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About RafaelDelRey

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  1. I'm just glad we're finally arguing about music and not Jack's dick, date formats or something like that lmao
  2. y'all joke but I actually think that an album full of long song titles would be quite aesthetically pleasing don't fight me
  3. Living Dead is still a jam
  4. I like him, his arguments in the most part makes a lot of sense in his reviews (even when I disagree, like with UltraV), it's not just pure hate.
  5. I wasn't bothering with my crappy quality headphones until L4L leaked/released, today I woke up and went straight to buy a new one just so I could listen to L4L at full glory lmao
  6. (just in case someone comes asking for a download link even tho there is a warning in the post) omg here's a FREE link for the album!!!!1 https://open.spotify.com/album/1nP1BEciW2qIlkg4bz97nD
  7. the "fuck" in cherry sounds so out of place i'm uncomfortable
  8. I thought I didin't like both of the new songs at first listen, but now I'm completely hooked omg I can't wait for the album
  9. I can't believe Lana invented being late
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