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Everything posted by YUNGATA

  1. I don't thinks she'll say shit unless it's of her own volition
  2. I know a few of you think it's a dramatic reaction to be upset/concerned over this but I really fucking am lol. I was able to think that a one off visit was either exploration of her own values or art even, but I see no reason to return unless she's interested in the community or what they're preaching and that is unacceptable to me. Like this does upset me because it's another fucking artist making bank off the backs of LGBT fans who really doesn't give a fuck about the community or the history. These are the same motherfuckers who call me a dyke on the bus, who said I was a weird lesbian in primary school... I just cannot wrap my head around this. I love this community but I will unstan if this goes on without explanation
  3. If you need another reason to think Hillsong is a batshit institution filled with sociopaths, my friends pastor growing up (of Hillsong) literally faked cancer for multiple years and took money from the community for "treatment." Like this is the caliber of people Hillsong attracts lmao. https://www.christiantoday.com/article/preacher.who.faked.cancer.will.not.face.legal.charges/21437.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Guglielmucci
  4. oh no spill it sis, how youthful are u? @@evilentity report in sis
  5. omg!! those future stans exist and I can't wait to ban them all :creep:
  6. If any of you were literally not born for BtD, don't tell me. I don't need to hear it
  7. I can't believe y'all would make me feel old like this
  8. Ok, lil game. How old were you when BtD came out? 18
  9. the one that started it all. Radio still remains THE song of her career.
  10. Heroin use can take ages to have the 'obvious' physical symptoms that people think of when they think of addicts, especially in people you don't know well personally (celebs, acquaintances). My Dad was addicted to heroin for 20+ years but you wouldn't have known it until he started getting very sick. Most people just assumed he liked a drink. edit: not to say I think lana is 100% using, just a lil anecdotal evidence on heroin use.
  11. @Peroxide colour theory is fine btw. Dinner suggestions and abortion debate are OT tho and better suited to other threads.
  12. I'm pro the chat feature but the only problem imo is last time we had it working no one used it! there were maybe 10~ people who used it a bit in it its first week then it died pretty hard... The chat also doesn't archive conversations the same way something as discord does. It's not a great site feature but it's fun. me, this thread!!!
  13. Don't videos auto embed? does LINK [/ video] without spaces work? edit: nvm
  14. Sorry for my slanderous language, I'll use a spoiler next time. Many lana forums have tried to compete with LB but they all ultimately die with pitiful user numbers, I wouldn't be too concerned
  15. Tbh I think that is something I love about the site but I'm Old™ so it's a very familar layout for me from early forum browsing days.
  16. Do you know if certain site features can be updated without an entire site overhaul? I'm not usually a mobile user and I understand that sites are increasingly becoming targeted to mobile demographics, but I like a lot of the current features on the site for practicality even if they aren't as pretty as they could be. For example, the way each post in a thread is easily defined by a box with shaded edges as opposed to free white space that's meant to bring a 'seamless experience' or w/e. Also I would prefer to avoid forum styles like GagaDaily and front pages like DelReyDaily. App could be cool though
  17. I'm late 2 the party but would like to say I think there's a big difference between attending a local church and attending a megachurch like Hillsong which is basically a corporation. This is a church group that has highly conservative values and vast political influence because of all the fucking money is gets from rich celebs. I honestly think the outrage should extend beyond homophobic values, Hillsong is a corrupt institution that benefits and protects the rich and powerful at the expense of the vulnerable. People in my life have been fucked up by Hillsong (it started in Australia). Churches might be evil, but megachurches are next level af.
  18. I'm obsessed w/ this


    How is there not already an ABBA thread omg bless u trayer
  20. lowkey thought it was just gonna be a pic of barrie again

    Azealia Banks

    https://www.vulture.com/2019/01/grimes-azealia-banks-subpoena-elon-musk-tesla-lawsuit.html What will Ms. Banks wear to court?
  22. I only care about Watchmen but ppl here have good taste so I'll take a rec if ya got any
  23. @@godsmonster NGE tease tbh!
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