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West Coast

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  1. West Coast liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    It's annoying how some people act like they have every right to pretend NFR is this masterpiece simply because critics praised it. If we actually cared about critics we would have to think Born to Die sucks. Now NFR is awesome of course but it's stupid to act like it's better than UV and Honeymoon.
  2. West Coast liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    People who really think that NFR is better than Honeymoon and Ultraviolence are just delusional, and this is coming from someone who LIKES the album. But it has it flaws. It's not a perfect record. 
  3. West Coast liked a post in a topic by clementines in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    WTF are y'all on her best album is Honeymoon and we've known this for years
  4. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Here's an explicit list of Honeymoon songs that are better than Love Song:
  5. hornymoon liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Here's an explicit list of Honeymoon songs that are better than Love Song:
  6. West Coast liked a post in a topic by daphnedinkley in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    This is a really interesting take. I feel super differently cause I feel like HM is almost more of a fantasy piece - what with all the big cinematic sound and talk of gangsters, sunshine, limousines and saaawwwfft iiiice creeeeaammm   - whereas NFR feels much more rooted in reality and earthy. I get much more of an UV vibe from NFR personally.
  7. West Coast liked a post in a topic by jazzsinger in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    l*ves*ng is so cringey I try to forget it exists 
  8. ArtDecoDelRey liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Lust for Life might've had too much trap beats, juvenile lyrics, too many features (as well as too many tracks), but at least it did not sound uncooked, dry and flat. Something NFR can't relate to. Musically NFR is clearly superior, that is a no brainer, but from a production and mastering point of view, even compared to Lust for Life, well, NFR falls very flat.
  9. movebaby liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Now now don't put words in my mouth Jack Jared, Lana might've evolved into a more mature artist, but from a music point of view she couldn't be more unlistenable and, sorry, but basic Valley Girl.
    Ultraviolence and Honeymoon are far from overproduced, I would agree for Born To Die. But the other two records, that's just a lie and you know it. 
    Anyway, I'll go back to listen to albums that actually cater to my taste as a music listener (that actually don't butcher my ears too!), albums I don't need approval, or seek validation, from so called music critics to actually think they are masterpieces. 

  10. Jane B liked a post in a topic by West Coast in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    You mean corner Jack and make him listen to an album that is actually properly produced and mastered?! 

  11. Sugar Venom liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Lust for Life might've had too much trap beats, juvenile lyrics, too many features (as well as too many tracks), but at least it did not sound uncooked, dry and flat. Something NFR can't relate to. Musically NFR is clearly superior, that is a no brainer, but from a production and mastering point of view, even compared to Lust for Life, well, NFR falls very flat.
  12. Saturn liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Sorry but I have to laugh, this whole "NFR iS tHe bEsT FeMaLe aLbUm ReLeAsEd tHis dEcAdE!!1!" narrative you're trying to push is getting a little old now.
    It's honestly laughable how you always bring up Honeymoon stans being bitter that NFR got recognition Honeymoon did not, like you're always using critics as proof of Lana's so called greatness on this record. Very same critic that literally shit all over her discography up until this album. Albums that, if I may add, probably got you into listening to her music or be a fan I presume? Shitty critics didn't stop you from listening to these albums at the time of their release, did they? Funny how now some of y'all Jackoff Antonoff stans now use that as some sort of leverage whenever people point the out the obvious faults and flaws on NFR.
    Sorry but saying that this album is her best just because she's got good reviews for it is bullshit, it's literally been two months since its release and as much as I love Lana and think it's well overdue that she receives acclaim, saying that NFR is better than the tens of thousands of album that have been released since 2010, let alone her own albums, is a fucking joke.
    You keep talking about how perfect this album is, but frankly, it's probably her most subdued. For the life of me, I honestly can't stand how flat, dry, tinny and lifeless the instrumentals sound, not mentioning how cheap they come off on certain tracks too. And don't even get me started on how unequal and plain the vocals sound too on most tracks. It's just painful how there is not symbiosis between voice and instruments on this record. Even some of the lyrics are just cringeworthy "Oh god miss you on my lips, it's me your little Venice Bitch" like wtf is that about? So much for Lana's alleged "best and career defining song".
