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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. domandapiano

    Charli XCX

    I like it all! 7 years i like! Click2 i like! It makes sense, particularly for a quarantine album! Missing your clique! I think a sequel to that song set in the current climate is perfect tbh. Visions and Detonate are the masterpieces of the album but it really is all quite good. claws and i finally understand are even better for me now in the context of the album
  2. I was listening to this album stoned af last night I gotta shout props to Love Song. She is THAT SONG.
  3. domandapiano

    Tori Amos

    I didn’t know we had a Tori thread!! I just got her book but didn’t delve to far into it. Pele and Scarlet are my fav Tori albums.
  4. domandapiano

    Charli XCX

    Pictures sounds like it going to send me into the stratosphere
  5. domandapiano


    Her debut is REALLY good
  6. domandapiano

    Charli XCX

    I think its in the middle for me: forever > i finally understand > claws. I like em all tho
  7. Ok it can leak now plz I will actually be impressed if it somehow doesnt. On another note, is the Rain on Me snippet with Ariana Grande singing “Rain rain go away...” real? I’m holding out hope its not. I think thats such a cheesy line.
  9. domandapiano


    The song is..... fine
  10. Yeah, STFU is definitely better in the context of the album. After I read she was influenced by Evanescence and Utada Hikaru i relistened with new context and it all clicked a little more. My middle school self would have been O B S E S S E D with her. The album is great, though, even as an adult. Tokyo Love Hotel is my #1
  11. domandapiano

    Charli XCX

    Claws is really good! Still prefer Forever, but this is shaping up to be a great collection of songs
  12. Ok but can something interesting happen tho?
  13. I’ve heard the first 3 tracks, all stellar. I Want You to Love Me is an instant classic. I wanna wait till I’m stoned to listen to the full thing, though.
  14. Ive been waiting for this song since I heard it was an outtake from high as hope and it was teased alongside that art book of her that that guy did. STOKED.
  15. Tomorrow in all the places that get music first (New Zealand and wherever else) and Friday for the rest of us! I can’t wait. A Fiona album is like... an event, ya know? Like a mini Kate Bush.
  16. domandapiano

    Charli XCX

    If Charli can produce something like this on her Janet album I’m here for it
  17. It reminds me of like a mid 90s indie alterna girl debut album diy cover and for that I love it
  18. https://ibb.co/stBRNCv And then the alleged tracklist: http://unforumzed.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2338&d=1586962958
  19. I think we have to consider it’s very possible it was done quickly because she was far more interested in just getting the record out there than going through any extensive preparations for an album rollout (which would likely include planning a more elaborate cover). I actually like the cover and I think it’s fitting.
  20. I, for one, think Venus is an absolute mess and I LOVE IT. The chorus is absolutely one of her best.
  21. Drip drip she’s leaking
  22. I imagine this new record will be more akin to Idler Wheel than any of her early stuff. Those early records she would show up to the studio and play on piano and sing and then producers would take care of all the orchestrations and production choices. These days it seems she prefers her work be almost wholly hers. She records in her home studio and even made the other musicians come to her house to record. An interview she did recently said it will be very percussive with lots of chanting, perhaps akin to hot knife.
  23. All I know is I don’t wanna hear a single damn snippet before this shit comes out. Waiting for NFR was made excruciating due to having heard most of the record already through snippets
  24. the album is goooooooood
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