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  1. YUNGATA liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    The ugly side of PrettyBaby...
    Alright, lemme do this and further put off the paper I should be writing. I'm hesitant to give anything below a 4, tbh, so I'll post my order of preference as well.
    Ride - 5/5
    A perfect lead single and emotional track overall. The production is actually flawless. I guess it's sad, like any other Lana song, but it's this new feeling of triumph and freedom that I don't think she's ever captured before. I'll say my favorite part is the production.
    American - 5/5
    I will not stand for the criticism of these lyrics, because this song is a fucking feeling, you know? What's so wrong with a song being felt, sort of visceral, instead of analyzed for brilliant lyrical trickery? The bridge and onward ensures that this is a gem. It's all about the buildup, gradually progressing towards something really satisfying. As for it's content, it's very cute and the melody is one of the best on the album. Can I just say how cute the "like an American" at the end is?
    Cola - 5/5
    My hands-down favorite. It's not even them ~controversial~ lyrics. Just take in the beautiful instrumentation and the effortless sail of the chorus. Does that make sense? The chorus sails, dammit. Let's not forget the ending. It's so damn hectic. She really needs you to understand the taste of her pussy. It just goes crazy. The high notes are impressive. It reminds me of the bridge to "Match Made in Heaven" (you know, I am your queen), fully realized and perfected.
    Body Electric - 4/5
    I'm afraid this is a little more lukewarm than I anticipated, but it has it's redeeming qualities. I'm loving the drums, I just wish the final product was a little...darker. The verses seem too quiet and the bridge isn't as emotional as it needs to be. But the chorus, from "we get DOWN" to the dare I say ritualistic chanting of "I sing the body electric", is honestly top-notch. I love a quietly seething song--I just need more happening everywhere but the chorus. Definite demo-itis on this one.
    Blue Velvet - 4/5
    It sticks out like a goddamn sore thumb, but it's good. Maybe the tracklisting could have been slightly rearranged to prevent its placement on the album from bothering me so much. It's definitely the least exciting song on the album, but her performance on it is pretty good. What is there to say about this one? It's lovely and it has its place. I still weep for what could have been with "Heart-Shaped Box".
    Gods & Monsters - 4.5/5
    I'm awful close to this song. It's been my most anticipated since it's beginnings in the tracklist as "In the Land of Gods and Monsters". I love when Lana goes dark. This has some of the better lyrics on an album where lyrics are definitely not the strong point. The half of a point it's missing is on account of a bothersome lack of melody. In certain ways, this works, I guess. The chorus is everything, and that intro that got practically the entire fanbase drooling those months ago. Neither of these should be overlooked. This is less a review and more of a defense, but yeah. I pray she performs this live. I bet it'll be great.
    Yayo - 4/5
    Much better than I expected! Still don't like the initial "bla-ACK motorcycle", but her vocals sound a lot lovelier than I originally would have thought. Although I would say the best part of the 2010 version is the ending, I think I can also say that for this one--but for different reasons. Sure, there isn't an echoing "dark night", but the husky vocals serve this one well. It's more haunting than the original, I can give it that.
    Bel Air - 4.5/5
    Wow, this goddamn production! I'm no expert, but I think a lot of what Born to Die overdid is made up for flawlessly on this EP. It's not my favorite, but I think it's safe to call it the quintessential Paradise Edition song. Easily the best lyrics on the album. A huge portion of my praise goes to that bridge. This song does what The Paradise Edition does best--it haunts you and simultaneously captivates you.
    Burning Desire - 5/5
    This song will be the ending of the album for me, whether it's marketed that way or not. Why? It's a perfect ending. Again with that production. I've been loving those often criticized super husky vocals since it first came out. It's just a well-written song, simple and built to mesmerize. Let's be real--it's also the sexiest thing she's ever recorded, which doesn't hurt its score.
    1. Cola
    2. American
    3. Ride
    4. Burning Desire
    5. Gods & Monsters
    6. Bel Air
    7. Yayo
    8. Body Electric
    9. Blue Velvet
    Watching the progression of songs from Born to Die up and down my favorites, it'll be interesting to see what the result of this is in a few months.
    Perhaps I got a bit long-winded there.
  2. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana Confessions   
  3. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana Confessions   
    omg that's like omg. Okay it's like this:
    You go out for dinner and you've heard the black forest cake is incredible and you have every intention of trying it. However, you know you need to have entre and mains. Everything will be delicious, you will order an authentic Italian pasta, it'll be familiar but great. But deep down you know you're waiting for dessert but you also know dessert will be even better because you've waited for it. IT'S LIKE DELAYED GRATIFICAKETION.
  4. Hello Heaven liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana Confessions   
    omg that's like omg. Okay it's like this:
    You go out for dinner and you've heard the black forest cake is incredible and you have every intention of trying it. However, you know you need to have entre and mains. Everything will be delicious, you will order an authentic Italian pasta, it'll be familiar but great. But deep down you know you're waiting for dessert but you also know dessert will be even better because you've waited for it. IT'S LIKE DELAYED GRATIFICAKETION.
  5. Sorrow liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Cola   
    My mum's a Lana fan and when she buys the album I'm 100% sure she'll listen to it, call me and be like WHAT DID LANA SAY ABOUT HER VAGINA? IS THIS YOUNG PEOPLE SLANG? WHAT DOES IT MEAN?
