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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. really hope those rando rumors about an early July pre-order are true.
  2. The cover will be that self portrait she painted crying watercolor tears serving up Joni Mitchell Laura marling teas
  3. domandapiano


    My god his voice. And he’s so sexy. I’m a fan.
  4. I don’t give a rats poison shit about visuals. What I want is beautiful, moving, emotional music. Every clip thus far (except stronger, sorry bb) has made me FEEL and has taken me somewhere beautiful. It’s all subjective and personal anyways. I don’t believe in bringing other Lana albums down (They’re all good for fucks sake), but I think there is a significant chance this will be my favorite. Nice visuals are just a bonus. Most of my fav albums this year have next to no visual element other than an obligatory cover. Anyways, I hope all these songs go somewhere really cool production wise (I can hear in your car as a stunning trip hop ballad), but part of me wants them all just to be piano so I can weep tears of ecstasy while everyone else weeps tears of sorrow.
  5. Only Valerie will know what heavens gates sound like tbh
  6. paradise is good. I agree it’s like the slightly more mature version of BTD. Gods and monsters used to make me feel so scandalous and I LIVED for it. It’s still one of her best songs imo. It however does NOT have the superior yayo, not even close, in fact I think it’s maybe the weakest bit of the album. I even love Blue Velvet. Body electric is great but I barely listen to it because it’s weirdly quieter than everything else on the album and that annoys me.
  7. Let’s take this all album discussion to a more appropriate place perhaps? I don’t want anyone to get in trouble and all of these poor opinions are hurting my eyes and brain.
  8. Ultraviolence is my favorite but it’s second half has serious issues for me (I never need to hear Money Power Glory and Fucked My Way ever again, and Sad Girl and Pretty are good but the same key with repeated melodic motifs makes it difficult for me to tell the two apart to this day, black beauty should be ON the record proper etc) Honeymoon is good but the most easy example to cite when people complain that she is “bland and slow and boring”, its a mood album for sure and I almost never seek out individual songs from it (music to watch boys to does nothing for me). I don’t really need to provide reasons why LFL isn’t her best, they are brought up every day. I’m here for NFR to be the first flawless (in my eyes) record from her.
  9. I know half of y'all hate it but that pic of Lana sitting on the ground looking at the sunset (sunrise?) is my favorite image of her ever I think and while I don't want it as the cover (I want something we haven't seen yet obvi) I want whatever it ends up being to have that vibe.
  10. She’s toying with us because she knows NFR is THAT BITCH and will be her best record and will go down in history as one of the greats (this is my fantasy but it’s not impossible honestly).
  11. I can’t believe I’ll have In Your Car in 2 months. It’s gonna be heaven I can feel it.
  12. Ughhhh I’m ready. That person who tweeted about this album being amazing and a culmination of Lana Del Rey’s work, was that someone projecting their wishes or someone who has actually heard the bloody thing?
  13. I just hope we get a fkin album cover and tracklist soon
  14. I keep watching the video and it’s so satisfying every time she says “I hope u like my new album it comes out in 2 months :3” FINALLY. lies and mistrust and blah blah blah, I guess anything could happen but I don’t see why she would say that if she didn’t mean it. I bet preorder at the beginning of July happens. BLESS.
  15. Vamanos Lana! Times a tickin! The optimist in me is dead, but realistically we have to be getting something soon. It’s mid year. Her friend (the dancer) probably knows a little bit about the grand plan and if she’s talking about Lana “conquering the year” I assume part of that includes releasing the album. If she’s gonna conquer 2019 she gonna have to start real soon because we are speeding through it it seems.
  16. I’m sick of eating chicken I’d like to be fed with Norman Fucking Rockwell.
  17. Anyways, stream Bird Songs of a Killjoy by Bedouine. One of the most exquisite song cycles I’ve heard put to record this year.
  18. Well, for what feels like the billionth time, it’s over. Unless someone asks about the album. And she actually says something. But she won’t. I hope early July pre-order is right but honestly it’s so fucking dumb at this point I can hardly care.
  19. I just mean she’s been consistent with her insta recently. She had a row of birthday shit, she had a row of vogue covers, and now by only posting 2 things last weekend she has left her insta unbalanced as far as the visual of it is concerned. The vogues aren’t in line, the birthday posts aren’t in line.
  20. This is valid but I think the circumstances are entirely different. It’s HER birthday, it’s mid-year, which is when the press release said the album was coming, she teased the title track, she still has a missing insta post (I still believe she will finish the row this weekend with SOMETHING, whether that be something dumb like a tour poster or something amazing like an album cover). I know we are grasping at straws here but straws are all we got to hold on to. It we let go we fall into the dark.
  21. You carry the fate of us all, little one. Our hope lies with you.
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