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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. Insomnia a stunning masterpiece it is known
  2. Ok, PA, I might have said some unfair things to u. I’ll take it back if u prove me wrong.
  3. My boyfriend thinks Biden is gonna take PA and potentially GA as well and I’m just here hoping Nevada can figure it out so it can be called and this can get to being over with.
  4. Yeah, I’m in Pittsburgh so I’m surrounded by like minds mostly, but I grew up in Johnstown and it’s always a little disturbing to go back when politics are a hot topic.
  5. I just wanna say Pennsylvania you are that UGLY ASS BITCH I knew you were. Most of my family are conservatives/republicans/trumpers, and I avoid talking politics with them because I don’t want to no longer be able to have relationships with them, but if he wins and they keep harping me about it, if they taunt me even once about it, they can choke and I’m done with them. I’d never throw a Biden win in their face so if they do that to me they’re dead. I’m sick and tired of being the respectful one that has to bite my tongue.
  6. It could be good but I don’t buy it. Feels fake. I’d be over the moon to be proven wrong, though. It would certainly be a lovely gesture considering the delay.
  7. What an awful time to be a realist. I just can’t see her manifesting a covers album in less than 2 months. Show me the cover, show me the tracklist, show me a preorder, then I’ll believe it. Until then I guess I must come to terms with the fact it won’t be until another miserable winter is over that I get the sweet comforts of her song.
  8. My home state PA being one of the swing states (that voted trump last time) better FUCKING come through with a Biden win.
  9. The most harrowing presidential election in our lives and also the most drawn out. I hope we will know the results by the weekend.
  10. I wish it wasn’t such a process to move out of the country. I’d be sipping wine in Basque Country right now
  11. I don’t have much faith in Biden, but I am putting my faith into the American people to make the choice that leaves us in a better place for a progressive future
  12. I just hope there are enough people that see the countless rallies in the middle of a pandemic as a bad thing. just got done voting. Now all there is to do is wait and see the circus unfold.
  13. For your own sake it’s best you don’t, besides if you hang around here long enough your bound to stumble upon it eventually. I missed it a number of times but the last time it happened I was front and center. Harrowing. The only piece of information that I’m still really hoping comes this year is the release date. People are already announcing stuff thats coming at the end of February so I pray to every deity ever prayed to that we get a date before 2021.
  14. This whole affair cannot end quickly enough. They are both awful but obviously Trump is the more immediate evil so we need to squash that ASAP.
  15. Yeah I feel like people trashed sweetener when it came out but I remember thinking it was pretty decent, at least more engaging than what came before it I found the leak but I haven’t really listened to it because I’m not *that* interested. I probably will give it a full spin in the next few days when it’s out.
  16. The way the gate literally sounds like you are ascending to heaven. Those little twinkling bells are so fucking stunning.
  17. It’s a pang kinda day, methinks. It’s been a minute since I’ve heard it, but it suits a chilly October day quite well.
  18. Here for this honestly and I hope the studio version keeps it just as Country!
  19. I recognize the song but can’t name it for some reason. It’s the alcohol.
  20. Also, it’s nice to see the Pitchfork review is pretty positive! Not best new music (i didn’t expect that anyways) but it’s still actually pretty complimentary! We won!
  21. So she’s talking about loving like a woman, right? After watching the video (which obviously isn’t a masterpiece but is very cute and suits the song) I feel like what she means by that is that she’s finally come to terms with what real love is. It’s not steeped in fatalistic tragedy and drama like the love she sings about on Born to Die and Paradise and UV. She sang about love like that when she was a girl because that’s what love feels like to someone who hasn’t been around the block more than once or twice. She’s grown now and sees love for what it truly is. It’s not end all, be all, die for you stuff and it doesn’t even have to be romantic; it’s about trust, and compassion, and recognizing annoying things your loved ones do that don’t matter because that won’t change how you feel and you just want to be around them. A few tidbits in the song that make me think this: -She’s talks about leaving LA for somewhere smaller, and LA is a city of dreams, and stars, and grand notions. Romances in films and dreams are often larger than life and she’s coming to terms with love that is a bit more simple and natural. -She sings about wanting the subject of the song to join her in her journey but she knows she’ll be ok if they don’t. -The line “I want/need you to come” to me is like echoes of the younger version of herself that was super fatalistic and heavy hearted. That girl is still an important part of Lana’s story and will have ripple effects throughout the rest of her life, but that’s not the person calling the shots anymore. So yeah, ultimately loving someone like a woman has nothing to do with sex or even romance, it’s just loving someone with a firm grasp on what’s important. Also, to add one last thing, I’ve seen some folks refer to Lana as having “lost her fire” but I don’t think that’s true at all! Sure she’s not an all consuming wildfire anymore, burning down everything in her path, but she’s a more life sustaining fire now! One that provides warmth and comfort to her and others. It’s actually a mark of growth, I think. :3 anyways that what this song gives me
  22. Legitimately bummed for people who feel this way! Music itself so wonderful that it conjures it’s own images for me and music videos and single covers and stuff like that are nice but totally superfluous. You do you, nothing but love, though! Here’s hoping the Chemtrails videos lives up to the hype!
  23. Of you guys hate it. It’s by far the BEST of the homemade music videos. It’s incredibly sweet, touching, perfect for the song, etc.
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