  6. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Ride - 3.5/5
    Ride is nice, I like the instrumentation but I'm not particularly fond of it lyrically apart from a few lines.
    American - 5/5
    Perfect really. Upon hearing the first verse I felt this huge rush of warmth and remembered this time when I was living with an old boyfriend and we used to get some kind of intoxicated, put on Graceland by Paul Simon and dance in the kitchen in our underwear while making pancakes. I can't really judge this track objectively because of that. I have very fond feelings towards it.
    Cola 4/5
    A few things really make this track for me. Firstly, that high note oh God wow. So impressed. Secondly the line
    I pledge allegiance to my Dad for teaching me everything he knows
    Just because she doesn't sing about family much and I was very moved by that. Do I have daddy issues?
    Body Electric 3.5/5
    I prefer the live version but it's still a strong track and I'll always be intrigued by it lyrically.
    Blue Velvet 4/5
    I like this, I don't get you guys. It's so swoony. Have you ever had listened to it with your eyes closed while lying down?
    God & Monsters 2/5
    Weakest track, in my opinion. It's not that it's bad but it's just kind of background music for me. Like I can listen to it and zone out a little and it's pleasant, but I'm not overly impressed. I do like the surf rock sounding guitar though, very La Sera.
    Yayo 4.5/5
    To be honest there isn't a lot she could have done to this track that I wouldn't have enjoyed. Only disappoint was the lack of DAAAAARK NIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT.
    Bel Air 4/5
    It just feels like something Tim Burton would use in a film. I feel like it breaks up the album really nicely too, because it's a different sound to me.
    Burning Desire 3.5/5
    I like the low vocals. I think it wraps up the album nicely. It's like Bel Air really draws you in and holds you up and this lowers you down slowly and you're left nicely content.
  7. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in "Bel Air" Video + First Mention of New Film "TROPICO"   
    Don't you all see? This is a lana del conspiracy that's only purpose is to ensure that fans never move on and spend the rest of their lives obsessing over Lana and whatever Tropico is. Well played Ms. Grant.
  8. YUNGATA liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in "Bel Air" Video + First Mention of New Film "TROPICO"   
    What's the bet TROPICO is a 15 minute short film about pools and palm trees and slow motion wind machine hair flowing
  9. lola liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in "Bel Air" Video + First Mention of New Film "TROPICO"   
    she sure loves buzzwords.
  10. YUNGATA liked a post in a topic by teethclick in "Bel Air" Video + First Mention of New Film "TROPICO"   
    Just looks like outtakes from the Summertime Sadness video tbh.
  11. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Del Rey and Soileau   
    that is brilliant oh God. 8.3/10 Best New Name.
  12. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana Confessions   
    omg that's like omg. Okay it's like this:
    You go out for dinner and you've heard the black forest cake is incredible and you have every intention of trying it. However, you know you need to have entre and mains. Everything will be delicious, you will order an authentic Italian pasta, it'll be familiar but great. But deep down you know you're waiting for dessert but you also know dessert will be even better because you've waited for it. IT'S LIKE DELAYED GRATIFICAKETION.
  13. YUNGATA liked a post in a topic by Hellion in Lana Confessions   
    Wait, oh my God.

  14. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana Confessions   
    omg that's like omg. Okay it's like this:
    You go out for dinner and you've heard the black forest cake is incredible and you have every intention of trying it. However, you know you need to have entre and mains. Everything will be delicious, you will order an authentic Italian pasta, it'll be familiar but great. But deep down you know you're waiting for dessert but you also know dessert will be even better because you've waited for it. IT'S LIKE DELAYED GRATIFICAKETION.
  15. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana Confessions   
    omg that's like omg. Okay it's like this:
    You go out for dinner and you've heard the black forest cake is incredible and you have every intention of trying it. However, you know you need to have entre and mains. Everything will be delicious, you will order an authentic Italian pasta, it'll be familiar but great. But deep down you know you're waiting for dessert but you also know dessert will be even better because you've waited for it. IT'S LIKE DELAYED GRATIFICAKETION.
  16. Hellion liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana Confessions   
    omg that's like omg. Okay it's like this:
    You go out for dinner and you've heard the black forest cake is incredible and you have every intention of trying it. However, you know you need to have entre and mains. Everything will be delicious, you will order an authentic Italian pasta, it'll be familiar but great. But deep down you know you're waiting for dessert but you also know dessert will be even better because you've waited for it. IT'S LIKE DELAYED GRATIFICAKETION.
  17. YUNGATA liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    k gimme like 20 minutes to type it out
  18. lola liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Do it
  19. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Do it
  20. bdelrey liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Who bought Lana Del Rey H&M????   
    To be honest I only wear clothes that a various shades of black, grey or white and I already have a grey dress so... Didn't buy anything.
  21. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in The 2012 U.S election thread   
    someone's upset~
  22. lola liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Del Rey and Soileau   
    that is brilliant oh God. 8.3/10 Best New Name.
  23. HeartshapedChevrolet liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Who bought Lana Del Rey H&M????   
    To be honest I only wear clothes that a various shades of black, grey or white and I already have a grey dress so... Didn't buy anything.
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