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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. That quarantine depression about to hit real hard and this record will be my coping mechanism
  2. I’m endlessly stoked about this
  3. I’m not as mad as I was earlier because I know it’ll leak and I know I’ll have it before it’s ours anywayz
  4. listen to Gaga’s album when it leaks This Friday stream Love is an Art, Vanessa Carltons new album that’s actually coming out when it’s supposed to
  5. LEAK IT NOW Maybe I’m being a petulant child but to deny the masses of something that could make a tough time a little less tough for money is fucking gross
  6. Fucking yes because I have taste
  7. Omg plz leak I’m bored since corona took my bartending gig away
  8. I see no evidence of this being true
  9. I’ve not really been able to get into her but lamp lady is pretty fucking cool
  10. Yeah those pics are AMAZING. I get the whole robot thing isn’t necessarily the most original thing in the world but damn she did the damn thing and she did it BEAUTIFULLY.
  11. Really looking forward to her next album! Both singles are pretty good! I’m loving Anywayz.
  12. domandapiano

    Charli XCX

    I’m just popping into to say that the outro to tears is surely what heaven sounds like. It’s so beautiful.
  13. She’s an Oscar winner who wants for nothing I’m sure she’s fine
  14. I enjoy stupid love. The lyrics are totally inane but her delivery is great and it gets stuck in your head. It does have a very “Gaga” energy to it that I’m pleased to hear again.
  15. domandapiano


    Work @ the Nier Automata feature in the video lol
  16. domandapiano


    I’d love a utopia flute edition like she did with vulnicura and strings. I like arcas beats but I think it could be breathtaking with just her and the winds.
  17. Family Jewels forever untouched. It’s such a good, fun yet relatable and meaningful album. 100 percent her quirkiest and it’s her best for that. Are You Satisfied? is still one of my ultimate favorite songs ever.
  18. I’m still waiting on this sad day video??? Where tf is it??
  19. Ok but where the fuck is it?? We are gonna be tired of the song if they keep waiting to put it out
  20. Yeah the auto tune is clearly just musical choice. The bitch can sing. She’s proven that time and time again in her chairlift days. Watch any live performance of “ghost tonight”
  21. I hate that I’m being this kind of person, but I’m letting this impact my opinion of Mr Eyelash in a negative way. Like I don’t need to listen to her ever now. Anyways, stream NFR.
  22. It wasnt good necessarily but it was certainly more entertaining than any thing else so far
  23. Fuckin Alicia Keys not even mentioning Lana in that dumb Grammys song. They really are not giving her any spotlight at all huh? Aerosmith and run dmc was quite the clusterfuck. I need Rosalia to come through with looks and vocals and choreo to save this mess.
  24. I get a little tori Amos from it and I kinda live for that
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