of the rough Ultraviolence mix and the ''aWfUl uLtrAviOlencE miCroPhoNe'' when most of NFR sounds like a metallic fart.
  4. Nah we know for sure her work with Jack gets to see the light of day, whether it's for an album that she teased 3/4 of it for a whole ass year, or the EP/follow-up album that consists of all the scraps. Oh we're gonna hear it.
  5. Lana is past her prime, she's much more laid back and easy going. Going in the studio with Jack suits her cause it's a fun/carefree time (which isn't a bad thing in itself). Yall can think of me as the Jack hater on LanaBoards all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that "Lana mumbling lyrics on phone as I latently play the piano" DOES NOT give the same energy as "She walked into the studio with confidence and had me fire the drum player on the second day".
  6. The only top tier piano-driven song Jack has worked on is White Dress, if that's what he meant by magic then I'm perched. Otherwise, the rest is a wash.
  7. Yay another piano-driven song by the most unimaginative piano player in all of Lis Angeles
  8. Not yall already gatekeeping her... on LanaBoards of all places.
  9. he's way too polite and PC for that lmfao. He's no "Dan Auerbach fighting with execs" for sure.
  10. To each their own. I'll take Ultraviolence's so called "messy" production over the flat/understated production of certain other albums any day, at least Ultraviolence had bite, oomph and an identity. We'll see how LDR9's sound turn out.
  11. I advise you to listen to Yola's debut album "Faraway Look". Thank you.
  12. From what I recall from the interviews that were published in 2014/15, Dan said that "[they] fought a lot in the studio, but ended up dancing to the songs" and also he mentioned a lot of bullshit in regards to financing the album. People at Interscope hated what the album sounded like, so much so that they asked Adele's producer to chime in and he loved what he heard and then the execs ate shit up. Lana was ready to back down and change her tune, but Dan didn't back down and fought back.
  13. Another thing Dan did (besides producing Lana's best album), he made Veinsineon's pussy throb. Naur it's true.
  14. I think they just brought Paul Epworth along to gauge how he'd react... and, well, he loved what he heard and they ate shit up.
  15. Also, it's funny when people say that Lana must've hated working with him or anything like that; while it's obvious there was tension, 8 years down the line, Dan still clearly respects Lana as an artist and LOVED recording Ultraviolence with her. Must not have been so bad, even if just on his end. They need to meet again.
  16. To me that just cements my thought that when there is tension it gets your creative juices flowing. No need for a "yes man", making art with someone else isn't all rainbows & unicorns. Dan clearly views Lana as a creative and interesting artist and he really believes in her capabilities, hence why he pushed and did the most for Ultraviolence to be released and get the attention it deserved from her label. I stan and I want more.
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