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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. domandapiano

    Tove Lo

    Come Undone giving me my medieval pop folk tune melody I never knew I wanted right now.
  2. domandapiano

    Tove Lo

    Glad he’s gone is actually great I feel like most of u usually some semblance of taste but...
  3. domandapiano

    Tove Lo

    This is the only Tove record I’ve heard (I’ve avoided her mostly because I hate stay high with a passion) but I’m really into it. Sweet talk my heart channels Susanne Sundfor’s Slowly which is a great thing considering Susannes 10 Love Songs is a pop masterpiece.
  4. She’s an incredible singer, and I’m hoping she gets some more time in the spotlight with this solo album under her name. Any live performance of her on YouTube is mesmerizing, like seriously just choose any one. The new song is growing on me immensely. I definitely get a Fleetwood Mac meets Shania Twain vibe but Caroline’s got such a unique voice it feels entirely her own.
  5. domandapiano

    Charli XCX

    Idk what it is but Tommy Cash’s verse is fascinating to listen to. It’s weird and nearly nonsensical but I love that about it. Official is THAT bitch. It’s an amazing song, and it feels so real and relatable.
  6. domandapiano

    Weyes Blood

    I saw her in Pittsburgh this past Monday. She headlined at the Rex and she was phenomenal. I was entranced the entire time. The band was amazing as well. Every slide of the guitar and pluck of a key was perfect.
  7. domandapiano

    Charli XCX

    As someone who didn’t realize Charli’s greatness until Pop2 I’m really digging the record. I don’t think it’s as perfect as pop2 but it’s also longer so it would have been hard to do that. I’m really living for the sad bangerzzzz. My top 3: Silver cross Official Next Level Charli
  8. Lana is the best part of the song AND the video can you believe? Like yeah Ariana is singing most of it, but Lana gets a huge bridge that sounds nothing like the rest of the song and her part of the music video in red is next level.
  9. I think Holy Terrain is nice! I’m not losing my shit over it but it’s nice.
  10. Orange Trees acoustic is legitimately stunning. I haven't really listened to L+F that much because I agree its kind of bland, but I always thought the best part of some of these songs were her delicate approach to the vocals and they shine here. The production really fits the vibe and purpose of the song much much better as well. My end of summer sunset jam. On to Superstar right now and damn this is so much more captivating than the album version. This feels like less of an acoustic EP and more like "here's the songs how they should have been fully produced from the beginning" kind of thing. I always thought some of the songs had an almost fairytale sound to the melodies and backing vocals and this greatly emphasizes that, to the songs' benefit.
  11. The ari cover is wonderful (bad sound levels are clear but *shrug*). I’ve watched other artists do this show and a lot of them look at lyrics. I remember Charli xcx did one of Wolf Alices Don’t Delete the Kisses if I remember correctly and she was looking at lyrics on her phone as well.
  12. That desert version sounds like literal aural heaven and I’m upset I’ll probably never hear it ((
  13. I’m hoping she just surprise drops the album one of these Friday’s
  14. Fantano gave a Lana record an 8/10 wow we have truly won. That’s pretty good from him. Lol. Work @ Happiness being one of his favorite tracks. It’s what the song deserves. Love Song, NFR, and Cali too. I’d say his pointing out of the poetry line in bartender is fair, but I think the song is good enough to overcome that one moment of questionable lyricism. I agree Doin Time is superfluous, though I don’t hate it, and while agree cinnamon girl is technically one of the weaker songs overall the chorus is amazing and the vocals and production are PERFECT. It’s still 100% worthy of a spot on the album. It’s the song everyone seems to be talking about.
  15. This song is 100% my new anthem. It’s almost like Lana’s mission statement framed within the context of a night at a bar gone slightly wrong with someone who feels so right.
  16. Happiness is a butterfly is a devastating little narrative and should be heard by the masses. It deserves to be a classic tbh
  17. I just wanna say this is probs gonna end up my fav Lana album (out of the ones we got so far) but I respect all opinions. She’s always been amazing and she hasn’t stopped being amazing. It’s wild everyone else is catching on.
  18. I feel like she will be more inspired to put albums quickly considering the praise NFR is getting. 12 months seems like it could be totally legit if she wants to keep on a roll.
  19. I just like.... I’m so proud to see it. A 9.4 on pitchfork almost means more than a metascore tbh. The highest since Joanna Newsoms Ys (an amazing album you all should listen to if you haven’t). This is putting her in legend status not only for fans but in the music community, it’s important, it’s groundbreaking, the legend jumped out. We all have amazing taste. Bless us all.
  20. They gave high as hope a 5.8 and I loved that album so if it’s anywhere higher than that I shall try and remain un-pressed. Pulling for at least an 8 tho
  21. Same-ish. I never disliked it but it wasn’t one of my favorites immediately. The more I listen the better it gets. It’s got this intense driving rhythmic quality to its chorus. It’s like she’s pleading with someone (Barrie) to come back.
  22. We Stan casing queens. Anyways, I tried putting the songs into a ranking and then a tiered ranking but it’s too hard and I only ended up with three tiers (God Tier, Amazing tier, and Doin’ Time) but I really love the record. My top 5 (can’t do top 3 sorry), are Venice Bitch, NFR, Love Song, happiness, and bartender. I must echo the sentiment that only intellectuals like Bartender. It’s amazing. It feels strange that she gets such praise from media these days because I’m so used to the majority of the world not “getting” her like us fans, but I’m so so happy she’s finally getting that recognition she deserves.
  23. Love song made me cry today. When she sings “I like to think that you might stick around. You know that I just live to make you proud” something about that just gives me chills every time.
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