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  1. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in TOMB RAIDER   
    Everyone screaming for Last Revelation and Angel of Darkness and my basic ass excited for Chronicles.
  2. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by ultrablvd in Rose Gray   
    oh rose godray.. the people are waking up 
  3. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by Furor Poeticus in FKA twigs   
    Happy Eusexua week girls and gays 
  4. ultrablvd liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Rose Gray   
    It’s got some solid bops on it for sure. Wet and Wild is so fun. 
  5. shadesofblue liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in US TikTok ban   
    This whole stunt to make Trump more immediately liked is wild 
  6. Escapism liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in US TikTok ban   
    This whole stunt to make Trump more immediately liked is wild 
  7. vicdelrey liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in US TikTok ban   
    This whole stunt to make Trump more immediately liked is wild 
  8. jaesana liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in US TikTok ban   
    This whole stunt to make Trump more immediately liked is wild 
  9. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by jakoblvd in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    if we really think about it: Lana Del Rey is blonde and gone. 
  10. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by Mer in US TikTok ban   
  11. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by jaesana in US TikTok ban   
    His MAGA base is not aligned with anything. They are only aligned with whatever daddy says. If trump said universal healthcare was a human right and advocated for free healthcare they would kiss the ring.
  12. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by 111 in Rose Gray   
    less katy perry stannings and more ROSE SLAY, keep serving taste ultrabanisters!
  13. Bootynugget liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Ethel Cain   
    On one hand I support and will eagerly listen to whatever she does and on the other hand the number of obsessive fans who are excited for her to “lose fans” because of the musics inaccessibility  is really strange and off putting.
  14. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Ethel Cain   
    Don't fall for ragebait.
  15. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by lakeemmahottie in Ethel Cain   
    can we just ignore a bad take when we see one instead of starting these dumb back and forth arguements in this thread...
  16. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by Life in Lady Gaga   
    https://gagamayhem.com/ was registered the same time gagadisease.com was and expires both at the same time. 
  17. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in FKA twigs   
    She went to the Lana Del Rey school of doing the bare minimum and calling it a tour
  18. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by wildflowerwildfire in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    the album isn't even out yet and i'm already over it 
  19. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in American Politics Thread   
    I don’t understand why you’re acting so purposefully dense. If user A is presenting their argument to user B, and user C randomly comes in and insinuates they’re on crack while offering no counter argument, that is breaking the first rule of the guidelines (Posts that are purposefully inflammatory, rude, hateful, insulting, or personal attacks on any person including other members will not be tolerated). I know you know why that wasn’t allowed. Yes, images are absolutely a valid response, but dropping in the middle of a conversation, insinuating a member is on crack because they have a different view point then you, and then leaving, doesn’t contribute anything to the conversation, and just starts another loop of arguments. 
    I think @ultrabanisters said it best though, you can absolutely have free speech, but you aren’t free from the repercussions of said free speech. Especially on a place like Lanabords. we do have rules and guidelines that were agreed to upon registering. 
    the mod team is constantly between a rock and a hard place because we want open discussions, but 6 times out of 10 it gets out of hand, and it results in hurt feelings and out of control arguments.

    Users get mad when people aren’t warned for being inflammatory and then those same users get mad when people are warned for being inflammatory. I think instead of resulting to hateful attacks or generic ‘fuck off’ statements, both sides need to be more level headed, and try to understand each other because both sides make good points
  20. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by baddisease in American Politics Thread   
    Also that minorities deserve rights isn't something I'm willing to debate with anyone. 
    Why in the world are people dying on the hate speech hill?
  21. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by baddisease in American Politics Thread   
    If anyone "disagrees" with trans rights, they can fuck all the way off.
  22. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by cheaptrailertrashglm in American Politics Thread   
    I think we all can agree that these people suck and no one supports them limiting speech either. 
  23. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by jaesana in American Politics Thread   
    None of these billionaires are free speech absolutists. Musk banned “cis” from X and Zuckerberg actively suppressed information about the genocide of Uyghurs in China
    Y’all can keep having this conversation about free speech vs. hate speech but at the end of the day any speech will be censored if it affects these freaks’ profit motives.

    There is a 100% chance Zuck and Musk are secretly celebrating the mass censorship of TikTok. That’s not very free speechy.
    We’re at the mercy of these people. 
  24. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by The Missing Shade of Blue in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    The Right Person Will Stay by Lana Del Rey will be released May 21 2025, conspicuously almost 13 000 days after the release of Belgian techno anthem Pump Up The Jam

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