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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. To hear us saying this and believing this is a very nice and refreshing thing.
  2. Oh wow so many cherry haters how edgy of ü Lana give us these fucking songs for fucks sake so I can melt my good god damned brain with them instead of doing so scrolling the fuck past discussion on a dead and gone album. Bitch. the important questions!¡!
  3. It would make sense assuming the songs are coming this week or next week. The websites being revamped, things seem to have been set in motion. I imagine this will all build up to the proper announcement of the record, including all the things we’ve been dying for. Tracklist, cover, etc.
  4. Soooo neohumanism = Lana? The fuckery, the tomfoolery, I already deleted neohumanism from my brain because they weren’t Lana, but.... are they?
  5. We can’t joke abt this because it’s far too real a possibility
  6. I can’t believe she waited until we were all despairing because we thought we were getting absolutely nothing today and then out of nowhere she’s like “remember that beautiful love video? I’m making a double video for 2 songs u never heard with that director lol.” This evil betch I love her so much. Ornery. Scandalous. Evil.
  7. Where tf they at ho? (The snippets that is) Receipts or show yourself to the door. We ain’t playing at this point.
  8. I feel like the era is so dry that her insta post quenched my thirst for only like 3 hours and now I need something more. An insta post with no date ain’t gonna cut it no more.
  9. The most bitter tea. I should feel more excited knowing it’s (probably?) coming soon but with nothing tangible I don’t feel it.
  10. It doesn’t look terrible. And I don’t hate the idea of starting with H2D. I really want In Your Car to have another name, though. I actually like that name but I just wanna be surprised when I’m first listening to the record and I don’t know which one it is and then a song ends and all of a sudden the next song opens with those warm piano chords and it’s just total bliss. It’d be such a moment.
  11. I never expected her to say anything new 2nite. Please gay god give us something on Friday.
  12. @@vodkaa your gif usage is next level honestly I’m studying it to become better
  13. I hope there is no car just to annoy those who get upset over something so minuscule.
  14. Everyone needs ta CALM DOWNNN. WE STILL HAVE THE COUNTDOWN (probably for the dumdum Charlie’s Angels song) AND WE WILL HAVE NFR BY THE TIME THIS BBC THING HAPPENS (unless she lied) Honestly once I have the record I can move on and she can do whatever tf she wants. She could cover a friggin Meatloaf song and I wouldn’t care. I JUST WANT DA ALBOOM
  15. I remember hearing that first cinnamon snippet and writing it off as being another ok piano ballad like change. Weeks go by and I finally realize there is another snippet and I listen to them back to back. It was breathtaking. THAT was the very moment I became absurdly excited for this record. Every snippet (‘cept stronger, sorry bb I’m sure you’re a fine song) has only made me more stoked hear it in full. Even HiaB (which initially seemed like a clip of a song we’d probably never hear from again) turned up and she came to PLAY. I can’t believe we seem to finally be reaching the climax of our NFR journey.
  16. Honestly I wish this was the title of a song. Titanic teas. I can’t hear it in any voice but Kate winslets.
  17. I swear if all this excitement leads to the frikkin Charlie’s Angels track I will be so pressed like a panini.
  18. I like LfL! It is in fact a bit bloated and its flow is kind of stunted by the weird songs groupings (classic LDR, then on to the hiphop, then political songs, etc) but I think its got some killer songs that I still go back and listen to regularly. There are a few songs that get way too much hate (Summer Bummer is amazing, that haunting piano in the background gets me) and a few songs that have nice touches that make them worth listening to (Groupie Love isn't my fav BUT the second verse has her creepily whispering in the background like a deranged groupie might and that makes it one of my favorite parts of the record). Heroin, 13 Beaches and Love are probably the holy trinity of the album for me. White Mustang might actually be the song I listen to most. Ultimately it feels kinda like a LDR grab bag. rankkk: -favs 4 sure- 1. Heroin 2. 13 Beaches 3. Love 4. Summer Bummer 5. Cherry 6. White Mustang -mix n match, kind of doesn't matter the order I guess but this is a rough estimate- 7. GBA 8. Get Free 9. BPBP 10. Groupie 10. LfL 11. TNC 12. WTWWAW 13. In My Feelings -ehhh... could do without- 14. Change 15. Coachella
  19. she could just slap this as the cover and id live for it tbh. She looks great here and it really hits the vibezzz I feel from these songs (what we've heard). I think there is a small chance for real news this week. Small. I'm not gonna hold my breath but if the album is coming out in a month I mean...
  20. I thought so too but ppl over at Reddit are claiming it was really her
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