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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. Ugh now her feed is messed up. (Though if she’s only gonna announce a single soon I assume it won’t take up a whole row... we know preorder + full album news ain’t coming soon) (I’m fine with her promoting voting obviii)
  2. domandapiano


    Ray of light is absolutely number 1 Like a Prayer absolutely number 2 Music absolutely number 3 the rest.... I really don’t know them speaking of Music, can we talk about the excellent run of songs that is Don’t Tell Me - Gone?
  3. Give us the surprise release Lana denied us FKA
  4. ^until there is a post where she literally declares she has flipped sides I 100% agree.
  5. Im not saying this as a defense of her behavior but I’ll say it as a defense of our assertions she’s just dumb and ignorant: I think y’all underestimate how ignorant a little a rich white celeb living in LA might be. Most earthly problems are beneath her, I’m sure. (Not actually, but she’s got money so nothing really matters)
  6. Yeah, the fact that y’all are jumping on the zoom she pulled on pence is a bit of a reach. The Fox News thing a little confusing for sure
  7. I mean it’s Kamala talking tho why are we assuming she likes pence??
  8. Can lana fans leave her dad alone??? So weird they feel the need to ask him about Lana’s mom.
  9. I remember seeing her on the fame monster tour in pittsburgh in 2010 and she performed You and I before that record ever saw the light of day and she used “Pittsburgh” instead of Nebraska. From that moment it was destined to be one of my fav Gaga songs.
  10. It’s a good read! Both very critical and appreciative simultaneously.
  11. At least we’d have a definitive end to these trials
  12. Her posts are lined up and now she’s ready for a Chemtrails announcement
  13. Well this has been an incredibly annoying day for all of us hasn’t it? The thing is regardless of what I think of her wearing that mask personally it’s just such a dumb thing to do unless you want negative attention. Absolutely senseless. She looks absolutely stunning but girl. (sorry for the excessive negativity but like... c’mon)
  14. I broke my lana fast for this song and I’m glad I did. I feel it’s totally underrated in her catalogue. Perhaps THE most cinematic song she’s produced. It’s so hypnotic. The vocal performance, my GOD. we are not gonna pretend this isn’t one of her most iconic performances it’s so honeymoon ultraviolence fusion its so perfect:
  15. I’m gonna hop to the bookstore tomorrow and see if they are carrying it. It’s gonna be so pretty.
  16. I feel like I’m really part of Lanaboards now that I witnessed a Halsey troll post poo porn. something really is coming soon isn’t it
  17. Imagine how tired we are my grandmother has been trying tout trump as the most pro-gay president and more than anything it makes me sad
  18. Don’t have trypophobia but the gloves are ugly. I don’t hate them. But they are ugly in that “look how glamorous these are but still ugly af” kinda way.
  19. I have a feeling that’s not what this look is.
  20. domandapiano

    Sufjan Stevens

    Love the whole thing, I can’t pick favorites because they are all contenders for me, though the thrill of the first track is still coursing through my veins. when I read some reviews talk about its repetitiveness I got worried, but it’s repetitive in a different way than the critics made it sound. I was also concerned about long stretches of electronic instrumental music being present in every song like the end of America or the beginning of sugar, but any moment where this happens feels correct in terms of flow of the record. album of the year so far, we will see what lana brings, but it’ll be hard for her to top this.
  21. domandapiano

    Sufjan Stevens

    Honestly I’m gasping at the first track. It’s so good. I’m in for a JOURNEY.
  22. Not a good song, but she definitely elevates it. When that beat kicks in I twist in revulsion honestly. It sounds so basic. Her solo part before that is beautiful, though, I might like it without the chorus.
  23. The way I can’t even imagine she would even mention her own music if she posts about this collab
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