    Funnily enough, on my way back home earlier Brooklyn Baby came on shuffle, and wow, this track obliterates the vast majority of tracks on NFR. Instrumental wise it's everything NFR should've been, perfect balance of subtlety and intensity, intricate instrumentals not like "look I can play guitar!!" in your face kinda instrumentals, everything but flat, and perfect arrangement of vocals and instrumentals. An actual masterpiece.
    At this particular point even Lust for Life was better production wise.
  13. West Coast liked a post in a topic by jazzsinger in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    wait - you're telling me you don't think honeymoon is mature or sophisticated (and you think NFR IS???) have you listened to it in full? it's literally her most stripped down, vulnerable album but okay
  14. West Coast liked a post in a topic by Nobody in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    They both look like they got dressed in the dark... truly a match made in heaven 
  15. hornymoon liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Once Lana stopped being the Lana of her first three records, that's where they actually started "appreciating" her work more. Sorry, but I am not here for that. Lana has literally been shamed for wanting to express her femininity through her art. This is exactly why I don't give two shits about what ANY critics have to say about Lana, whether they disregard her music, or call it her best work, their words have no worth.
  16. movebaby liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Once Lana stopped being the Lana of her first three records, that's where they actually started "appreciating" her work more. Sorry, but I am not here for that. Lana has literally been shamed for wanting to express her femininity through her art. This is exactly why I don't give two shits about what ANY critics have to say about Lana, whether they disregard her music, or call it her best work, their words have no worth.
  17. movebaby liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Lust for Life might've had too much trap beats, juvenile lyrics, too many features (as well as too many tracks), but at least it did not sound uncooked, dry and flat. Something NFR can't relate to. Musically NFR is clearly superior, that is a no brainer, but from a production and mastering point of view, even compared to Lust for Life, well, NFR falls very flat.
  18. West Coast liked a post in a topic by hornymoon in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    jackoff fan boys make me wanna gag like...imagine stanning for white mediocrity    the fact is UV and Honeymoon literally shit all over NFR and back like pick any song from those 2 albums and put it next to any track on NFR and well...it explains itself doesn't it girls, an underproduced album with terrible sound engineering and lackluster vocals will never be cute and will never be her magnum opus! sorry luv x 
    also since when do we give a shit about what fucking critics say? lmao like who actually cares what some old ass white men think, they're only taking her seriously now as an artist once she stripped away the glamour and del rey persona because critics don't wanna take hyper feminine women seriously and just see them as vapid popstars 
  19. West Coast liked a post in a topic by Vertimus in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    How many times must I come to these threads and see everyone trying to invalidate each others opinions instead of discussing them like adults. You’re all children that think you’re “right” so you can’t drop the fact that some people like an album and some people don’t. I’m not referring to one specific side of this argument either. It’s always the same handful of people.
    I don’t do that, attack people for what are, yes, ‘mere opinions.’ Almost everything expressed here IS mere opinion, and it makes no sense to attack others for having differing opinions. That is childish.
    Obviously, there’s a vast and much wider social context to all of this and the endless personal attacks and counter-attacks on individual tastes. We might hope for a fairly mature, ‘adult’ and restrained dialogue, but this is a pure democracy, and everyone gets their say, ‘adult’ or not.
  20. mid july liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Sorry but I have to laugh, this whole "NFR iS tHe bEsT FeMaLe aLbUm ReLeAsEd tHis dEcAdE!!1!" narrative you're trying to push is getting a little old now.
    It's honestly laughable how you always bring up Honeymoon stans being bitter that NFR got recognition Honeymoon did not, like you're always using critics as proof of Lana's so called greatness on this record. Very same critic that literally shit all over her discography up until this album. Albums that, if I may add, probably got you into listening to her music or be a fan I presume? Shitty critics didn't stop you from listening to these albums at the time of their release, did they? Funny how now some of y'all Jackoff Antonoff stans now use that as some sort of leverage whenever people point the out the obvious faults and flaws on NFR.
