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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. Who is this Alex guy and why is it good he got hacked? I assume he’s some god damn man child.
  2. Yesssss let’s keep with this momentum. If it could sit around 88 I’d be ecstatic.
  3. Tell me NFR is to Lana what Blue is to Joni and that Lana’s next 4 albums will be her for the roses, court and spark, the hissing of summer lawns, and Hejira. I NEED IT
  4. Venice bitch has aged like the finest wine. I love it even more now than I did when it came out, truly.
  5. I’ve been bar-t-t-tending all night but I wanted to make sure I got in here for one last pre-album post! It’s been fun and wild and y’all don’t know the half of the shit this place has put me through! Love ya!
  6. Ain’t did a drop of promo all year and and now she tryna fit it all in to one week lol
  7. I just... bartenders lyrics are so good. (Speaking strictly in terms of Lana stuff) I love the cherry cola line. Like I said the other day all of these Lana-isms (America-isms I guess?) evolve with her; “cola” may be something she’s used before but in the past she was using it to describe her pussy and now she’s using it to reference her sobriety and it being what she orders at a bar. I certainly don’t think that’s a cliché line particularly in pop music today. We must agree to disagree, though.
  8. I That’s one of my favorite lines. The only line I don’t love is and that’s forgivable because I LOVE every other line in that song.
  9. Lol @ bartender hate. A career highlight highkey. It’s so damn good. You can hardly even bitch about the production there it’s the only track (other than Hope) that’s JUST piano and her voice. It’s so wonderful. Bar-t-t-tender is amazing and so is the damn HA HA HA.
  10. You don’t have to keep them to yourself!! Your negative opinions are not bothersome at all! I like the outro but I agree I wanted it to get big again. I feel like it’ll go into HtD really well, but the way I listened to album was by having to click back a page and then load a new page so songs weren’t flowing into one another as well as they will when I listen again tomorrow or Friday. Cinnamon feels like it ends abruptly and then HTD starts kind of abruptly like it’s picking up where Cinnamon left off.
  11. This HiaB love. It brings me joy. The first time she goes into the chorus there seemed to be a slight pause after the verse and it feels like the chorus almost catches you off guard and sweeps you up. It’s so lovely.
  12. The sketchiest element of this era so far tbh. We at least know she isn’t a Trump fan. I like both versions of fuck it. I’m a mellow motherfucker so the leaked one definitely suits me if I’m feeling more that, but I completely get why they switched it up to be more of a bop.
  13. Unpopular opinion Omg they throw an Ani Difranco comparison in there. Tori Amos and Fiona Apple get shout outs too. My gay heart is full.
  14. It’s a pretty good top 10, particularly for ppl who aren’t mega fans. Brooklyn Baby being above everything else in the top 10 is questionable but at least Shades and West Coast and Venice Bitch are there. And I’m gobsmacked that Florida Kilos was written in part by Harmony Korine. It makes so much sense.
  15. The horses, they are high. Silly dumb me, I forgot intelligence and bravery were the same thing. Anyways, I’m not here to fight. I don’t intend on being antagonistic. I just feel like there has been a mostly negative vibe around here this week and it’s affecting my online presence. Lol
  16. Brave?? What the fuck are you talking about? It’s like 50/50 here people who like it and don’t. It doesn’t take courage to post shit like that when there a handful of people who will immediately jump to your defense and agree with you. No shade just truth lol.
  17. It’s definitely her most adventurous sound wise. You can debate quality all you want but Honeymoon was in NO way experimental or a step out of her comfort zone. Maybe UV was but it’s not that edgy to be rock and roll these days. Quite honestly it’s edgier to go for a softer more mellow sound in a time when pop bangers are served up left and right. I’ve been tentative about being super positive because I feel like for every person who likes the record there is someone on here that is determined to make people dislike it or point out why positive opinions are wrong or that they are going to change because it’s too fresh. I Listened just once but I know for a fact it’s going to stay my favorite Lana record because it’s the kind of stuff I’ve always dreamed of her doing. Some of y’all are obsessed with Honeymoon and some of y’all are obsessed with UV and I’m feeling good about finally having my own Lana album to consider her peak.
  18. Omg she’s so cute! I don’t usually listen to many interviews but that was a treat!
  19. And regarding her “recycling” of certain Lana-isms (party dress, referencing the color blue, etc) I feel like part of her charm is seeing how these staples in the existence of Lana Del Rey change context as she grows as a person. The party dress of Cruel World’s drug addled, depression ridden heroine is definitely not the same party dress that’s worn by the mature, sober, contemplative woman in Love Song and I think that means something.
  20. So I listened once and won’t again till the official thing, but the official top 3 are as follows: Love Song Happiness is a Butterfly Norman Fucking Rockwell All of those songs met my expectations, particularly HiaB. I loved the whole thing, though. I didn’t even hate Doin Time in the context of the record like I thought I would (it’ll probably be the first skip, though). The new (old?) version of FiILY is good. I don’t think one is any better than the other.
  21. Y’all love to make an album release as not fun as possible huh?
  22. I love it because it’s Lana’s take at a more singer-songwriter feel, and that’s generally my primary type of music. I get what people don’t like about it, but it’s totally my bag.
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