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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. Wtf, that was an exciting half an hour. Now we can go back to wallowing. Maybe she saw all the comments were about COCC and realized she was misleading people.
  2. She looks so fucking stunning. Too stunning for day to day activities. Perhaps she was doing some quarantine filming for something COCC related...
  3. I’m here for the Nicole dollanganger feature.
  4. All I need is some kind of solid proof that it’s coming on the 4th/5th and then I’ll be ok with the wait. I tell myself it’s probably not coming then, but I know if she says nothing all this time and then that weekend passes and nothing happens I’ll still be mega disappointed.
  5. Hmmmm, im here for a song called 2035 from lana. Perhaps in her 2035 chemtrails have become a normal part of american luxury society, billed as gasses that have a variety of benefits but are actually killing ppl. Maybe no title track and it’s just a line in a song. @-@ Where was this found??
  6. domandapiano

    Sufjan Stevens

    Ohhhh any more nuggets of info?? I figured his new record would be like his more bombastic work considering the track lengths of everything. The new song is good! It’s definitely a 3 minute song stretched into 10 minutes (not unlike Venice Bitch lol) but that isn’t necessarily a fault. It will definitely work as a closer. I understand why he shared it first if it was truly the launching point of the new record
  7. domandapiano

    Sufjan Stevens

    I’m so stoked.
  8. Why am I checking this thread so regularly, we all know she isn’t gonna do or say anything of much interest for at least a month right? (Prove me wrong lana)
  9. I mean, when it comes to Lana there is nothing that I’d ever say I hate. BtD is definitely an outlier in her albums, sonically, because it’s the only one that sounds like its trying to really aim for the commercial market. I think paradise expands on the sound of the first album, but is *mostly* better produced, and from UV on her music sounds “roomier” and like there is more space for the various sounds to breathe. In any case, I’m not particularly worried about the direction she is gonna go in. I feel like it could maybe be an amalgamation of a number of her sounds. Whatever it is will feel more fresh than NFR did because we will not have heard 90% of the record through snippets and leaks.
  10. Carmen is one of my least fav lana songs.... I could never get into it, though I do see its appeal. I guess what I’m referring to is more “vibe” of the music. For me, personally, Happiness is a Butterfly and Love Song are more beautiful than anything on BtD, even tho I still love a lot of born to die. I’m not saying I don’t like it, it’s just not the sound I want. Literally just piano is something I’d consider “gorgeous instrumentation”. Give me sax, give me surf guitars, give me drums, give me synths, what I’m saying when I’m saying I don’t want BtD is that I don’t want anything over over over produced, which is something that BtD without a question in my mind IS. I can’t even listen to Million Dollar Man because of whatever auto tune processed thing is happening to her voice on the studio cut. Luckily I don’t think any of her stuff has been overproduced since. Also, I’m aware there aren’t trap beats on BtD, that was a separate wish. I actually really like Summer Bummer and few of the trap beat songs on LfL, I just don’t necessarily need more of them.
  11. I know I’m in the vast minority, but simple lana + piano is one of my favorite things so an album like this would give me life. I like the surfy vibezzz of Venice Bitch and FIILY, though, so an album like that would get me going as well. Cinnamon Gurl too. I honestly do NOT want her to go back to BtD or anything that has any air of “Gangsta Nancy Sinatra”. I also don’t need anything with trap beats. I want painfully beautiful melodies with gorgeous instrumentation.
  12. Ok now post something about chemtrails. (She looks so good in both pics from the cat post).
  13. I don't buy it but i am definitely excited for the fake tracklist and lyrics part of the era!!
  14. domandapiano

    Jade Bird

    Yes! Love Jade Bird! Such a powerful voice!
  15. Every time i come in here and see that the most recent update was more than 10 minutes ago i know its still as dry as the damn Sahara in here.
  16. Kathleen Edwards- Total Freedom Fenne Lily- BREACH Nadine Shah- Kitchen Sink Siv Jakobsen- A Temporary Soothing Land of Talk- Indistinct Conversations Ellie Goulding- Brightest Blue The Beths- Jump Rope Gazers
  17. ^I’m very perched for it but I think lack of info/snippets makes the wait a little more bearable (because im still telling myself we aren’t getting it when she said, just so I’m not let down).
  18. Im still not over the fake bartender lyrics where a shady black man steals the bartenders tips.
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