    Sorry but saying that this album is her best just because she's got good reviews for it is bullshit, it's literally been two months since its release and as much as I love Lana and think it's well overdue that she receives acclaim, saying that NFR is better than the tens of thousands of album that have been released since 2010, let alone her own albums, is a fucking joke.
    You keep talking about how perfect this album is, but frankly, it's probably her most subdued. For the life of me, I honestly can't stand how flat, dry, tinny and lifeless the instrumentals sound, not mentioning how cheap they come off on certain tracks too. And don't even get me started on how unequal and plain the vocals sound too on most tracks. It's just painful how there is not symbiosis between voice and instruments on this record. Even some of the lyrics are just cringeworthy "Oh god miss you on my lips, it's me your little Venice Bitch" like wtf is that about? So much for Lana's alleged "best and career defining song".
    Funnily enough, on my way back home earlier Brooklyn Baby came on shuffle, and wow, this track obliterates the vast majority of tracks on NFR. Instrumental wise it's everything NFR should've been, perfect balance of subtlety and intensity, intricate instrumentals not like "look I can play guitar!!" in your face kinda instrumentals, everything but flat, and perfect arrangement of vocals and instrumentals. An actual masterpiece.
    At this particular point even Lust for Life was better production wise.
  21. hornymoon liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Speaking of propaganda: you've been spamming several threads about Jack being an actual good producer for months now trying to convince people that he actually did good work on this record, Jack Jared. 
    Also, sorry but pointing out flaws and amateur-ish mistakes and piss poor mastering, is not hating, it's called stating facts. 
  22. hornymoon liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I'm happy that you are living your fantasy Jack I mean Jared! I don't mean to rain on your parade, but I don't think that the very same magazine that literally spat all over her other albums, all of a sudden basically giving Lana a license to kill actually means much. If anything it's just them eating shit up, for all the bullshit they've written about her the past eight years. Giving her a top spot on a decade ending list after being out for like a month and a half and sounding, well the way it sounds... if I could stretch this far I'd probably reach the Moon. 
  23. jazzsinger liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Sorry but I have to laugh, this whole "NFR iS tHe bEsT FeMaLe aLbUm ReLeAsEd tHis dEcAdE!!1!" narrative you're trying to push is getting a little old now.
    It's honestly laughable how you always bring up Honeymoon stans being bitter that NFR got recognition Honeymoon did not, like you're always using critics as proof of Lana's so called greatness on this record. Very same critic that literally shit all over her discography up until this album. Albums that, if I may add, probably got you into listening to her music or be a fan I presume? Shitty critics didn't stop you from listening to these albums at the time of their release, did they? Funny how now some of y'all Jackoff Antonoff stans now use that as some sort of leverage whenever people point the out the obvious faults and flaws on NFR.
    Sorry but saying that this album is her best just because she's got good reviews for it is bullshit, it's literally been two months since its release and as much as I love Lana and think it's well overdue that she receives acclaim, saying that NFR is better than the tens of thousands of album that have been released since 2010, let alone her own albums, is a fucking joke.
    You keep talking about how perfect this album is, but frankly, it's probably her most subdued. For the life of me, I honestly can't stand how flat, dry, tinny and lifeless the instrumentals sound, not mentioning how cheap they come off on certain tracks too. And don't even get me started on how unequal and plain the vocals sound too on most tracks. It's just painful how there is not symbiosis between voice and instruments on this record. Even some of the lyrics are just cringeworthy "Oh god miss you on my lips, it's me your little Venice Bitch" like wtf is that about? So much for Lana's alleged "best and career defining song".
    Funnily enough, on my way back home earlier Brooklyn Baby came on shuffle, and wow, this track obliterates the vast majority of tracks on NFR. Instrumental wise it's everything NFR should've been, perfect balance of subtlety and intensity, intricate instrumentals not like "look I can play guitar!!" in your face kinda instrumentals, everything but flat, and perfect arrangement of vocals and instrumentals. An actual masterpiece.
    At this particular point even Lust for Life was better production wise.
  24. daphnedinkley liked a post in a topic by West Coast in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    You mean corner Jack and make him listen to an album that is actually properly produced and mastered?! 

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