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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. Because Edward Hooper isn’t as well known a name. It’s not instantly recognizable in the way Norman Rockwell is.
  2. Yeah, it’s usually the 25th time it finally gets into our heads and changes the way we are feeling. Thanx so much guys you’re so helpful Xoxo
  3. I would be so bummed if what they filmed in Malibu was a video for Doin Time.
  4. I guess we are closer than ever to maybe finding out the truth about this damn record but I can't help but feel things have come to a complete standstill. Buzz is long dead, there is nothing to keep anyone excited anymore, snippets used to give me hope and now I consider listening to them and immediately think "nah, im good". I still think this could be a great record, but the hype has truly been killed off for me and I've reached a kind of "Lets get this over with" phase. Life is hard and channeling hope into looking forward to something is an easy way to make things feel better. I'm certain I'm not the only one who made this album their current "something" to look forward to and the fact that it has been (seemingly) handled so carelessly feels like a slap in the face for caring about it. And inb4 someone mentions going outside and focusing on other stuff and acting all high and mighty, realize we haven't made this album and its wait our life, it was meant to be something fun and beautiful to look forward to that would help us get through the bullshit slog that humans have turned life into. Ironically the wait for the album now feels like a bullshit slog itself.
  5. This song and album are often panned and I know it’s the beginning of Tori’s not so great 2000’s run, but I still enjoy them immensely. I always listen to the Beekeeper (on the whole) as if it’s soundtracking various scenarios in a tv drama marketed towards middle aged white women (think cedar cove) where My best friend and I are the leading ladies.
  6. Billie is new and Lana is established. They are still trying to build billies fan base, whereas Lana has hers and (as long as they don’t fuck everything up by not releasing this damn thing in August or September) we aren’t going anywhere (even though we threaten to everyday).
  7. In the comments someone asked “Lana?” and he said “I wish”. It’s not her if it’s anything at all.
  8. I saw a lifetime movie about this; we have the children, name them Norman Fucking Rockwell. They'll still come before the album and then Lana's album will no longer be the first of its name. Clearly the most dedicated form of protesting this lazy era.
  9. I feel like half of us always expected September as a possibility anyways so that insider info is trash. Unless you give us a DATE and a REASON to believe that YOU of ALL PEOPLE somehow got hold of exclusive info that no one else seems to have been made privy to, you can choke on one of Lana Del Rey’s dry ass looking burger patties in Malibu.
  10. Thinking about it, when we all decided Happiness might actually be the title track, she legit IMMEDIATELY stopped that rumor by posting irrefutable evidence otherwise. Maybe if we all push a new date or if we all claim we have insider info of the real date she’ll feel compelled to let ppl know what’s up.
  11. FAKE Paying someone isn’t going to make it come out any faster. It’ll only make you look like booboo the fool when the info ends up being nothing.
  12. I wanna post that somewhere and tag her so she and her management know how tedious this has all been.
  13. You’re a fan of the fantasy genre as well? Cool!
  14. Everyone together now... on the count of 3... 1... 2.... 3..... NO
  15. I feel like the book has to come out EVENTUALLY. I mean she did an Italian Vogue 3 cover poetry moment kind of in promotion of it. That’s pretty legit, and if it wasn’t coming to fruition would she have done that?? Anyways. I’ve mostly moved on from being annoyed because now that we are in July, and because she did say 2 months last month (the only info we have past speculation, I’m going to take it at face value) an official announcement could and probably will come at any moment. There aren’t any days left to guess and I don’t think she is going to make the official announcement at a show so I truly think we are in store for something any day now. Also let’s get hopeful and assume her time in Malibu with her makeup artist and dancers and chuck and film people was for a video or an album trailer. How long do you think something like that takes to be put together??
  16. Imagine. An album coming out in 2 months that’s HOTLY anticipated by both fans and critics and she doesn’t even mention it. Her mind. Lol
  17. Man I feel like I deserve a vacation when this shit finally comes out. I wish I had a release date so I could plan one... I want In Your Car. So bad. *screams into the void*
  18. We ain’t getting anything today lolz. With each passing show I feel like there is less a chance she will say something. Why wouldn’t she have just said something more concrete at the first show if that’s how she wanted to reveal it. The most I hope for is that she mentions it and that it will hopefully be out next month or 2.
  19. I actually love that title too, but isn’t that nearly a quote from an interview or something? All those other song titles are also just SO generic compared to the ones we already have. Golden? In the end? Heaven Baby? I don’t see it. I imagine we will have a few more imaginative titles on the record.
  20. “I hope u like the new record its coming in uhmmm... (wait, what did I say last time? Two months? A few months? What did Ben tell me to say? ...?) ....well it’ll be out before the end of the year. :3”
  21. It’s also crazy that there is not ONE person who has heard it that cares to spill SOMETHING online? Not like leaked tracks but just bragging that they’ve heard it or “it’s amazing” or “it’s shit” or something. That’s what makes it feel like it truly doesn’t exist. Someone somewhere has to have heard it and be itching to say something, even if it’s vague, right? What about the dancer friends? I wonder if they’ve listened to the whole thing. Maybe it is really bad and that’s why no one is saying anything...
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